The thesis statement for this study is: “online learning has positive impact on the learners, teachers and the institution offering these courses” Online learning or E learning is a term used to describe various learning […]
This knowledge and skill one gains from online help the person to intermingle with others in a better way, progress their profession, or develop their business successfully.
On the other hand, in online learning, the students partake learning individually, and in some cases, students doing the same course in the same college do not even get to know each other.
The distance learners have been perceived to be enjoying a suitable environment of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom learners who experience high levels of stress.
On the one hand, modernization of education allows it to expand the usual boundaries of transmitting and receiving information in the educational process while retaining all the integral components.
The argument stems from the quality of the education that can be received via the internet and what the drawbacks are once there is no physical contact between students and the professors.
The goal of online education is to enhance the knowledge of people who want to pursue a particular career for a fee that is lesser when compared to offline studies in Universities.
The online assessment methods should consider the ethical issues arising from the learning process. The assessment methods should be able to prevent all forms of dishonesty during the learning process.
Definitions of distance education are varied and diverse, but the main concept of distance learning can be summarized from the situation wherein the student and the educator are separated by distance and time and the […]
The article identifies the impact of self-directed learning on traditional and non-traditional learners undertaking online lessons and how it can be facilitated.
In this article, the pros and cons of both conventional and online education will be examined from the perspectives of COVID-19, students’ mental health, and their professional and personal growth. How students and teachers approach […]
The proposed project provides a self-paced online learning platform with training in specialized industry-related skills, career advancement, and leadership development to address the shortage of essential abilities and behaviors in employees.
By analyzing the various roles that families play in virtual learning, the authors demonstrate that family involvement and support are critical to the success of their children The authors begin by discussing the impact of […]
All three articles cover the topic of distance learning in the context of the coronavirus and everyday practice. Speaking of the advantages of distance learning, the author suggests that remote learning may not be ideal […]
The radical transition from the traditional system of obtaining knowledge to virtual education actualizes research related to the analysis of the specifics and dysfunctions of distance learning.
This has led to the need to design an online learning platform suitable for interactive and critical learning experiences by the tutors and their learners.
While the solution allowed students to access information and continue their studies, there was apprehension in regard to the efficacy of online learning and the outcomes such shifts have on students’ academic performances.
Considering that the goal of the research was to analyze the results and implications of a practical approach to the forest management course engagement and e-learning development, most information was derived from the expert team […]
The argument of the supporters of the first perspective is based on the fact that online education reduces the ability of students to concentrate and deteriorates overall motivation.
Therefore, decision-makers must grapple with the problem of distant learning planning, as institutions are caught between the desire to serve students online and the requirement to maintain traditional student services.
The study explores the experiences of in-service music teachers in distance learning. This paper examines the motivations of in-service teachers in distance learning.
However, it is not easy to tell what the website is promoting just by the look of the homepage and thus, visitors with less time might not be interested to click to the sub-sections and […]
Generally, distance education can be evaluated as a binary prospect: on one hand, it presents a row of advantages for the people who are busy with their work and family duties, and on the other […]
For the quality learning process, e-learning has been developed to use different approaches to ease the process of learning. E-learning is a novel idea in most of the Arab world and it has come with […]
There are different variations in the process of learning on the basis of the types of combination and integration with the other technologies used for the teaching and learning process.
As opposed to the behaviorist view of learning which gives more importance to the imitation aspects of the learner in the learning process, this constructivist theory gives greater room for the active interaction of the […]
Despite the expected benefits and improvements in nursing education due to the use of virtual learning environments, this practice may create a number of challenges for students and teachers.
I was able to concentrate on various subjects, complete assignments, and liaise with different instructors throughout the learning process. The approach made the learning process desirable and capable of supporting my aims.
The preparedness of the school is also critical towards the success of this innovative technology. The school should also examine the benefits and bottlenecks of the new technology.
I wish to submit to you that the need for extra input in terms of study has caused many parents to enroll their children in online study classes to supplement the knowledge they get from […]
In this way, the students will not only argue the purposes and significance of the course to their life, but also create an interactive session among the students and their instructor. As the instructor, I […]
The study with the use of a case-based learning system undertaken by Cifuentes, Mercer, Alverez, and Bettati in 2010 demonstrated that students could remotely participate in the learning process without the need to be physically […]
With the advent of the internet, online courses have sprouted resulting in the debate on the two options, traditional class setting, and the online class.
The learning communities enable the instructors and the students to volunteer their questions. The virtual learning communities enable online degree programs to give students autonomy over the learning process.
On the other hand, computer-based learning can be understood as a learning environment in which computers are used to mediate between learners and content without necessarily being online.
The problem is that the number of enrolments in the online form of education is augmenting, even as the knowledge regarding the factors that influence the effectiveness of distance education continues to be scarce.
Tutors often face the challenge of effective delivery of lessons in the classroom given the diverse categories of students. Learning objects basically refer to blocks of content that can be interlinked to produce a course.
The findings of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of external variables related to online learning environments in predicting the ability of users to adopt online learning community.
Reviewing is done from the student side where a person analyzes the content and readability of the information contained in the online learning program.
Thus, in this paper, the tone will refer to the tone the instructor implies in the text material and the tone of conversations between the instructors and the students.
The problem is that this capitalization can be perceived as sign of rudeness, and it can make reluctant to take part in the discussion. Provided that a teacher can promote the involvement of students, they […]
The speed of information transfer at any time and anywhere through the internet makes online learning relatively cheap compared to the traditional education system.
The two-way communication systems as well as the need to interact ‘physically’ between and among the participants are what propelled the adoption of this mode of learning.
Another problem that arises as a result of distance learning is the lack of face to face or one on one contact between teachers or instructors and their students.
The advantage of online courses for full or part-time employed individuals is that you can plan how you take your courses. Online classes also introduce students to a variety of web-based tools and techniques that […]
Combining the two concepts then, we can define e-learning “as a learning environment that exists solely in the form of digital content that is stored, accessed and exchanged through networked computer and information systems” The […]
The accessibility of the distance learning courses mainly depend on the awareness of the instructor to the accessibility issues and how the instructor can best handle the course with consideration of accessibility.
Institutions of learning have introduced online learning through improvement of infrastructure, incorporation of new technologies in learning, recruitment of professionals who are conversant with new technologies, and revision of curriculums in order to accommodate new […]
To contribute to creating and stimulating student engagement in online learning environments, it is important to focus on such factors as the increase of students’ motivation, focus on independent and inquiry-based learning, the active role […]
This paper will argue that online learning is a superior form of education since it helps students and learning institutes to overcome limitations imposed by the traditional learning environment.
The main idea of the discussion is to consider online learning from the perspective of administrative progressivism with identifying the advantages and disadvantages of using the mentioned approach along with the chosen method of study.
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Distance Education Practice: Methods and Benefits
Rural Versus Urban Students – Differences in Accessing and Financing
✅ Simple & Easy Distance Education Essay Titles
Academic Success Factors: Distance Education Versus Traditional
Online Education Versus Distance Education Versus Face-To-Face Learning
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education
Theoretical Framework for Distance Education
Measuring Perseverance and Passion in Distance Education Students: Psychometric Properties of the Grit Questionnaire and Associations With Academic Performance
Distance Education and Its Impact on the World
Face-To-Face and Distance Education Modalities in the Training of Healthcare Professional
Distance Education Has Changed the World: Evolution of Online Learning
Old Apprehensions, New Anxieties: A Study of Student ‘Psychological Cost’ in Traditional and Distance Education
Distance Education Issue and Its Significance
The Missing Borders: Pedagogical Reflections From Distance Education
Distance Education and Telecommunications Technologies
Time Management for Distance Education
How Distance Education Can Help Poorer and Developing Countries
College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits
The Necessity for Distance Education and E-Learning
Distance Education for Students With Disabilities
Pros and Cons of Online Distance Education vs. Traditional Education
Distance Education and the Isolation of Rural Schools
Finding Determinants Affecting Distance Education Effectiveness in Terms of Learner Satisfaction and Application Achievement