Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy Report

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It is necessary to note that the role of influence and networking has been increasing over the years, and the techniques used are much more advanced than they used to be in the past. It is important to be aware of which approaches should be used in particular situations, and prompt decisions are also valuable. Understanding of these concepts is crucial because the knowledge can be used to analyze situations related to diplomacy and can be applied in the workplace.


The first principle suggests that it is imperative to establish long-term relationships to have an influence on the decisions that individuals and organizations make. The approach is appropriate because a well-developed network of partners could be useful in case of emergency. However, it is important to select trustworthy individuals and organizations and be careful when disclosing vital information. The second principle is focused on the establishment of coalitions. It is hard to argue with the importance of this concept because it can be seen from history that groups of people and organizations are much more influential, and the decisions that they make may have an enormous impact on many regions all over the world.

Relationships between the countries are paramount because such coalitions could address global issues that may affect the economy. According to the third principle of networking, it may be reasonable to consider collaboration with competitors. This concept is rather intriguing because it is not an easy task to predict the consequences of such actions and many companies would be hesitant when signing agreements. It is necessary to ensure that such relationships are beneficial to both sides to avoid conflicts and disagreements.

The fourth principle suggests that it is important to assess the situation in the region and possible consequences of decisions associated with diplomacy. All of the pros and cons should be evaluated because it could damage the relationships and an ability to influence partners. Differences between the cultures and traditions also should be taken into account during negotiations. The impact of influence on public relations (PR), diplomacy, and marketing should not be overlooked according to the fifth principle. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of this ability to gain a competitive advantage because other companies may be able to influence policies and gain a favorable position in the market. Furthermore, it should be one of the central aspects that affect the business strategy.

The last principle is one of the most important and needs to be discussed. It is suggested that it is necessary to devote attention to proactive activities because the ability to influence others may be reduced if an individual or a company is passive. A reactive approach is not appropriate in such situations because it leads to a broad range of issues and complications. Also, goals and objectives must be well-defined. It will be much easier to keep track of the progress if they are aligned with the overall strategy.


In summary, it is possible to state that the understanding of these six principles is crucial to a professional in this area. He or she must be able to analyze the situation, apply the concepts, and come up with a best possible solution. Most of the aspects of protocol and diplomacy are addressed, but one should not disregard the fact that other internal and external factors are also critical. Overall, it is suggested that it is beneficial to be proactive and focus on the development of relationships and coalitions.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 25). Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy.

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"Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy." IvyPanda, 25 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy'. 25 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy." August 25, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy." August 25, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Theories and Fundamentals of Protocol and Diplomacy." August 25, 2020.

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