Today’s Children are more efficient and comfortable with devices such as computers, television, video games, PlayStations (PS), and PlayStation portables (PSP). Sadly, these technological devices are extremely beneficial and entertaining but are also the sole reason for inactivity and the resultant problems among children, such as obesity, which is an extremely serious issue.
Although gaming habits do offer some educational benefits and enable the children to speed up their brain activity, they do more harm than good to the children. Irrespective of the claims made by the gaming industry, the stress due to continuous play causes severe harm to the eyes, brain and overall health of individuals, especially children. The most severe problem of gaming is the detachment of children from the real world and outdoor play and exercise. With the children being habituated and addicted to their gaming devices, they tend to become more and more prone to sedentary lifestyles which results in severe health problems such as obesity, which has become a serious concern today.
Children also fail to develop their socialization skills as they grow aloof from the real world of humans and social activities. Thus, it can be affirmatively stated that gaming culture and attitudes do more harm than good to individuals and should concentrate on developing games that encourage outdoor play, exercise, and community living among people, more particularly children.
The current generation is becoming more and more sedentary with the widespread use and employment of technology, which is why outdoor activity and exercise are becoming more and more a thing of the past. The modern ways of living are distancing the new generations at a more rapid pace from the cultures and traditional outdoor play activities that were practiced not so long ago.