🏆 Best Achilles Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Achilles and Agamemnon’s Conflict and Its ReasonsThe conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon is one of the major plotlines in the Iliad. However, Achilles was blinded by the revenge and refused to fight for the Achaeans.
- Hector’ and Achilles Clash in The Iliad by HomerAs the poem begins, Achilles is not ready to take orders from Agamemnon, the king of the Greeks, and he is agitated at losing argument to the king.
- Achilles as a Human Hero From the Poem “The Iliad”One of the qualities that distinguish Achilles from the heroes and make him a human is his quick temper and touchiness.
- Remembering Humanity: Priam and Achilles at the End of “The Iliad”Priam reminds Achilles that he is still a human, and Achilles urges the Trojan king not to give up under the misfortunes of war because that is also a part of human nature.
- The Heroic Contrasts of Achilles and Hector in The Iliad: Glory, Duty, and FallibilityAchilles and Hector are two of the most renowned heroes in the Iliad, and their principles exemplify the Greek heroic ethic.
- Achilles’ Traits and Greeks’ Perception of HeroismThe character traits of Achilles reveal how the Greeks view heroism and outline their values such as fearlessness and fame. The Greeks acknowledged their desire for fame and honor, just like Achilles, who the Myrmidons […]
- Tragic Hero: Achilles and OkonkwoDefinitely, the main character Okonkwo’s consciousness and his endeavor to grasp and comprehend the necessity of change have driven the plot of the novel.
- Achilles’ Moral Ambiguity in “The Iliad” by HomerAchilles begs his mother to approach Zeus and request that the deity punish the Greeks unless they accord him the respect he merits. Achilles then urged the remainder of the Greeks to leave Troy and […]
- The Relief With Achilles, Thetis, and WorshippersThe piece of art under consideration is very traditional in its accomplishment: the medium of this relief is usual for Greek sculptures, and it is marble, and the theme of mythology and mythological heroes is […]
- Achilles, Odysseus and Aeneas ComparisonMuch ado in the Illiad tells of the dishonor he suffered from Agamemnon, his decision to quit the field because of it, and the futile efforts of the Greeks to appease him and draw him […]
- The Grief Role in Achilles’ Name, Character and ActionsIn spite of the fact that there are debates on the etymological character of Achilles’ name, the role of the hero’s name is significant to predict his fate and behavior because the hero’s grief associated […]
- Reality of Achilles in “The Iliad”The character of Achilles is real as it is presented in the poem although most of the powers that are portrayed through this character are mere fantasies.
- Achilles ArmourAchilles’s armor is considered as one of the best and the most powerful, that is why it is not a surprise that Ajax and Odysseus wanted to have it after Achilles’s death.
- Achilles Is One of the Major Characters in “The Iliad”In the texts of the Iliad Achilles is depicted as a great warrior possessing all the marks of a grand fighter by proving his might it the Achaean army. Patroclus death puts Achilles in a […]
- Achilles as a Classical HeroIn the Greek history, a story is told of a man, Achilles, who possessed characteristics that the Greek culture reserved to heroes.
👍 Interesting Topics to Write about Achilles
- Characterization of Achilles From The Illiad and Aeneas From Aenied
- The Concept of Fate Versus Free Will as the Reason Why They Fight in the Stories of Achilles and Ulysses
- The Difference in Characters of Achilles and Agamemnon
- Regnault’s Automedon with the Horses of Achilles
- The Hero’s Journey of Achilles and Odysseus
- The Focus on the Rage of Achilles in the Story of Homer’s Iliad
- Most Important Character in the Iliad Besides Hector and Achilles
- The Description of Achilles as a Hero of the Great Trojan War
- The Childishness and Emotionality of Agamemnon and the Logic and Control of Achilles in The Iliad, an Ancient Greek Epic Poem by Homer
- The Reconciliation Between Agamemnon and Achilles Essay
- The Conflict Between Agamemnon and Achilles in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Loss Of Honor In The Iliad, Achilles And Hector
- The Biblical Figure Of Job And Greek Hero Achilles
- The Description of Achilles as a Greek Mythological Hero
- The Impact of the Shield of Achilles on IIiad in the Story The Shield of Achilles
- The Incidents and Events That Provoked Anger in Achilles
- The Role of the Shield of Achilles in The Illiad
- Striking Similarities of Creon and Achilles
- The Moral Superiority of Achilles Over Agamemnon in Homer’s Iliad
- The Relationship of Thetis and Achilles in “The Iliad”
- The Relationship Between Achilles and Patroclus in Iliad, a Poem by Homer
- The Myth Of Achilles And The Trojan War
🎓 Good Essay Topics on Achilles
- An Analysis of the Conflict of Agamemnon and Achilles in the Epic Iliad by Homer
- The Quarrel of Agamemnon and Achilles
- The Portrayal of Heroism by the Green Knight, Beowulf, and Achilles
- The Usefulness and Futility of War in The Shield of Achilles, a Poem by W.H. Auden
- A Literary Analysis of the Shield of Achilles: War, Law and the Course of the History by Philip Bobbitt
- The Changes in the Personality of Achilles
- Sympathetic Character Achilles Hector Agamemnon
- The Symbols of the Shields of Achilles and Aeneas in The Illiad by Homer and Aeneid by Virgil
- The Heroic Characteristics of Achilles and Odysseus
- The Heroism of Hector and Achilles in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Metamorphosis of Achilles in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Act of Sacrifice from Achilles and Gilgamesh Essay
- The Ultimate Goals of Achilles
- Monetary Sovereignty as Globalization’s Achilles’ Heel
- Similarities And Differences Between Beowulf And Achilles
- The Rage and Love of Achilles in The Iliad, a Poem by Homer
- The Tragic Heroes Of Beowulf, Achilles, Hector, And Hamlet
- The Sympathetic Character of Achilles in The Iliad, an Ancient Greek Epic Poem by Homer
- The Iliad of Homer: The Reconciliation of Achilles and Agamemnon
- The Epic Education of Achilles in Homer’s The Iliad
- The Iliad of Homer and a Greek Warrior’s Characteristics Considered in Hector and Achilles
- Heroism in the Ancient World: Gilgamesh and Achilles