The United Nations Global Compact being an initiative which has played a major role in making sure that business organizations subscribe to policies which enhance social responsibilities has enacted some principles which have been able to bring companies together in ensuring a global sustainability. In addressing the integration of Hewlett Packard into the United Nations Global Compact, this paper will basically consider two principles.
The first principle will principle number six which focuses on labour standards and seeks to ensure that in all types of occupations and employments, discrimination should totally be done away with (Utting and Zammit 2006, 16). The next principle in focus will be the 9th principle which entails precautionary measures to be taken as companies approach challenges posed by the environment (UNGC 2010, 155) (a).
Business approaches
Hewlett Packard, in its undeterred ambition to providing cutting edge technology to the populations all over the world became a member of the United Nations Global Compact initiative in a bid to be in support of the ten principles. Some of the practices and approaches that the company can and has tried to follow concur with the principle of equity in labour distribution (Kell 2005, 33).
This has been a sad case in many companies who have been discriminating amongst color and origin. To incorporate this into the business system, the company must integrate transparency in its human resource system such that all workers feel respected. This too has to consider that the process of hiring and/or firing falls in under the same conditions where meritocracy is respected irrespective of skin color (UNGC & UNHCHR 2007, 41).
On the principle of environmental challenges, the Global Compact calls for all responsible factions within the organization respect the environment. This ranges from the way in which waste is disposed in the factories and assembly units, policies on recycling and gaseous emissions which can tend to bring up the now alarming global warming (UNGC 2010, 25) (a).
Implications of the approaches
On incorporating such practices into the management of Hewlett Packard, some issues are bound to come up. In the first place, not all people involved will be ready to corporate in enhancing the changes. Some feel that they have the power to pick the next GM and it would be difficult to bring about a system where merit comes first.
All branches of the company are expected to maintain a cleaner and greener environment by making sure that all recyclable material is utilized which calls for more efforts in waste collection and disposal particularly for those branches in third world countries. As much as it might appear difficult to adopt the practices, the end result will have boosted the face of the company to very big heights (Global Compact Critics 2008, 7).
Lessons learnt from the subscription
Subscribing to a certain set of principles is all good for a company. In the early days of such a procedure, the company undergoes some reaps which might affect production though this does not go on for long.
In the current era when the global warming impact is being felt worldwide, all parties tend to appreciate such efforts which then boosts the image of the company (UPMD 2010, 45). As companies engage themselves in making sure that the plights of the environment are respected, they should also consider assisting other less fortunate groups and not just their vicinity (GPFE, 2007, 66).
To all other companies who might be in the same industry, such challenges as they tend to occur should only be viewed as a stepping stone. Considering disposal of such waste as worn out monitors and keyboards which are biodegradable, the companies should feel obliged to protect the environment, as they are very dangerous to the environment. It is upon the management of each company to seek ways and means of ensuring that all employees understand the relevance of being in such a compact (Paul and Scerri, n.d, 56).
Benefits and risks
The major benefit that the company and its stakeholders get from this practice is a boost in its image. Also the company on joining hands with other companies to protect the environment will also be protecting its future and will have valuable benefits to the descendants and all other stakeholders (UNGC. 2010, 5) (b).
The only risk that can be posed is implementation squabbles which might tend to affect the companies productivity. The stakeholders should consider staying into focus with the business goals to avoid inconsiderate disintegration (Kell and Bart 2008, 12).
So as to make the principles effective, the local network should set up seminars and workshop which seek to educate the relevant stakeholders on the implementation of the 10 principles (Global Compact Critics 2007, 74). The people involved should try to make sure that all information is disbursed in clear and simple terms such that no party feels oppressed or neglected at the end of the day.
Apart from that, the local network should set out policies to the companies which subscribe to the principle which will ensure that they are implementing the principles like advertisements, sharing of information and holding joint events with other companies in pursuance of fulfillment of the principles. All the actions taken by the company should be tabled annually to the local compact directorate (UN Global Compact 2007, 46).
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