Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave Essay

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Scientists will never seize to carry out their diverse research and experiments that have changed many ideologies of life. Thanks to their undying efforts because today it is possible to confirm the biological identity of a child through DNA tests. In other words, one can test whether a child belongs to him or her through a DNA test. Owing to this fact, the article E-Reserves is about DNA tests that were taken to prove the identity of a slave’s child. Jefferson a former Ambassador to France had fathered his slave’s child. The story continues as Jefferson denies having any relationship with his slave. Following this accusation, DNA tests were carried out to verify the allegations. Essentially, there was the need for Jefferson to clear his name which was at stake bearing the fact that he had a role in the anti-slavery movement. The objective of this paper is to discuss the findings of the article provided in light of Jefferson’s views as shown in his original version of the Declaration. About this, the paper discusses how Jefferson was a hypocrite regarding his affair with Sally.

DNA Tests

Jefferson was a widower who got himself into a relationship with his slave Sally Hemings who was also a sister to his late wife (Dinitia and Wade 1). This started when Sally went to stay with Jefferson because she was taking care of his daughter Maria. By that time Jefferson was an ambassador to France when he had summoned his daughter to live with him. According to Madison, Sally’s son, her mother was Jefferson’s concubine who gave birth to at least one of the ambassador’s children. Sally also claimed that she had a relationship with her master although Jefferson denied all those accusations (Dinitia and Wade 3).

Initially, tests proved that there was no connection between Sally’s children and Jefferson. This however changed when other tests confirm that indeed there was a relationship between Sally and Jefferson. Sally had several children although two of his sons namely Thomas Woodson and Eston Hemings were suspected to be Jefferson’s sons. Tests were therefore carried out to confirm whether there was any relationship between the descendants of Jefferson and his slave Sally. DNA tests showed that the Y chromosomes of Eston Hemings were similar to those of Jefferson. Thus, the tests proved that indeed Jefferson fathered Hemings. On the other hand, the chromosome test differed from that Of Jefferson which means he was not his son. The results were enough evidence to prove that Jefferson had an affair with his slave Sally. This is the hypocrisy of the highest order because Jefferson was preaching water but drinking whine himself. Jefferson was a person who talked about ending slavery which he feared could lead to racial mixing. Jefferson’s actions were different from what he said. This was also justified by Dr. Ellis who said, “He plays hide and seek within himself.” Dr. Ellis further says, “The urge to regard him as an American icon will overwhelm any desire to take him off his pedal” (Dinitia and Wade 4).


Logically, Jefferson could not continue with his lies since there was firm evidence that he had an affair with his slave. Probably he thought he would get away with it although the DNA tests did not hesitate to unmask him. If it was during the olden days when there was no DNA, then most likely he would have succeeded with his hypocrisy. Ideally, there was no need of speaking against slavery which would lead to amalgamation yet he went ahead and did the opposite (Smith and Wade 4).

Works Cited

Dinitia, Smith and Wade, Nicholas. DNA Test Finds Evidence of Jefferson Child by Slave. Nov.1998.The New York Times: NY. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 15). Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave.

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"Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave." IvyPanda, 15 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave'. 15 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave." December 15, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave." December 15, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Thomas Jefferson, a Hypocrite With a Child by Slave." December 15, 2021.

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