99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples

🔝 Top-5 NASA Research Topics

  1. Impact of Boeing 707, the Bell X-1 and the NASA Mercury Capsule on Modern Aviation
  2. NASA’s Lunar Surveyor Program
  3. NASA: Government Organization Policy Evaluation
  4. Reflection on Virtual Field Trip: The British Museum and the Women of NASA
  5. Spacecraft Exploration: NASA and ESA

🏆 Best NASA Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Building Integrity Among Workers and Stakeholders: NASA IT Governance
    The importance of IT governance at NASA is crucial in building integrity among the workers and the stakeholders. In summary, NASA’s independence method in the context of its IT governance and operation slows general decision-making […]
  2. NASA and Greenleaf: Environment Analysis
    Therefore, in the context of the global market, NASA has a range of strengths that can be used to build an even greater competitive advantage than the current one.
  3. Asteroid Fast Facts at the NASA Website
    One of the links in the search was the link to NASA’s website that provided a list of fast facts about Asteroids.
  4. Comets: The Deep Impact Mission by NASA
    I decided to choose the book “Comets And Their Origin: The Tools To Decipher A Comet” written by Uwe Meierhenrich. The information discussed in the class provided me with a basic understanding of comets.
  5. Targeting of New & International Consumer Groups: The Right Stuff
    The given group of potential consumers provides opportunities for the business growth as the demand for high-quality and innovative products in this market is very high.
  6. NASA’s Faster, Better, Cheaper (FBC) Initiative
    NASA was motivated to introduce the FBC initiative because of the pressure from the White House and the massive cost of maintaining human exploration to Mars.
  7. Cost for Failed Systems: NASA Program
    Thus, the failure of system engineers to use the correct coding metrics was the root cause of the MCO problem. As a result of the aforementioned mistakes during the coding process, the MCO was not […]

🔥 Hottest NASA Essay Topics

  1. How is NASA protecting endangered species? NASA satellites help take images of endangered species and their natural habitats. How did NASA become a part of the wildlife protection program? Discuss this issue and choose reliable sources for your essay.
  2. Recruitment for the Mars exploration. Recently, NASA provided some organizations with over $1 million of funding. The grants are spent on developing technology for the Mars exploration mission. Look into the advantages of this initiative.
  3. NASA Research Park – the future of NASA’s innovations. NASA is planning on building new constructions for the Research Park. What are their plans for this location?
  4. The concept of the Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT). FLOAT is a concept of a reliable and efficient transportation system to use on the Moon. Discuss the main aspects and advantages of this system that is supposed to be used in the lunar base next decade.
  5. NASA’s developments to help aerial firefighting operations. Current helicopter models have limited visibility during firefighting operations. NASA says the drones can help with this problem. Do their suggestions look promising?

🚀 Good Research Topics about NASA

  1. Comprehensive Analysis of the NASA Apollo Missions
  2. Forecast of the Future of Nasa’s Space Programs
  3. Analysis of Nasa’s Dilemma Over the Commercial Crew Program
  4. Analysis of the Curiosity Rover in NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Mission
  5. Analysis of the First Manned US Space Project, Became an Official NASA Program
  6. Analysis of the Key Moments in NASA History
  7. Analysis of the Virtual Reality and Beyond About NASA Operations
  8. Evaluating NASA’s Current Problems and Possible Solutions
  9. How Did the Culture of NASA & Morton Thiokol Contribute to the Development of Group?
  10. Is NASA Worth Our Tax Dollars?
  11. It Is Crucial to Keep Funding NASA?
  12. NASA Analysis – Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  13. NASA and Noaa and the Scientific Exploration of New Frontiers
  14. Programs of Airline Safety NASA and FAA
  15. Rhetorical Analysis of Hal Colebatch’s NASA Should Establish a Moon Base and Peter Spotts’ Space Colonization Is Impractical
  16. What NASA Can Learn From X Prize?
  17. Why Are Individuals So Important to the NASA Project Teams?
  18. Why Should We Continue the NASA Space Program?
  19. Why the US Government Should Continue to Fund NASA?

🔭 NASA Prompts for Essays

  1. NASA to the rescue: how the agency helps fight climate change. NASA has various projects helping collect valuable data about climate change. How does this help scientists predict and prepare for environmental issues? Discuss NASA’s valuable contribution to this cause.
  2. NASA’s space bioscience. This particular area of research studies people’s adaptation to space travel. Look into the study of space bioscience and highlight its main aspects.
  3. The creation of the first successful space shuttle. It’s been over 40 years since the first successful launch of a space shuttle. In your paper, go through the history of its creation. What was the biggest struggle for the engineers?
  4. How is NASA making space projects sustainable? Space debris polluting the Earth’s orbit is becoming a real worry. NASA is actively trying to address this issue. Research the most recent suggestions and initiatives on this problem.
  5. Origami meets space engineering in NASA projects. One of origami’s best features is that it allows intricate folding and unfolding. It’s often used in NASA projects to fit tools in tight spaces and increase the mechanism’s efficiency. What are the most impressive concepts of origami-like devices?

📡 Interesting Topics to Write about NASA

  1. Description of the Culture and Subcultures Within NASA
  2. History of E-TEK Dynamics, a Research Company of the Department of Defense and NASA
  3. History of the NASA Space Program in the United States
  4. Successes of the NASA Landings in the Red Planet
  5. Introduction to the Geology of Mars by NASA
  6. NASA Mission: Widespread Evidence of Young Lunar Volcanism
  7. Overview of NASA Mission to Mars and the Possibility of Life in the Planet
  8. Hubble Telescope and NASA’s Reach for the Limit in Search of Farthest Galaxies
  9. Budget Cuts Should Not Be Used for Funding NASA
  10. Culture and Organizational Communication of NASA
  11. Space Monkey and NASA
  12. Implementation Success Model in Government Agencies: A Case of a Centralized Identification System at NASA
  13. Life of American Biochemist Shannon Lucid and Her Contributions to NASA
  14. Marketing Plan for NASA
  15. NASA and Biblical Reality
  16. NASA and Donald Trump
  17. Nasa and Morton Thiokol Corporation Engineers
  18. NASA Blast Off Into Outer Space
  19. NASA Code of Ethics
  20. NASA Management Failure and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster
  21. NASA’s Advancement of Technology
  22. NASA’s Funding Outline, Economical Reasons, and Benefits
  23. NASA’s Quest for Human Spaceflight Popular Appeal
  24. NASA Water Conservation
  25. Organizational Problems at NASA
  26. Space Exploration and NASA’s Investigators
  27. Impact of the Challenger Explosion in the NASA Organization
  28. Mars Climate Orbiter Is a Part of NASA’s Mars Expedition

✍️ Essay about NASA: How to Choose a Topic

Students often have trouble choosing a good essay topic. Are you also in this situation? If so, try following our quick tips:

  1. Choose a topic you’re interested in. You’ll definitely enjoy writing about things you like. Also, you’ll get a quality paper as a result.
  2. Stick to narrow topics. Research on a broad, general theme can go on forever. Choosing one specific issue within it is a better idea.
  3. Make sure it’s relevant. This rule is not obligatory, but it is still advised to follow. Discussing relevant and recent issues makes your essay stand out.

There are countless areas of research related to NASA to choose from. For example:

  • Space weather.
    Events such as solar winds can seriously interfere with electronics. That’s why NASA has to constantly monitor space weather using various methods.
  • Solar science.
    Studying the Sun is essential since all life on Earth depends on it. What are other reasons for studying the Sun’s processes and phenomena?
  • Heliosphere.
    The heliosphere is a bubble of solar winds that form around the Sun and the surrounding planets. NASA scientists use the data about the heliosphere to understand the physics of the rest of the universe.
  • Magnetosphere.
    Magnetic fields around Earth are called the magnetosphere. NASA studies them to gain insight into our planet’s protection from radiation.
  • Black holes.
    It’s hard to study something that can’t be seen with a bare eye, but NASA scientists know a lot about them. You can explore the technology they use to track and analyze black holes.

❓ Questions About NASA

  1. What Was the Biggest Fail for NASA?
  2. Should NASA Save the Hubble Telescope from Being Destroyed?
  3. What Will NASA Do with the Hubble Telescope?
  4. How Does NASA Influence Society?
  5. Why Should the US Government Provide More Funding to NASA?
  6. Is SpaceX Cheaper Than NASA?
  7. What Is Obama’s New Direction for NASA?
  8. Which President Is Responsible for NASA?
  9. How Are NASA’s Current Public Relations Problems Explained?
  10. What Planet Is NASA Going to Send Humans to in the Future?
  11. Is the Challenger Disaster NASA’s Biggest Downfall?
  12. What Are the Greatest Achievements of NASA’s Space Program?
  13. Why Should the Federal Government Continue to Fund NASA?
  14. Can NASA Launch America into the Future?
  15. What Is NASA’s Highest-Paying Job?
  16. How Many Missions Has NASA Done?
  17. What Is NASA Strategic Human Capital Plan?
  18. Are There Benefits to Increasing NASA Funding?
  19. What Steps Can NASA Take to Make Sure That the KM System Is Better Utilized by Individuals and Teams?
  20. Has NASA Been Finding Many Answers About the Universe for Many Years?
  21. What Are Some of NASA’s Goals for the Future?
  22. Should the Government Increase NASA Funding?
  23. What Are NASA’s Three Strategic Goals?
  24. How Will NASA Inspire Children with More Money?
  25. What Are the Workforce Planning Recommendations for NASA Human Resources?
  26. Why Did NASA Stop Exploring the Moon?
  27. How Much Does NASA Help the Economy?
  28. What Challenges Are NASA Currently Facing?
  29. How Is NASA’s KM System Different from Other KM Systems?
  30. What Is NASA’s Human Research Program HRP Responsible For?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 17). 99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nasa-essay-topics/

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"99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda, 17 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nasa-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 17 November. (Accessed: 18 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nasa-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nasa-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "99 NASA Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nasa-essay-topics/.