The sociocultural theory is more responsive to the learning process of children with special needs since it argues that ideas and concepts are socially mediated and exist in collectives rather than in individuals.
Another aspect of kindergarten curriculum that is identical in the US and in the UK is the fact that it encompasses a lot of play and experienced learning.
Their bravery gave a start to the history of our country, as the first European settlers followed Columbus quite soon and established their colonies on American soil. The Fourth of July has become a symbol […]
A notable attribute of Saudi Arabia’s education system is that it is highly centralized in nature and the overall supervision is done by the Ministry of Education This ministry is also charged with the training […]
The design of the classroom environment should reflect the demographic characteristics of learners. The desks of children will be placed right in the center of the room, and at least, four students will sit at […]
Integrating modern technologies into the educational process in kindergartens helps educators transmit knowledge to the children and influence their emotions and perception of the materials.
The client, who is a school, wants the kindergarten children and their children to have a days picnic and outing. The event would help to break the tediousness of regular schoolwork and provide some entertainment […]
The purpose of this paper is to overview the program components, evaluate it in terms of advantages and disadvantages, and discuss the details of the program implementation in the classroom setting with the focus on […]
The educational stakeholders seek to determine the effect of this program to the parents, teachers, and the pupils undertaking it. In this regard, the full-day kindergarten program provides time for the students to practice the […]
It is the object of this paper to demonstrates how Vygotsky’s theory can be used to assist kindergarten students and others with special needs to cope with the learning process It was the perception of […]
The question of the effectiveness and long-term impact of preschool education on the further success of students is one of the topical issues of pedagogy today.
The influence of preschool education on a student’s academic success after kindergarten is very relevant from the point of view of modern pedagogy. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between access […]
Sheridan et al.offer a good source to explore KT as their study systematically assesses and summarizes almost 250 parents’ practices in the pre-KT and KT periods and such activities’ implications for children’s success.
To set adequate goals for social-emotional learning, researchers must quantify and contextualize the behaviors and attitudes of large samples of subjects.
General Context of the Problem Despite the increase in the use of social media in teaching, there is still a significant lack of research done on the impact of social media integration in teaching techniques […]
The conflicts indicate the latent negative processes, the real existence of disagreements, and the tendency to change them. The nature of the conflict was destructive and contributed to the inability to operate in the workplace.
Blachman and Ball define phonemic awareness as the awareness that spoken words are made up of individual sounds; the ability to identify the individual phonemes of a word.
These changes in the American culture and in schooling over the past 2 decades have had their impact on the reputation of full-day, all-day-a-week kindergarten education in a number of communities.
This major variable will be achieved through a sequential implementation of various interactive writing strategies with an emphasis on play-based learning and an active learning approach.
Objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to define the key five sense and explain, which body organ is responsible for sensing a corresponding signal, as well as define the […]
When speaking about the prestige and relevance of the profession of a pre-kindergarten teacher, it is possible to say that at the national level, this occupation is encouraged, and jobs can be found almost always.
It is important to develop an appropriate set of ELP standards for English learners at the kindergarten level in order to create a solid background for basic learning and the linguistic demands that will be […]
The staff members and students with kids in the university’s kindergarten will be in a position to put more effort into their studies or roles within the institution.
The level of professional development of the teachers at the kindergarten stage plays a key role in the general development of pupils and the quality of education they receive at the end of the day.
Furthermore, it will compare the strengths and the weaknesses of the Montessori system with a regular mathematics program in order to determine the extent to which it benefits students.
The tasks have to be short and able to stimulate the curiosity and creativity of the children This strategy requires that the tasks offered are short enough to allow the children to complete them.
The purpose of this report is to show the benefits of learning more than one language among kindergarten children. The purpose of this report is to analyse the benefits of learning two languages among kindergarten […]
The teacher arranges these levels according to the complexity of the content to be taught and evaluated. At the end of this level, the learners should be able to read simple words from a wall […]
🎓 Simple & Easy Kindergarten Essay Titles
Counting and Number Line Training in Kindergarten: Effects on Arithmetic Performance and Number Sense
Designing for Human Behavior: The Elementary Kindergarten
Factors Affecting the School Readiness of Public Kindergarten Pupils
Elementary vs. Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School Ranges From Kindergarten
Ecological Instability and Children’s Classroom Behavior in Kindergarten
Pedagogics of the Kindergarten by Friedrich Frobel (1782-1852)
Computer Science Classes for Students as Early as Kindergarten
Psychodynamically-Oriented Early Prevention for “Children-at-Risk” in Urban Areas
Elena Developed Chicken Pox When She Was in Kindergarten
China Pre-school Education (Kindergarten) Industry Overview 2014
Children and Home Reading Prior to Kindergarten
Autobiography: High School and Kindergarten Aged Children
Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten
Early Kindergarten, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children’s Outcomes: Evidence From Italy
Does Full-Day Kindergarten Matter? Evidence from the First Two Years of Schooling
Can Universal Pre-kindergarten Programs Improve Population Health and Longevity? Mechanisms, Evidence, and Policy Implications
Book: Kindergarten and Bibliographic Citation
Foreign Language Instruction Should Begin in Kindergarten
Better Beginnings: The State of Early Learning and Kindergarten Readiness in White Center
📝 Good Essay Topics on Kindergarten
Kindergarten Classroom Observation
Mathematics Education vs. Kindergarten Education
Kindergarten Teachers Should Have at Least a Basic Degree
How and Why Does Age at Kindergarten Entry Matter
Math Kindergarten Standard K-4: 2D and 3D Geometric Shapes and Relative Positions in Space
Lesson Plan For Kindergarten English Learners
How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings? Evidence From Project Star
How Non-Native Speaking Children Learn the Chinese Language in Kindergarten
Observing the Kindergarten Classroom at Pine Meadow Elementary