The learning environment provides a variety of challenges that must be effectively navigated for success. Students are often plagued with a variety of challenges that may negatively impact their ability to achieve desirable results. It is important to realize that the learning environment is often challenging and may require the application and development of specific skills and competencies in order to experience success. The ability to manage time and set SMART goals to think critically, read and make notes are essential for success in higher learning.
Managing Time and Priorities
A society’s conception of time determines its behavior with regard to the planning and organization of activities. The effective use of time is essential in education because effective management of the resource promotes autonomy and facilitates the development of critical skills (Alvarez Sainz et al., 2019). The diversity of tasks students must complete while at school necessitates effective planning, given that it is important to strike a balance between academics and other activities. According to Alvarez Sainz et al. (2019), higher learning prepares individuals to engage with the challenges of the working world. I incorporated time management into my semester by prioritizing specific activities that enhance productivity. In essence, I worked on developing a set of learnable habits and behaviors that can be refined through increased knowledge, deliberate practice, and training.
A specific set of skills is required to effectively manage time. In future semesters, I intend to understand how time is allocated to specific activities. This will be accomplished by creating a log to track all activities to determine the number that can feasibly be accomplished in a given period and prioritize those that yield the highest results. The aforementioned audit will highlight the most productive periods as well as events that result in wastage. The second step involves the creation of a schedule that prioritizes key activities that must be accomplished within a specified period. It is important to group similar tasks in a single category and avoids the urge to multitask as a way of boosting efficiency. The aforementioned activities will ensure that time is effectively managed in future semesters.
The creation of a strategy to map out specific activities is essential for success in education. There are specific metrics that apply when setting goals intended to facilitate the achievement of specific objectives. The goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (Giol, 2018). I incorporated the SMART technique this semester by targeting and summarizing all available informational in order to establish a work period, ascertain the sufficiency of resources and provide clear instruction.
A goal’s specificity is determined by its clarity and ease of understanding. It is worth noting that measurability is defined as the existence of a set of markers that explicate the extent to which a specified goal is achieved. A goal is deemed achievable if it takes the availability of resources such as materials, intellect, and time into account. An objective’s relevance depends on its appropriateness with regard to the task at hand. Finally, a goal’s time-bound nature refers to its commitment to time.
The application of SMART goals is essential in the higher education context. In future semesters, I intend to strive for the best possible grades while at school. This will be achieved by setting a goal for each class. The process will involve the assessment of the subject matter, the level of the class, and the significance of the subject to the degree program. It is also important to plan for study and homework assignments for each subject. The determination of the desired level of competency at specific points during the semester is essential. It is vital to note that in all the aforementioned areas, the set goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
Types of Thinking
Psychology has, over time, facilitated the demystification of human thought. The process of thinking is defined as the means through which human beings reflect reality at the highest level of knowledge (Smolova, 2019). It is inextricably linked to mental functions such as memory, perception, speech, and imagination. There are a variety of forms of thought, such as mythological thinking, which Smolova (2019) defines as thoughts regarding humanity’s place in the world and the origin of all existence. The second type is totemic thinking, which refers to the substitution of one’s views with those of an authority figure (Smolova, 2019). Other forms of thought include formal, associative, figurative, and abstract thinking. I incorporated various types of thinking this semester by prioritizing the conceptualization of ideas, the understanding of phenomena, and the development of solutions.
The application of the various types of thinking is essential in the academic context. In future semesters, I will strive to always remember the basic questions that underlie the quest to find a solution to a complex problem. This will require the application of abstract, formal, or figurative thinking, depending on the nature of the problem. It is also vital to question basic assumptions and maintain an awareness of all mental processes. The application of various forms of thinking, depending on the context, will guarantee success in future semesters.
Reading and Note-taking
Note-taking and reading are frequently applied skills in most levels of education. Note-taking is defined as the process of “shortening important information” using written symbols for later use (Hüseyin, 2019, p. 580). It is vital to choose important elements when taking notes. The aforementioned skills provide numerous benefits to learners. I applied these skills this semester to internalize specific concepts during and after lessons. In addition, they allowed me to save time because I did not require to read entire books to grasp specific concepts. The ability to internalize and make sense of lessons is tied to an individual’s ability to read and take accurate notes.
The capacity to read and take useful notes is essential in higher education. I will master these skills and apply them in future semesters by attempting to make notes directly from memory. In addition, I will mark specific texts and create graphic organizers that facilitate the visualization of various concepts and ideas. Finally, I will prioritize the use of my own words rather than duplicate the sentences from the text.
Academic success is inextricably linked to a student’s capacity to manage time, set SMART goals, think critically, read and make notes. It is important to work on developing the aforementioned competencies in order to deal with the challenges that characterize higher education. The achievement of set objectives and the successful transition to the work environment depend on a student’s mastery of the highlighted essentials of learning.
Alvarez Sainz, M., Ferrero, A. M., & Ugidos, A. (2019). Time management: Skills to learn and put into practice.Education and Training, 61(5), 635–648. Web.
Giol, E. (2018). SMART goals in artistic management. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov-Special Issue Series VIII: Performing Arts, 11(60), 103–108. Web.
Hüseyin, Ö. (2019). Impact of note-taking during reading and during listening on comprehension. Educational Research and Reviews, 14(16), 580–589. Web.
Smolova, L. V. (2019). Types of thinking and their value for ecological education.Psychology, Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 16(1), 50–66. Web.