The representatives of the Democratic and the Republican Parties of the United States have opposite viewpoints on immigration-related issues. In fact, 78 percent of Republicans regard immigration-restricting measures as playing a key role in the security of the country (Kagura). At the same time, 36 percent of Democrats argue that it is necessary to support incomers and increase legal immigration (Kagura). The purpose of this paper is to examine the political debate about necessary immigration reforms.
The representatives of the Republican Party regard increasing immigration as dangerous. According to them, “allowing millions of unidentified persons to enter and remain in this country poses grave risks” (Kagura). In Republicans’ viewpoint, it is the major ground for the prevalence of drug dealing, terrorism, and criminality in the US. Therefore, Republicans think that it is necessary to implement strict control and prosecution policies over immigrants including the deportation of criminals (Kagura). Besides, they are opposed to legalizing amnesty programs and believe that US safety can be secured through completing the border fence.
Democrats, on the contrary, regard immigration as beneficial because it can renew and enrich the American Community. They remind people of the fact that from a historical viewpoint, immigration is the key aspect of the formation of the US (Kagura). That is why the representatives of the Democratic Party think that it is necessary to implement a comprehensive reform on immigration (Kagura). Although they admit the necessity of securing the borders, Democrats are for the amnesty programs and against criminals’ deportation. The members of the party want the government to take measures aimed at making the process of incomers’ becoming permanent residents of the US easier. In conclusion, the views of Democrats and Republicans on immigration are completely different. The only aspect of the immigration policies that they agree upon is the need to secure the US borders.
Kagurara, Craig. “Republicans and Democrats in Different Worlds on Immigration.” The Chicago Council, 2019. Web.