During the general survey, the patient shared several specific symptoms. The patient stated the urge to urinate more frequently, while the process itself became more challenging; he stated feeling unusual pain in his bones and complained about his skin being dry. Another mentioned symptoms were fatigue, loss of weight, nail alterations, increased occurrence of headaches, and sleep deprivations. During the examination, I noticed that the patient occasionally itched and had minor bruises in areas not covered with clothes. Everything mentioned indicate a chronic rental failure; it might be caused by hypertension, which was diagnosed 15 years ago; possible exacerbation might cause End-Stage Renal Failure.
Disposition – Treatment
Hypertension implies that there is a need to control the blood pressure. The main goal is to keep it at or below 130/80mm Hg with the help of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (Chronic kidney disease). Next, the patient should adjust his lifestyle to help protect the kidneys and the heart. It involves not smoking, exercise regularly, control the blood sugar, consume food without much salt and potassium, with low fats and cholesterol (take drugs to lower it if needed) (Chronic kidney disease). There is a possibility of following a special diet or taking over-the-counter medicine, like vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Disposition – Plan
- The patient with chronic renal failure should be referred to nephrologist. Nephrology, sometimes referred to as renal medicine, is a specialty in the internal medicine field that is related to kidney care and hypertension (Chronic kidney disease). Apart from that, nephrologists can treat associated issues, such as mineral and electrolyte imbalances and fluid retention, and provide kidney dialysis treatment if needed.
- In case non-physician provider, the patient should consider consulting a dietitian. Renal nutritionists possess the needed knowledge of what food is appropriate for the kidney support. They are able to consult the patient and prescribe a diet to ensure his optimal health and prepare for the following kidney treatment.
- is a specialized forum devoted to supporting people living with kidney diseases as well as their friends or families. After the registration, people can create topics and communicate online (Forum). There, they are able to discuss experiences, diets, dialysis, and many more. The group provides several informational topics dedicated for self-education. Thus, people may find not only understanding, but also learn useful facts and share them with their close ones.
- National Kidney Foundation is a lifeline for people affected by kidney diseases. This foundation provides various treatment, including dialysis, kidney transplantation, and palliative care. It provides grants for research on the matter, including the support for young investigators (Research). Amongst their ongoing research, for example, is the role of thyroid hormone replacements in the improvement of patients’ quality of life (Research). Another organization that aims to help fighting the kidney diseases is an American Kidney Fund. The fund is nonprofitable; main goal is to support patients in either disease prevention or post-transplant living (Professionals and research). Fund is providing online educational programs and coaching for healthcare professionals; the ongoing research include, for example, a study of nephrotic syndrome (Professionals and research). The national day devoted for kidney diseases is set on the 10th of March, referred to as World Kidney Day.
Chronic kidney disease. (n.d.). MedlinePlus. Web.
Forum. (n.d.). DaVita Kidney Care. Web.
Research. (n.d.). National Kidney Foundation. Web.
Professionals and research. (n.d.). American Kidney Fond. Web.