Hypertension is a serious health condition problem, the significance of which is explained by its global presence. According to the “Hypertension” report, more than 1.28 billion people suffer from hypertension worldwide (WHO, 2023). Moreover, most people are unaware of their diagnosis, leading to millions of premature and preventable adult deaths all over the world (WHO, 2023).
One of the ways to comprehensively address the problem of hypertension is to promote change to a healthy lifestyle as the main preventive measure. The primary method of achieving preventive goals should be healthy behavior, in particular, keeping to a healthy diet. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of technology in managing hypertension by targeting keeping to a healthy diet problem.
Technology, which is an integral part of modern daily life, must be used to improve patient health outcomes. Technology simplifies the provision of care and provides more opportunities for health self-management (Kwasnicka et al., 2022). The most significant way the technology can be used is to encourage the patient to lead a healthy lifestyle (Kwasnicka et al., 2022). An example of the use of technology for this purpose would be health-tracking devices such as heart rate monitors and calorie, water, and sleep counters.
Technology is also helping patients track their well-being, for example, through mood diaries or condition tracking. Finally, with the help of technology, patients can get all the information they need about their areas of concern, which will ensure a smoother transition to a healthy lifestyle.
The use of technology for patient engagement must be sensible. One of the main dangers is implausible and harmful information that people can receive from unverified sources. It should be the responsibility of medical personnel to provide the patient with relevant sources about their health condition (Kwasnicka et al., 2022).
In addition, technology is not available to all people, which can create disparities in access to healthcare. Mobile apps, which are often used to track healthy lifestyles, are no exception. For their beneficial use, users must have a smartphone and Internet access and additional devices are often required. Mobile apps may be too costly and hard to use for the patient.
Mobile Application Selection
- Kitchen Stories: Tasty Recipes
- Engagement Mean Score: 4,6
- Functionality Mean Score: 4,5
- Aesthetics Mean Score: 3,66
- Information Mean Score: 3,28
- App Quality Mean Score: 3,5
The main purpose of the application in question is to provide users with step-by-step instructions for preparing delicious and healthy dishes. The simplicity of the interface, video instructions, product lists, and additional information sections will assist patients with hypertension and lead them to a healthier diet. Unobtrusive reminders, ease of use, hints, and an intuitive interface that showcases the beauty and ease of preparing healthy meals will facilitate this transition.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The main advantages of the application are the lack of unnecessary information, intuitive navigation, simple language, bright pictures, additional information about the grocery basket, and the benefits of products. Installing the application does not cost money, however, some additional features, such as enhanced access to recipes, are paid. The price for the premium account is low, starting from a 15$ subscription fee, but there is no need for additional payment since the application already provides a lot of useful information. The ease of signing up for an account is another plus, as is having a community that can share recipes. The disadvantages of the application include the lack of references and evidence in the information section. In addition, the application promotes the goals for the transition to a healthy lifestyle but does not have the tools to mark their achievement.
The Impact of the Application on User Knowledge
The assessment presented in Appendix 1 suggests that Kitchen Stories: Tasty Recipes can be a useful tool that encourages awareness, knowledge, healthy attitudes, and the intention to change. The only poorly addressed point is the encouragement to seek help, which can be one of the main aspects of the fight against hypertension. The application can be useful for health promotion, but it may need additional fixing to be truly relevant to addressing the chosen issue.
As shown in Appendix 2, picture 1, the app’s logo depicts the steam that rises from a freshly cooked dish, which stimulates the appetite. The desire to learn new recipes is provoked by the application’s interface, which presents vivid photographs. Information sections are designed to assist the user in responding to the awareness of proper nutrition.
The application is able to increase users’ knowledge by providing valuable information regarding the right food basket and healthy food choices. The application is designed to change people’s attitudes towards healthy eating and show that it is simple and pleasant to cook. In addition, participation in the community may contribute to the desire of the patient to change their eating habits.
The disadvantage of Kitchen Stories: Tasty Recipes is that the application does not pay enough attention to the need to warn users about the importance of seeking help. Adding this warning to the interface could greatly improve the efficiency of the application. In addition, supplementing the information section with other methods of preventing hypertension and adding a way to clearly track the goal of changing eating behavior would also be helpful.
Kwasnicka, D., Keller, J., Perski, O., Potthoff, S., Ten Hoor, G. A., Ainsworth, B., & Sanderman, R. (2022). White paper: Open Digital Health – Accelerating transparent and scalable health promotion and treatment. Health Psychology Review, 16(4), 475-491. Web.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2023). Hypertension. Fact-sheets. Web.
Appendix 1. The MARS Evaluation Form
Appendix 2. App Logo