Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition Essay

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The concept of Total reward overview and its purpose

Overall, incentives encompass all of the compensation and perk a firm offers its employees in exchange for their efforts and success. This covers traditional incentives like salary and bonuses and incentives like retirement plans. The objective of complete rewards is to establish an all-inclusive, that encourages employees with the organization’s goals, objectives and values. By providing a variety of rewards that match the requirements of various employees, firms may more effectively retain and recruit top talent and develop a healthy (Pattanayak, 2020). This creates a friendly working environment that drives and improves the outcome and performance of the firm.

Overall compensation would be an integral part of the company’s strategy for attracting and retaining people, a crucial feature of HR’s function. HR specialists are responsible for establishing and implementing an organization-aligned total compensation strategy. This involves analyzing various forms of compensation and benefits by gathering employee feedback to ensure that the whole rewards package effectively inspires and retains personnel0 (Silver et al., 2021). HR plays a crucial role in managing and monitoring many components of the rewards package, including enrollment in benefits, performance-based incentives, and salary changes.

Components of total reward package

Bonuses and salary increases are significant elements of a rewards scheme that can encourage and ensure staff members are appreciated. It is crucial to ensure that the benefits package is fair within the sector and provides appropriate remuneration for the personnel’s abilities, knowledge, and objectives. Medical, pension plans and other perks are essential for employee retention. Job rotation provisions and parental leave programs assist employees in establishing an appropriate work-life balance and alleviating stress. Employee recognition and benefits can be integral to a whole rewards package (Kaur, G., & Sharma, 2019). Financial rewards, gifts, or verbal praises can be effective incentives.

A holistic benefits scheme comprising competitive remuneration, perks, work-life balance, professional development, promotion, and honors can help hire and keep top personnel, foster a great corporate culture, and promote the company’s long-range goals. The human resources team is accountable for designing, communicating, and routinely reviewing and revising the whole rewards package to ensure its continued effectiveness (Fulmer & Li, 2022). For instance, if an individual prefers work-family balance over development and training chances, flexibility in work arrangement may be more helpful to them than a training scheme.

Explanation on how total reward components attract and retain talent

When the firm is developing, the HR management must recruit even more talent. To attract the best talent, the organization must offer a comprehensive remuneration package of financial and non-financial components. The human resources agency must guarantee that the employee benefits supplied to professionals are competitive in the marketplace and equitable according to their abilities, knowledge, and roles. Recognizing and rewarding the performance of employees can also be an essential part of a whole incentives package (Rai et al., 2019). Providing opportunities for career growth, like coaching, counseling, and mentorships, can be a huge aspect of recruiting and maintaining professionals.

A thorough incentive compensation scheme that is in line with the business objectives and corporate culture is created and put into place by HR. HR Collaborate with management staff and other administrators to guarantee that actual and future employees are adequately informed about the rewards program. HR Assessing the profit-sharing program’s success in attracting talent and making appropriate revisions. HR ensures that the incentives program supports and promotes diversity and inclusion within the organization (Qader, 2021). HR educates and trains managers and staff members about the significance and worth of the entire rewards package.

Concept of EVP and its relation to total rewards

EVP is the various perks and benefits an organization delivers in exchange for its talents, competencies, and dedication toward the firm. It is fundamentally the commitments a firm delivers to its workforce in terms of compensation they deliver to the firm. EVP is strongly tied with reward systems, as the entire incentives package constitutes one of the essential segments of the EVP. EVP creates a culture and system that ensures employees are rewarded according to their efforts (Arasanmi & Krishna, 2019). Firms that adopt effective, rewarding programs perform better and enable the firm to achieve its goals.

The HR division should concentrate on creating an effective EVP with a total incentives package that is competitive and in line with the firm’s principles and goals. The HR division can do this in order to draw in top talent, increase engagement, and promote a healthy corporate culture. The Human resources department should do a study to determine what inspires workers and what they cherish in their profession in order to develop a successful EVP (Zaware, 2019). All workers, especially recruits, must be informed of the EVP during the induction program.


Rewards are given in the form of monetary and non-monetary. Reward schemes promote the appreciation and motivation of employees. HR is critical in promoting rewards that attract and promote top talents in the firm. HR establishes and implements the firm’s total compensation strategies. HR analyses different forms of compensation and benefits by receiving employees’ feedback. Rewards can be in the form of EVP, a real benefit that firms offer employees. HR increases engagement which promotes healthy corporate culture. New employees are informed of reward and EVP programs of the firm as a measure to motivate them to perform proficiently.


Arasanmi, C. N., & Krishna, A. (2019). . Industrial and Commercial Training. Web.

Fulmer, I. S., & Li, J. (2022). . Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9, 147-169. Web.

Kaur, G., & Sharma, R. R. K. (2019). . Journal of Management Research, 19(4), 221-234. Web.

Pattanayak, B. (2020). Human resource management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Qader, A. N. (2021). . Studies of Applied Economics, 39(7). Web.

Rai, A., Ghosh, P., & Dutta, T. (2019). . In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited. Web.

Silver, D., Singh, S., Precup, D., & Sutton, R. S. (2021). . Artificial Intelligence, 299, 103535. Web.

Zaware, P. D. N. (2019). . Effective Human Resource Management with Employee Value Proposition, 8(9). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 5). Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition.

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"Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition." IvyPanda, 5 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition'. 5 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition." June 5, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition." June 5, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Total Reward Package and EVP: Linking the Employee Value Proposition." June 5, 2024.

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