The Triangle Factory Fire Essay

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The documentary called “The Triangle Factory Fire” has a very strong and emotional theme that speaks to the viewers and the readers of history. It restates that it was a dramatic event that could be prevented but was not, at the same time showing courage and dedication of young women. The documentary starts out by saying that it was a very devastating moment in the history of United States. The fire was a “wake-up call”.

It creates a mark and leaves a scar on history because the event was so horrible. The video very graphically depicts what took place and reminds people that such cases should be avoided in the future at all cost. The link between people who died in the fire and the relatives that talk about the lost ones today, creates a strong effect of the documentary.

It is very said that some women’s names were not known and several relatives are shown as not knowing who it was that dies in the fire, what were their names and what kind of a relative they were. The documentary pays special attention to how important it is to remember the women who gave their lives for the society to see what was going on and how wrong some things were.

They were the victims of the times and views of people and at the same time, they have changed very many things in the present. The video links to the graveyard and how the headstones are starting to fade and it is representative of history and people’s memory being faded and forgotten. The documentary raises some hurtful feelings when it is said that the fire escape door was closed. It is clear that the fire routes and techniques that should have been followed were not.

It is possible to attribute blame to the factory owner but it is said that he has also lost relatives in the fire. In the end, it would be pointless to find who it is to blame for the only purpose of finding consolation, as it would be bring none. The fact that this took place has to be acknowledged and safety procedures must be made such, so that this sort of thing is never repeated.

The video uses people’s testimony, witness and relative’s accounts that were either physically or emotionally close to the events. The fire and the tragedy has a link to immigration, where as women were forced by the environment to work in harsh and detrimental conditions with literary, danger to their lives. The business and money making meant a lot, just as it does today and so, people were known to cut corners on safety and other procedures that were a must in the industrial setting.

The government and the regulation policies have been in a dormant state and everything was working fine. Until such tragedy took place, everyone was voluntarily ignorant in saving a buck. The strengths of the documentary were the respect that was shown to the heroism and selflessness of women who risked their lives to save others.

This is admirable and serves as an example for people today. A weakness was the absence of a deeper analysis of what took place, which specific policies were overfed and laws broken. The regulations and order are crucial in such situations and should be outlined clearly.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 16). The Triangle Factory Fire.

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"The Triangle Factory Fire." IvyPanda, 16 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The Triangle Factory Fire'. 16 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The Triangle Factory Fire." April 16, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "The Triangle Factory Fire." April 16, 2019.


IvyPanda. "The Triangle Factory Fire." April 16, 2019.

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