Analyzing the art created by people from different cultural groups is helpful in understanding and fully appreciating their feelings. They may be divorced from their historical traditions or directly intertwined with them. In this way, unique images are created that can significantly affect human activity. Shirin Neshat is a well-known representative of artistic activity of Iranian origin. Her work centers around essential themes of war, freedom, identity, and the clash of cultures. Thus, by studying the biography of the creator and understanding her vision, one can better understand the meaning that she puts into her work.
Biographical Introduction
Shirin Neshat has left a significant mark on the history of modern art with the way she depicts various concepts using unique symbolic images. The artist was born in Qazvin, Iran, and later left the country (NMWA). This is how her experience of life, values, and vision were formed. Through exile, she was able to begin to perceive things familiar to her society differently. This created her unique creative image for which she is known today. Identity, gender, and the clash of cultures are imperative issues that Neshat seeks to recreate and reinterpret in her work (NMWA). She trained in the United States and then went on a journey where she gained many experiences that helped her later become an essential voice for the Iranian diaspora around the world.
Rebellious Silence Analysis
One of the critical pieces of art that the artist created is Rebellious Silence, which is part of the Women of Allah series, which shows the lack of balance in society. From a formal analysis perspective, this photograph reflects the essence that Neshat was able to capture in female images in the context of Iranian society and culture. The complexity of the relationship with Islamic traditions is one of the key motives that allows the author to create works that are aimed at revealing the essence of cultural traditions (Banyamerian 3). In the work being studied, one can see a veiled woman whose face is completely covered in Persian calligraphy, which is the focal point of the work. In this case, the distinctive feature is that the gun barrel is visible in front of the character’s face. The photographs are taken in shades of black and white, which emphasizes the contrast between the woman’s skin and the dark veil.
Contextual analysis allows for a deeper understanding and study of the artist’s work. Rebellious Silence was created when Iran, the artist’s homeland, faced a complex political and social situation (Banyamerian 4). Since the Islamic Revolution, the country has experienced significant changes in attitudes towards women and their roles and opportunities in society. The artist’s work can be seen as a response to the strict norms and rules that have appeared in the country. Mandatory adherence to the Islamic dress code and other necessary rules led to the suppression of the freedoms of citizens, which, nevertheless, was closely intertwined with religion.
In the composition, the woman in the veil is an image of the spirit of rebellion that could not begin. This work draws a dichotomy between agreeing with the rules and following them and the protest that could occur. Private dissent was impossible in Iranian society, leading to further complex relationships between government, religion, and people (Banyamerian 40). The weapon that is depicted in front of the woman as if she were holding it is an object that divides the image into two parts – submission and rebellion. Thus, this allowed the artist to depict the complex relationships in Iranian society and the attitude of citizens to the rules.
Turbulent Analysis
Turbulent was created to explore themes of identity and gender. This work consists of two separate achromatic parts that reflect the male and female sides. One of the projections shows Neshat, the main character. She is alone in an empty hall, which symbolizes the silence of women and their ignorance in Iranian society. The silent image of a woman represents that no one wants to hear her, and there are no spectators in front of her.
In contrast, the man sings loudly, and his song is listened to by many people in the hall (Johnson 23). The work is done in black and white colors, which emphasizes the semantic emphasis, allowing viewers to abstract from everything else. Thus, Neshat demonstrated how serious the problem of ignoring women’s voices in Iran and worldwide is.
In a contextual analysis of Turbulent, it must be noted that this work reflects an Iranian society that does not give sufficient rights to women to express their voices. This is the reason why Neshat does not say words when he performs, and the man sings loudly (Johnson 23). The limitation of women in taking part in Iranian public life is a significant aspect that Neshat demonstrates in this work. At the same time, the title of the work hints at the fact that women do not want to put up with this state of affairs, and there is a struggle going on inside them that they cannot win.
Demonstrating feelings and worldview through art is critical to Shirin Neshat’s creativity. She manages to combine images that evoke understanding and sympathy for people from another culture. This makes the artist one of the voices that fight against inequality and injustice through the representation of the problem. The position of women in Iran is reflected in the two considered creations, Rebellious Silence and Turbulent, which are similar to those that show the hidden inner struggle.
Works Cited
Banyamerian, Zahra. “Women of Allah” and “The Book of Kings:” Shirin Neshat’s Narratives of Returning Home.” (2021). Web.
Johnson, Olivia K. Recoding the Archive: Memory and Identity in the Photographic and Filmic Works of Shirin Neshat, Shoja Azari, and Alia Ali. Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2020.
National Museum of Women in the Arts. Shirin Neshat. n. d. Web.