In the future, several trends will certainly emerge which will directly influence training. One major trend arises from technological factors that would change training materials’ content and presentation. According to Papakostas et al. (2021), training is expected to change due to the adoption of augmented reality, which can be very beneficial in spatial training. Political trends will also involve changes in policies which encourage the use of technology. Virtual reality is a new technological evolution that changes how learners experience classes.
Virtual reality involves the use of spacial media that is used to present content in a realistic form. The student must wear a virtual reality headset. Besides viewing the content, the students can also interact with it. Virtual reality is often used, especially among engineering students who have problems acquiring visualisation capacities, so augmented reality helps students learn better. Additionality, virtual reality makes the learning process more enjoyable, and students can retain the information. The political trends impacting training involve new policies and regulations encouraging training adoption. For instance, new policies have already come up that make it easier for people to be awarded the certification after attending online classes (Sedov & Kashfrazyeva, 2022). Teachers and training have also begun to adopt new technologies more as the regulations support using these new education methods.
In conclusion, the significant trends in training will involve political and technological changes. The technological changes will involve adopting virtual reality systems, which will improve the process of training students. The political changes involve new policies and laws to encourage the use of technology in education. These new trends have numerous advantages that will ensure that students learn and retain the knowledge.
Papakostas, C., Troussas, C., Krouska, A., & Sgouropoulou, C. (2021). Exploration of Augmented Reality in Spatial Abilities Training: A Systematic Literature Review for the Last Decade. Informatics in Education, 20(1), 107-130.
Sedov, S., & Kashfrazyeva, G. (2022). Trends in the development of technological education and advanced vocational training of students in the context of technological education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(1), 200-216.