128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

If you’re looking for a study guide on how to write Heart of Darkness essay, you should definitely check this post. Below we will share a few ideas that will help you to cope with the assignment.

⁉️ How to Write a Critical Review on Heart of Darkness

The key idea of a critical review is that you have to evaluate the main issues, arguments, theme of the book, etc.

The first step to a successful essay is the active reading. Take notes that will help you to understand what the author wanted to show you and the way he does it.

Here are few Heart of Darkness essay questions to analyse in your paper:

Narrator’s point of view.

Joseph Conrad uses two different first-person point of view. The book begins and ends with narration of a traveler who listens to Marlow’s story while the main part of the plot is told by Marlow.

Think, why does the author use this technique instead of traditional third-person or first-person narration? How does this framing changes the reader’s interpretation of the story? How do you think, is Marlow’s story real? Is there any evidence to prove it? Is the traveler reliable?
Check our Heart of Darkness essay samples to get more inspiration!

Symbolism in the story

If you’re assigned to write Heart of Darkness symbolism essay, than you have a lot of opportunities! The Conrad’s book is full of symbols. And here are a few examples:

  • Fog

Think, what does fog symbolizes in Marlow travel. Is it a nuisance or a kind of barrier? Can it symbolize the Marlow’s journey uncertainty or his mental state?

  • Kurtz

Examine Kurtz’s character and personality. In your paper, explore episodes when he acts as God for native Africans. Or, you can analyze the greed and power in Kurtz’s actions.

  • The accountant

The accountant symbolizes the company and its goals. The way he appears in the story reflects the actual image that the company wishes to create while undergoing the colonization: elegant outside, but destructive inside.

Of course, we didn’t mention all the symbols presented in a book. Make your own research and define what else symbols are represented in Heart of Darkness.

Heart of Darkness essay themes

If you’re looking for the themes of Heart of Darkness, check some of them below:

  • Racial discrimination theme

Theme of racial discrimination in the novel shows how is dominating in Africa. Analyze how the racial crimes that Kurtz committed against Africans correspond to racism today.

  • Evil and good theme

Explore how Kurtz’s ambitions that seems good relate to his true goals which are not so admirable. On the other hand, you might want to analyze Marlow’s struggles to make the right decisions.

  • Violence and greed

Conrad describes two types of violence in the novel: provoked cruelty and violence among the savages. Explore how Kurtz uses violence to dominate the Africans and to attack steam carrying Marlow.

Investigate the period of ivory trade and how it has impacted the native Africans’ freedom and life. What were the role of violence in the competition between the European companies.

Are you dissatisfied with your Heart of Darkness essay because it does not make enough of an impression? Try looking at our collection of examples and get more ideas on how to improve it!

🏆 Best Heart of Darkness Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Imperialism in Joseph Conrad’s “The Heart of Darkness”
    Heart of Darkness reflects the paradoxes of imperialism in the late 19th century through exposing the exploitation of foreign lands and people, Africa and the Africans in particular; the novel uses its characters and their […]
  2. Character of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness
    The quote is indicative of the loneliness that Kurtz experiences and depicts the intensity of his emotions in being away from his homeland. The character of Kurtz conveys symbolism that is important in understanding his […]
  3. Heart of Darkness – Analysis of Marlow’s Lie
    Both Marlow and Kurtz see the intended as the epitome of the naivete of women. According to Marlow, Kurtz is the “best of the best”.
  4. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad: A Modernist Work
    Heart of Darkness perhaps utilizes the importance of women and the role they played in the modernism period. Women have assumed the traditional role of men in the society of being the breadwinners of the […]
  5. Marlow in “Heart of Darkness”
    The third level of darkness that comes out from the novel is that of the tendency of every human being to be evil.
  6. Stream-of-Consciousness Technique: Joyce’s “The Dead” and Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
    In this part, the stream of consciousness is used to tap the emotions of the reader about the tour to the western part of Ireland.
  7. Chinua Achebe’s “An Image of Africa” and Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
    Reading Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness it is possible to see the cases of prejudiced opinion about Africa and its citizens, however, this point of view is aimed at presenting the situation which was in […]
  8. Feminism in “Heart of Darkness” and “Apocalypse Now”
    However, one realizes that she is voiceless in the novel, which highlights the insignificance of role of women in Heart of Darkness.
  9. Imperialism and Racism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
    He lauds “the book’s anti-imperialist theme…a stinging indictment of the callous and genocidal treatment of the Africans, and other nationals, at the hands of the British and the European imperial powers,” and also details the […]
  10. Symbolism of Nature in J. Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’
    The ‘Heart of Darkness’ is replete with symbolism, from the beginning till the end, and Conrad uses nature to symbolize every situation in the story.
  11. Analysis of the Joseph Conrad’s Novel “Heart of Darkness”
    Although he is a philosophic wise man, the thrilled experience in Africa forces Marlow to take a different course in terms of his character. His curiosity and intelligence motivates him to explore Africa where he […]
  12. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad: Novel Summary
    This was the period when Marlow came to understand that the manager was deadly against Kurtz and wanted to get rid of him.
  13. Colonialism in the ”Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    The main theme of the story is colonialism and its effects not only to the Africans but also to the whites/colonizers.
  14. Franz Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ and Joseph Conrad’s ‘The Heart of Darkness’. Theme Analysis
    Here, the essay compares how the theme of colonization is captured in the novels, and goes ahead to explain the techniques employed by each author in conveying the theme.
  15. Style in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    Set in deepest and darkest Africa, the pace and narration is quite compelling and bears a richly descriptive and evocative style – a style that is needed to consider not an image of Africa, but […]
  16. Joseph Conrad: The Heart of Darkness
    The thematic core of his writings examined the trials and tribulations of the human spirit/soul in relation to duty and honor as well as the pervading affects of world empires.
  17. Imperialism in the “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    Throughout his entire voyage he is exposed to the brutality of the European attitudes and the rules of colonialism. The colonial activities are given a harsh image by the author of the novella.
  18. Ethical Issues in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    Kurtz is a great threat to the entire organization especially the powerful position of the manager of the company that Marlow was working with.
  19. “Young Goodman Brown,” “Heart of Darkness”: Analysis
    Stating that the character of Goodman Brown is significantly more dimensional than it is represented in the surface in the story, Hurley asserts that young Goodman Brown’s darkness hides within him, which makes the character […]
  20. Conrad’s ”Heart of Darkness” as Post-Colonial Western Canon
    The protagonist of the novel, captain Marlow, observes that the suffering of the native people under the yoke of bureaucratic officials is extremely tough.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Heart of Darkness

  1. Joseph Conrad’s Novel “Heart of Darkness”
    In the Congo, he is clearly not in favor of the Africans but as a portrayal of how Africans needed the whites to salvage them from the darkness they were living in.
  2. Human Soul in the Story “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    The atmosphere that is created, very much adds to the general theme and the relationship between the characters and the surrounding environment.”Heart of Darkness” is a story where the setting plays a great role in […]
  3. Colonialism Role in the “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    A lot of coined description had been made out of the character of Kurtz the captain of the ship, Director of the Companies that sailed and explored a part of Africa for ivories in the […]
  4. Symbolism in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    There is the use of visual imagery in his work, and this was achieved through the use of contrast. At some point in the novel, Conrad’s use of imagery appeared vague and confusing in that […]
  5. The Use of Stream-of-Consciousness Technique in the Dead and in the Heart of Darkness
    There is even more to it the deployment of stream-of-consciousness technique in The Dead, was also meant to encourage readers to consider the possibility that, contrary to the philosophical conventions of the 19th century, the […]
  6. Taking a Glance Into the Heart of Darkness: The Ambitions and Failure of the Civilization
    Indeed, the goals of the people, heading for the terra incognita of the distant and savage lands are not quite clear; wisely enough, Conrad does not disclose the aims of the travelers from the very […]
  7. Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart: Narrative
    In the same vein, Joseph Conrad’s novella “Heart of Darkness,” written in 1899, is about the struggle of two civilized Europeans, Marlow and Kurtz, after they ventured in to the wouldarkness’ of uncivilized Africa,’ and […]
  8. Ethical Dilemma in “Heart of Darkness” by Conrad
    In spite of the fact the situations are rather different, it is necessary to discuss the possibilities of the other outcomes and results.Mr.
  9. Colonialism Critique in the “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    The main idea of the novel is based on the determination of the roots of people evil, the impact of the surrounding environment on people attitude to the norms of ethics and moral as well […]
  10. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Review
    Congo locates in the center of the continent and can be compared within the heart of Africa.”The vision seemed to enter the house with me – the stretcher, the phantom-bearers, the wild crowd of obedient […]
  11. Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” & “Things Fall Apart” by Achebe: Comparison
    The work of art reflects the reality of life and hardship experienced by people: “The vision seemed to enter the house with me – the stretcher, the phantom-bearers, the wild crowd of obedient worshippers, the […]
  12. Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” & Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now”
    There can be no doubt as to the fact that Joseph Conrad’s novel “Heart of Darkness” and Francis Coppola’s movie “Apocalypse Now” significantly differ from each other, in terms of plot’s composition, geographical settings, and […]
  13. Mirror Image: Heart of Darkness & Things Fall Apart
    However, Okonkwo is helpless once he finds British colonization creeping in and destroying the traditional parameters of the village and their culture as a whole along with the ramification of their religion with the invasion […]
  14. Joseph Conrad’s “The Heart of Darkness” Novella
    Similarly, the theme of darkness, as evident from the title of the work, in its spiritual sphere, underpins the merit of the novella.
  15. The Presence of “The Other” in “Heart of Darkness” and “Ulysses”
    While adhering to the dominant reading of “Heart of Darkness”, the novel can be read as a criticism of the treatment of the natives by the Belgians.
  16. “Heart of Darkness” a Novel by Joseph Conrad
    Disguising the work as an autobiographical traveler’s story, the author chooses to focus on the issues of race, colonialism, and the indigenous, which become central to the author’s exploration and the story in general.
  17. “The Heart of Darkness” a Novel by Joseph Conrad
    As its mission, the European imperialism had the “civilization” of the world and expansion of the Christianity over the conquered nations through the forced introduction of the European administrative powers and its culture.
  18. Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Heart of Darkness
    Oscar Wilde’s comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, is a satire of everything stuffy and constrictive in the 19th and early 20th century. The play explores the theme of the relations between the sexes.
  19. Comparison of the Stories “Heart of Darkness” and “The Lamp at Noon”
    The atmosphere that is created, very much adds to the general theme and the relationship between the characters and the surrounding environment.”Heart of Darkness” and “The Lamp at Noon”, are stories where the setting plays […]
  20. Heart of Darkness and the Ceremony
    The plot is carefully developed by Silko such that in Tayo embarking on a journey full of personal ceremonies to bridge Native American traditions and those of the westerners.

🎓 Simple & Easy Heart of Darkness Essay Titles

  1. Commitment in Terms of Sartre’s Existentialism in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  2. Chinua Achebe’s Criticism of the Depiction of Africa in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  3. A Post-Colonial Criticism of “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  4. A Psychological Journey Into an Individual’s Core of Evil in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  5. Characterism and Symbolism in “Heart of Darkness”
  6. An Analysis of Similarity in Motif of the Journey and Different Ideas in “Flay Away Peter” and “Heart of Darkness”
  7. Achebe’s Misinterpretation of Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  8. An Analysis of Colonialism and Imperialism in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  9. An Analysis of the Theme and Symbol Used in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  10. The Villian Archetype in “Heart of Darkness”
  11. An Analysis of Mysterious Characters in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  12. An Interpretation of “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  13. An Analysis of European Civilization’s Symbolism in “Heart of Darkness” by James Conrad
  14. Characters, Setting, Themes, and Symbols of “Heart of Darkness”
  15. The Importance of Setting in “Apocalypse Now” and “Heart of Darkness”
  16. An Analysis of the Main Character Charles Marlow in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  17. Achebe’s Failure to Understand Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  18. An Analysis of the System of Colonization in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  19. A Suspenseful Tale of a Man’s Journey in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

📌 Most Interesting Heart of Darkness Topics to Write about

  1. An Analysis of Africans Dying in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  2. Literary Devices in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  3. An Analysis of the Civilization in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  4. The Use of Contrasting Places in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  5. A Comparison of “Heart of Darkness” and “Apocalypse Now” in Literature
  6. An Analysis of the Concept of Light and Dark in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  7. A Personification of Darkness: A Comparison of Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
  8. A Comparative Analysis of “Heart of Darkness” and “A Passage to India”
  9. Expression of Moral Ambiguity in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  10. An Analysis of a Man’s Ways of Survival in a Deserted Place in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  11. Human Greed and Deception in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  12. An Analysis of the Mystery in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  13. Character Analysis of Eliots in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrads
  14. A Literary Analysis of the Major Themes in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  15. A Story of Life and Death in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  16. Stylistic Devices That Make “Heart of Darkness” Proto-Modernist
  17. An Analysis of Character Relations in “Heart of Darkness”
  18. Character Analysis of Marlow and Kurtz in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  19. Black and White as the Symbols of Civilization and Savagery in “Heart of Darkness”

👍 Good Research Topics about Heart of Darkness

  1. A Representation of the Western Civilization Through the Character of Mr. Kurtz in “Heart of Darkness”
  2. The White Collars in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  3. A Perfect Depiction of Alienation and Isolation in “Heart of Darkness”
  4. The Connection Between Physical Illness and Madness in “Heart of Darkness”
  5. Attitude Towards Women in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  6. The Use of Allegories in “Inferno” by Dante Aligheiri and “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  7. Use of Irony in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  8. An Analysis of Heart and Soul Discovery in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  9. The Symbolism of the River in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  10. The Case of Marlow and Kurtz as Two Competing Heroes in “Heart of Darkness”
  11. An Exploration of the Narrator’s Perspective in “Heart of Darkness”
  12. An Analysis of Chinua Achebe’s Argument on Racism in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  13. An Overview of the “Things Fall Apart” and “Heart of Darkness”’ Characters
  14. A Postcolonial Perspective of “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  15. An Analysis of the Africa Through the Novels “Heart of Darkness” and “Things Fall Apart”
  16. An Analysis of the Abuse of Power in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  17. A Look at the Three Stations in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  18. The Use of Light to Symbolize Civilization in James Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”
  19. Understanding the Meanings of Heart and Darkness in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  20. The Advantages of Building a Society in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

❓ Heart of Darkness Essay Questions

  1. What Is the Main Point of “Heart of Darkness”?
  2. How Does the Novel “Heart of Darkness” Represent the Atrocities Occurring in the Congo Under King Leopold II?
  3. Why Is It Called “Heart of Darkness”?
  4. What Does Darkness Symbolize in “Heart of Darkness”?
  5. What Is the Thesis of “Heart of Darkness”?
  6. What Does Marlow Symbolize in “Heart of Darkness”?
  7. What Is the Symbolism and Theme Analysis in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad?
  8. How Women Are Treated in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now”?
  9. What Are the Major Themes in “Heart of Darkness”?
  10. How Certain Death Scenes in “Heart of Darkness” Illuminate Key Themes?
  11. How Do Characters Develop Throughout the Book “Heart of Darkness”?
  12. What Groups Are Represented in “Heart of Darkness”?
  13. Which Are the Strong Versus Weak Characters in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”?
  14. How Is Proto-Modernism Displayed in “Heart of Darkness”?
  15. What Does the Writing Style Add to the Book “Heart of Darkness”?
  16. What Does the Ending of “Heart of Darkness” Mean?
  17. What Do Kurtz’s Final Words Mean in “Heart of Darkness”?
  18. What Is the Horror in “Heart of Darkness”?
  19. What Is the Contrast Between Capitalism and Moral Enlightenment in Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”?
  20. Ethnocentrism: With Whom Resides the “Heart of Darkness”?
  21. What Two Themes Affect Marlow and Kurtz in “Heart of Darkness”?
  22. Who Are Unconventional Narrators Within “Heart of Darkness”?
  23. Why Did Coppola Transform Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” Into “Apocalypse Now”?
  24. How Are the Female Characters Represented in the “Heart of Darkness”?
  25. Was “Heart of Darkness” a True Story?
  26. How Reliable Are the Narrators in the Novella “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad?
  27. What Is the Dark and Light Imagery in “Heart of Darkness”?
  28. Who Plays the Fool on the Hill in “Heart of Darkness”?
  29. What Is the Conflict Between Truth and Ideals in “Heart of Darkness”?
  30. What Are the Religion and Racism Themes in “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad?

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IvyPanda. (2024, December 1). 128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/heart-of-darkness-essay-examples/

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"128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 1 Dec. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/heart-of-darkness-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 1 December.


IvyPanda. 2024. "128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/heart-of-darkness-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/heart-of-darkness-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "128 Heart of Darkness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/heart-of-darkness-essay-examples/.