129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Race and Ethnicity & Examples

  1. Ethnicity Essay: Cultural Background in the Daily Lives of Children and Young People
    The idea of a child according to Montgomery and Kellett refers to a representation of a whole category of young people that are identified by their age and intellectual development and also their social maturity […]
  2. Race and Ethnicity
    It is possible to believe that since the concept of race was a social description of genetic and biological differences then the biologists would agree with these assertions.
  3. Identity and Ethnicity in “The House on Mango Street” by Cisneros
    The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a novel telling the story of Esperanza, a young Latina who moves to Chicago and grows up in a community of Puerto Ricans and Chicanos.
  4. What Is Ethnicity and Does It Matter?
    In her study What is ethnicity and does it matter, Kachan Chandra attempts at defining the phenomenon, and she does so very successfully by introducing the religious influence onto the process of ethnicity shaping into […]
  5. Literary Techniques of Screenwriting and Ethnicity’s Role in Screenwriting
    Through their chosen theme, the screenwriter conveys the main idea of the script to the audience, raising a number of questions of concern to it and answering its interests.
  6. Race and Ethnicity Differences and Impacts
    The first blood law was in the year 1705 and was known as the one-eighth rule where one was considered black if one of their great grandparents was entirely of African decency.
  7. Race and Ethnicity in Three Pop Culture Artifacts
    The present paper offers an overview of the problem of race and ethnicity as reflected in three pop culture artifacts: a song Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey, the movie In the Heat of […]
  8. The Issues of Ethnicity in Education
    To draw a conclusion, one may say that there is no doubt about the presence of ethnic differences and problems in education.
  9. Analysis of “Gramsci’s Relevance to the Study of Race and Ethnicity” by Stuart Hall
    Stuart is of the opinion that Gramsci did not provide adequate theoretical foundations towards the analysis of social phenomena in the context of equity.
  10. Children Economic Well-Being and Ethnicity Correlation
    Because of this division, the differences and trends in the number of children belonging to families below the poverty line are most evident. In addition, a summary of ethnicity information at the federal and state […]
  11. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity
    The differential outline regards the legal and illegal aspects of immigration to the U.S. Bacon utilizes the Sylva Sylvarum context to establish the importance of sustainable practice on economic, sociocultural, and political growth and development.
  12. The Issue of Ethnicity in the Labor Market
    In this situation, the perceptions and expectations of employers and the public are the results of growing misunderstandings about Asian Americans in the US.
  13. Ancient Egyptians’ Origins and Ethnicity
    For the longest time in the period from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, the Caucasian theory of the origin of the ancient Egyptians dominated.
  14. Race and Ethnicity in the Context of Stratification
    However, the race has often been used as a factor of discrimination and social stratification. The reason for such conflicts is numerous myths about social stratification regarding race that persist in some parts of the […]
  15. Pain and Ethnicity in Nursing Practice
    Therefore, gaining an understanding of the differences in the transference and response to pain is essential for nurses to provide the most effective care and treatment.
  16. Food Purchase Behaviors in Australia: Impact of Marketing and Ethnicity
    As such, this paper aims to review the influence of marketing and ethnicity on food purchase behaviors in Australia to identify the possibility for positive change. To conclude, the paper has described the social influences […]
  17. How the Concept of Ethnicity Has Changed
    As mentioned earlier, Asians were featured with Pacific Islanders in Directive 15 and then were included in the census of 1980.
  18. Race and Ethnicity: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives
    It was precisely based on racial strife that the countries waged wars all the time and sought to subjugate the peoples, showing the ambitions of hegemons. The boundaries of an ethnic group, unlike a race, […]
  19. Review of Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends in Persons Who Died From COVID-19
    Categories display along the horizontal axis, and the height of the bar equates to the score of each class. The graph concludes that from May to August, the proportion of White decedents declined from 56.
  20. Race and Ethnicity in Social Work
    Differences in customs, beliefs, language of communication, and cultural values among the various immigrant races and ethnicities affected how we delivered our social aid. We had to overcome the ethnic and racial barriers that would […]
  21. Social Causes of Suicide: Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Age Group, and Mechanism of Death
    Suicide is one of the top ten main causes of death in the United States, making it a major issue. The suicide rate in the West is higher than in the South, Midwest, and Northeast.
  22. Pop Culture and Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Morality, and Gender
    On the other hand, there is a historically, politically, and economically determined point of intersection between parts of the feminist movement and the conservative media.
  23. Waves of Immigration: Recognizing Race and Ethnicity
    In 1965, Congress overturned the discriminatory immigration quota system and passed legislation based on the principles of family reunification and the attraction of a highly-skilled workforce to the United States.
  24. Photo Analysis: Explaining One’s Ethnicity or Racial Affiliation
    I believe my husband wears dreadlocks to remain in line with his ethnic roots and maintain a spiritual connection to his ancestors. According to my husband, his dreadlocks could symbolize the willingness to live in […]
  25. Race and Ethnicity in the United States
    While these concepts depict a correlation between minority groups and the poignant salient aspect of racial conflicts, the penal code is at the forefront of the disproportionate promotion of inequalities in crime prevention.
  26. The Issue of Discrimination Within American Ethnicity by Aguirre and Turner
    The white ethnics managed to blend with the overall population and advance the educational and occupational aspects by adhering to culture, speech, value, and other features of the Anglo-Saxon core.
  27. Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Programming
    Paul, Jane & Elizabeth described the race as a social categorization based on phenotype and a social factor that is capable of influencing health and utilization of healthcare.
  28. Asian Americans and Latino Families: Race and Ethnicity
    Diversity also brought out in “Fresh off the Boat” through comparison of Asian-American family values and Caucasian-American ones.
  29. Race and Ethnicity Impact on US Municipality Politics
    The politicians who were opportunists, referred to as the machines, aided the assimilation of the immigrants and helped them have a sense of belonging in the new areas of residence.
  30. Bias and Adverse Perceptions of African-American Ethnicity
    The premise of addressing the inequality and treatment disparities that the African-Americans face is the United States Constitution that guarantees equal rights to all. The purpose is to examine the attitudes of faculty members towards […]
  31. Ethnicity and Identity Across the Atlantic
    Nowadays, the African elite often utilize the concept of tribalism to maintain their superiority and exploit their tribesmen; thus, the history of tribes has to be thoroughly researched to avoid the exploitation of power.
  32. Africana Ethnicity Studies
    In addition, it illustrates the experiences of black people and their effect in the society. The African need for importance and recognition led to the formation of the black history month, which is still celebrated […]
  33. Immigration in Canada and Ethnicity: New Perspectives
    Such a reality will continue to influence and affect the life outcomes of the greatest number of Canadian citizens with diverse backgrounds in the future.
  34. Race and Ethnicity in Head Coaching Positions
    Firstly, the extent of the underrepresentation of racial diversity in American sports is one of the most predominant reasons for the industry to seek more African-American coaches.
  35. Ethnicity and Religion as Sources of Conflict
    Race and ethnicity can also lead to internal conflict in a country. In conclusion, race and religion can easily lead to internal conflict in a country.

👍 Good Race and Ethnicity Research Topics

  1. The Issue of Race and Ethnicity in Canada
    Canada is one of the countries that accommodate the highest number of immigrants in the world. This has led to the entry of immigrants into the country who possess the work skills that are needed.
  2. The Future of Race and Ethnicity in the United States
    It begins with a change in attitude towards the minority and teaching the Americans to accept and appreciate others regardless of their racial backgrounds.
  3. Racism and Ethnicity in Latin America
    The problem of the relationship between races, the interaction of different nations in a complicated multicultural and multiracial society has always attracted the attention of scientists and ordinary people.
  4. Race and Ethnicity: Capitalism, Law, and Biology
    Stemming from the bigoted perspective that the colonialist thinking provided, legal regulations and biological theories have aggravated the quality of relationships between members of different racial and ethnic groups, creating the scenario in which the […]
  5. Student Engagement: Gender, Race, Ethnicity Factors
    On the one hand, the lack of student engagement among the specific student population may increase the level of self-esteem and pride among other groups of students.
  6. Ethnicity Studies: Race in American Society
    The editor attempts to inject the element of Christianity in addressing the ill effects of racism. The presence of several cultures and the dominance of just a few of these cultures culminated in the practice […]
  7. Ethnicity and Nationalism
    In the chapter, the author lists a number of different approaches to studying the position of women in society. This is a very interesting application and extension of the ideas expressed in Peggy Macintosh’s article […]
  8. The Cult of Ethnicity: Good and Bad
    Now, by reading the article “The Cult of Ethnicity, Good and Bad” we are asked to maintain the same open-mindedness as the article begins to highlight the struggles of ethnic groups within our borders and […]
  9. Ethnicity in Guillermo Gómez-Peña’s Performances
    Although still prevalent in many cities and states, the growing century will experience decrease in ethnicity due to increased enculturation and diffusion of art across borders.
  10. Ethnicity Studies: Hindi Culture and Issues in the US
    Women are supposed to submit to their husbands and to play the role of a mother, house wife and caregiver. Congenital malformations and genetic disorders are known to cause a significant high number of deaths […]
  11. Race, Ethnicity and Crime in America
    In the view of recent events, crime cannot be considered as a violation of laws that leads to the penalties of those who committed the crime.
  12. The Use of the White Racial Identity Model Developed by Janet Helms for Analyzing a Person’s Attitudes Towards Race and Ethnicity
    Overall, this person does not take into account that despite the initial poverty of his parents, they were better positioned in society due to the education that they previously obtained.
  13. Differential Treatment: Race and Ethnicity Role in Courts
    The justice system ought to be fair to all the people in the society to ensure that all the accused are treated the same in courts.
  14. A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
    On reaching the new land however, most of them weakened from the inhospitable cities and climate in America in addition to the back-breaking labor most of them had to undertake in order to survive.
  15. Media and Negative Ethnicity in Baseball
    The stakeholders in the game of baseball have made concerted effort to promote integration of major league baseball in the United States.
  16. Ethnicity Significance in the Post-World War Conflicts
    The failure to recognize the impact of the ethnic conflict phenomenon is the main reason for the slow response of the Western World in general and the United Nations, in particular to the Rwandan and […]
  17. Managing Diversity: Gender, Ethnicity and Origin
    Gender diversity is a common form of diversity in different groups of people. Inclusion can be defined as the way of accepting and making people feel comfortable in an institution, organization or a group of […]
  18. Race and Ethnicity Representation in Art and Films
    This is one of the strategies that film-makers can adopt in order to change public opinion about the notions of race and ethnicity.
  19. Problems in Defining Ethnicity
    The author will rely on the writings of Chandra to illustrate the points of departure from a common definition of ethnicity.
  20. Race Ethnicity and Gender in the American Education
    It also discusses with reasons whether educators in the American schools should be held to a higher standard of responsibility in terms of addressing issues of race and racism in relation to a professional in […]
  21. Race and Ethnicity in Cartoons
    Both the ethnical minorities’ and the “white” children’s perceptions of the world around and the social roles it offers are influenced by cartoons.
  22. Race and Ethnicity in Children’s Cartoons
    To find out what kind of influences and ideas the mass media may create on the minds of adolescents and children, I have viewed several cartoons made in different countries, but aired in English and […]
  23. Race, Ethnicity, Family and Religion
    Religion on the other hand, is important as it forms the basis of ideologies that a given people would ascribe to family. This occurrence shows how religion is dear and important to the lives of […]
  24. Relate Gender, Ethnicity and Identity
    The aspect of identity, gender, and ethnicity are closely related, and it can be difficult to draw a separation between the concepts.
  25. How do Religion, Culture and Ethnicity Affect the Success or Failure of a Global Enterprise in China?
    Globalisation is said to be synonymous with the economic development and success of a nation, and this is evident in China where various aspects of globalisation have continued to play a significant role in transforming […]
  26. Analysis of Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Immigration History
    The concept of race and ethnicity is closely interwoven with the immigration history of the United States and, therefore, the concepts provide essential issues for discussion.
  27. Racism and Ethnicity in United States
    Indeed, most of the people living in the country can trace their origins from the various races of the world. The entrance of new races into the country led to the assimilation of the predecessor […]
  28. Ethnicity and Self-Representation in Social Media: When Cultures Merge
    Analyzing the ways in which and the means with the help of which people manifest their ethnicities in the social media, one can comment on the tendencies in the intercultural communication and the changes which […]
  29. Ethnicity and Sport in Sport Park
    The researcher captured some of the activities in the park using photograph and designed appropriate questionnaires for the interview. What are the overall levels of participation in sports among different ethnic groups in the park […]
  30. Multiculturalism in Canada: Social and Political Aspects
    Presently, this policy is portrayed in the country’s legal system, through the ‘Multiculturalism Act’ of the year 1988, among other key sections of the country’s governing laws and policies such as the ‘Charter of Rights […]
  31. Wage Disparity across Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
    Wage disparities exist due to a variety of factors and the leading contributor to these wage gaps is the fact that many women and racial discriminated people are still secluded in the low paying occupations, […]
  32. Fashion and Gender: Globalization, Nation and Ethnicity
    Today, fashion is changing drastically to compose fashion trends, which is very relevant in the contemporary society as it’s reflected in the new colorful and stylish designs.
  33. Managing Ethnicity at Work
    Ambition and determination are some of the traits that are inherent in a person who set out to make a difference in the organization.
  34. Employment Discrimination: Race/Ethnicity/Color/National Origin/Religion
    In the year 2001, Ellis reported about her supervisor to the department of discrimination, however, it brought no fruit, thus forcing Ellis to report the matter to the U.S.
  35. Treating Race and Ethnicity in History
    Such a situation creates contradictions in terms of treating various ethnic groups whose traditions and customs are not respected in the community.

💡 Simple & Easy Race and Ethnicity Essay Topics

  1. Ethnicity and race in the USA
    Owing to the fact that some ethnic clusters are smaller in terms of numbers as compared to others, there is bound to be ethnic prejudice.
  2. Framing ethnicity in the mass media
    The public therefore, tends to relate the events in the show with this particular ethnic community; hence, causing a round of disapproval from the members of the community.
  3. The Individual and Ethnicity Choice
    In the African case, ethnic conflict, in the political perspective, is a product of the struggle over power and resources. It is often assumed that ethnic diversity is the cause of ethnic conflict and political […]
  4. Globalisation, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Vancouver
    The paper will further explain the impact of geographical-regional inequality in addition to class polarisation, and function of the metropolitan city of Vancouver B.C.in the new global society.
  5. Breast Cancer Incidence and Ethnicity
    This paper explores the different rates of breast cancer incidence as far as the different ethnic groups in the US are concerned as well as the most probable way of reducing the rates of incidence […]
  6. Annotation of Immigration Effects on Homicide Offending for Total and Race/Ethnicity-Disaggregated Populations
    Third, the studies show that immigrant concentrations had negative effects on homicide victimization rates in totality, and lastly, the studies were ambiguous on homicide victimization on all the ethnic and racial groups.
  7. Impact of Race and Ethnicity in American History
    The expressions race and ethnicity connote the multiplicity of the American society that today is one of the most diverse in the world.
  8. Inequality in Race, Religion, and Ethnicity
    The second article reviewed is a research on the gap of quality of life based on black and white racial and ethnic divide in America.
  9. Ethnicity Problems in United States
    In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation. In this regard, the most effective way of fighting against racial discrimination was through political participation.
  10. Comparison of Ethnicity and Racism in “Country Lovers” and “The Welcome Table”
    In both cases, the texts have devoted their concerns to the plight of a black female who is deposed off her meaning within the realms of the society.
  11. Race, Ethnicity and Crime
    There are a number of opposing issues concerning racism and disparity that has led to complication in the discussion of the issue of racism in the Criminal Justice System. The larger the differences between the […]
  12. Aging, Culture, Ethnicity and Family Care
    The research by the author shows the limitations of the informal structures in dealing with the elderly. She is the organizer of the family reunions and the custodian of the family history.
  13. Ethnicity Issues in William Shakespeare’s Titus Adronicus
    The inciting incident of Titus Andronicus is Titus’s inflexible sacrifice of Alarbus, the eldest son of captive Goth queen Tamora, to his soldiers, an action which forms the engine of the narrative and the justification […]
  14. Trends in Smoking Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity
    With an aim of studying the current trends in the smoking disparity, the authors of the article compared the annual prevalence rates among the non-Hispanic AIANs and non-Hispanic Whites.
  15. African Americans: Race and Ethnicity Identification
    For example, Oprah Winfrey, the media personality, producer, critic, and actress is considered to be of the richest African American people in the world.
  16. Ethnicity Influence on the Individual’s Position in Society
    It is important to note that the role of ethnicity as the significant factor of the individual’s development associated with the person’s identity can be discussed from several different perspectives which are the personal identity, […]

❓ Research Questions on Ethnicity

  1. What Are Examples of Ethnicity?
  2. Does Ethnicity and Language to the Degree of Parent Involvement in Schools?
  3. Does Television Affect Our Perceptions of Ethnicity?
  4. Does the Teacher’s Ethnicity Matter?
  5. Does the Leader’s Ethnicity Matter?
  6. Is American an Ethnicity?
  7. How Does Ethnicity Affect Educational Achievements in the Philippines?
  8. What Is My Ethnicity If I Am White?
  9. How Does Italian Food Defines You, Your Family, and Your Ethnicity?
  10. How Much Difference Does Ethnicity Really Make?
  11. How Does Ethnicity Affect Culture?
  12. How Do Race and Ethnicity Affect Police Brutality?
  13. How Does Racism and Ethnicity Affect the Sector of Education?
  14. How Stereotypes Affect Our Understanding of the Different Groups or Ethnicity?
  15. How Does Ethnicity Affect Gender Roles?
  16. How Does Students’ Ethnicity Influences Their Respect for Teachers?
  17. What Are Three Characteristics of Ethnicity?
  18. How the Social Geography of Race and Ethnicity Is Shaped by Racism and Exclusion?
  19. What Is the Relationship between Race and Ethnicity?
  20. How Your Race and Ethnicity Are Represented in Your Educational Environment?
  21. What Are the Implications of Ethnicity Conflict and What Should Be Done?
  22. What Factors That Affect the World Is Our Ethnicity?
  23. Which Ethnicity Factors Can Explain the Escalation of Ethnic Conflict to a Civil War?
  24. What Has the Greatest Impact on Education: Gender, Social Class or Ethnicity?
  25. Why Do Race and Ethnicity Have an Effect on Political Situation?
  26. Why Sports Teams Should Be Named after an Ethnicity?
  27. Why the Woman Movement Did Not Move within Racial Ethnicity?
  28. How Is Ethnicity Different from Culture?
  29. Is Race and Ethnicity the Same?
  30. What Are the Ethnicity Problems and Focus in Anthropology?

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"129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 18 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnicity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples'. 18 November. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnicity-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnicity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "129 Ethnicity Essay Topics & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnicity-essay-topics/.