Virtual Reality Space Product Project Challenges Research Paper

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The project we undertook involved finalizing an idea and creating a pitch for the idea. Every team member had to contribute to ensuring the project was finalized on time. The product identified was a VR space to solve the challenges experienced by consumers, designers, and manufacturers. The idea was to partner with IKEA because it is a well-established furniture store. From research, the product we were to provide matches what interior designers need because it streamlines their tasks. It also assists the designers in making amendments to their plans in the virtual space, which helps avoid the need to create 3D models. During the project, several challenges came up, which included providing leadership to the team, identifying the customer segment for the product, and understanding the “pains” of the customer segment. This report will present a reflection on the challenges that came up during the project.

Providing Leadership to the Team

Description of the experience

The project involved working as a team and I was chosen as the leader. The challenge was how to lead the team without appearing as being controlling. Previously, I had worked with different teams and there was always a challenge of some team members slowing down the progress. Therefore, I made the effort to communicate with all the team members and inform them of our objectives and timelines. Also, I added all the team members to a WhatsApp group to help in communication and sharing ideas. Another issue was how to communicate with them regarding their objectives. People may detest being reminded every time about the tasks they are supposed to accomplish (Mohanty, and Mohanty, 2018). Therefore, I decided to communicate in a friendly way to ensure that there was no element of control. When a team leader prefers to control everything, the team may develop low morale which may hinder the continuation of the project.

Feelings and Thoughts about the experience

At the start, I was afraid that we would fail to complete the project on time. This was because of my previous experiences working with teams of people. However, the present team was easy to work with and it took less time for individuals to get to full speed. The experience enhanced my leadership skills because I learned about the need to communicate effectively. The individuals rely on the guidance of the leader who needs to show they are in charge (Barreto, and Hogg, 2018). The experience of leading the team was a huge part of my development and the experience will be important in the future. Working with team members to accomplish a task helped change my perception of teamwork. In my previous experiences, I have had challenges working with groups. However, I have realized that what matters is the management model.

Evaluation of the experience

The experience of leading the group was different from all the previous ones. I experienced better teamwork and communication between group members. Also, the individuals were able to meet the deadline without the leader having to remind them all the time. The team helped generate new ideas for the project which eased the work for the leader. Completing the task was a challenge because of the short time we had been allocated. The little time made it necessary for the people to work together to ensure the successful completion of the work. I applied my organizing skills to ensure that there was a plan for each day. The WhatsApp group assisted people to communicate about the progress and any challenges. It was my work to solve the challenges that the individuals experienced during the group work. It was a hard task but the team made it easy because of their innovativeness.


The experience tested my skills in organizing, communicating, time management, and leadership. Group works can be challenging because of the different personalities that may be found in one group (Barreto, and Hogg, 2018). The curriculum has made it mandatory for group work to be incorporated into the syllabus. This is because of the importance it has on helping students practice or understand their skills. Understanding your skills is the first step towards improving yourself as an individual. Therefore, this experience was instrumental in understanding what skills I excel in. I learned that different people require a specific way of management. Thus, leaders have to understand their audience to enable them to provide effective leadership. The experience with the team enhanced my management skills after previous incidences. With the knowledge, it is possible to know where to adjust. Successful completion of a project requires contribution from all the team members (Černevičiūtė, and Strazdas, 2018). Also, the team leader has to exhibit excellent organizing skills.

Conclusion on Key lessons

From the experience, there is an expectation for a leader in any group to provide guidance. Leaders have to show the other people how to proceed to avoid having individuals who are not actively contributing to the work (Dias, and Borges, 2017). Managing people by offering support and providing guidance is an effective way of achieving success. I applied this model by organizing the group and dividing the tasks then following up and providing assistance to the people. The individuals responded positively to this model and even offered suggestions and ideas on how to proceed. This was important because it meant that every person was involved in the project. Given another chance, I would have organized zoom meetings when discussing critical parts of the work. The meetings can solve more issues at a go and members can discuss the issues openly. This is an idea that can also save time which is crucial for timed projects.

Action plan

In the future, I plan on using the leadership model in a diverse team of people. The current team had people from the same culture because we come from Qatar. I would want to be involved in a group with diversity because it can help improve my understanding of people and leadership. I plan on applying this model in different aspects of leadership in the future. The model works well with a group of people and can provide balance. In case I experience a similar situation in the future, I will evaluate the people I am leading then decide how best to approach the situation. People have different personalities and may require a leader to adopt a specific approach (Gerpott, Fasbender, and Burmeister, 2020). Therefore, understanding your audience can help avoid challenges that come as a result of poor leadership. Also, effective communication is important in ensuring that colleagues follow the plan.

Identifying the Customer Segment

Description of the experience

The next challenge was identifying the customer segment for the product we had chosen. At first, we had identified IKEA as our main customer but after deliberations, we decided to use them as partners. The challenge was determining who was the important customer for our VR space idea. Any business needs to identify the right customer segment for its products. This is because it determines the sales volume for the business. Choosing the right customer segment may signify better returns when the product starts being rolled out (Camilleri, 2018). Recognizing the customer segment requires market research that is focused on your business field of operation (Nivetha, and Kowshalya, 2021). We focused on the behaviors of the customers and realized that the interior designers would benefit more from the product. Therefore, we decided to make interior designers the main customer segment for the product. Identifying the customer segment was challenging but by working together the team was able to come up with the customer segment.

Feelings and thoughts about the experience

Finding the customer segment to use for the group work was a challenging task. The experience challenged our ability to research and come up with ideas on the segmentation of our product. Since the product would be sold in the Qatar market, we had to analyze the market in Qatar. The Qatar market has experienced various challenges in the interior design industry. Providing the VR space would solve most of the challenges identified in the industry. The experience changed the way I view customer segmentation. I have a business that I would like to start and this knowledge will be essential in determining the segment. Also, from the experience teamwork is important as it aided our success in coming up with the right documentation.

Evaluation of the experience

The experience of identifying the customer segmentation was an important part of the project. I gained essential skills that will be useful in the future. The best part of the experience was the deliberation that happened when coming up with the idea. The team worked together which was important as it prevented delays. The challenge came up when deciding whether to use IKEA as the main customer segment or as the partner. The team decided to use IKEA as a partner because it is a well-established furniture store. Also, we realized that the interior designers would benefit more from the idea than IKEA. The process of narrowing down the most important customer helped every group member understand the essence of customer segmentation. Also, I learned the importance of analyzing the behaviors of the customers. This is because by focusing on the behaviors, one can develop an idea that suits the customers.


Customer segmentation identification was an important part of the design reality project. I found the research part of the process interesting because I got to learn more about the Qatar market. This is important because as an entrepreneur I have plans to venture into the hotel industry. The process of identifying the right customer segment was challenging and I had to use my leadership and organizing skills. In challenging times, a leader should step up because the other team members are reliant on the guidance of the squad leader. Experiencing challenges helped in enhancing my problem-solving skills which are crucial for the future. We had a challenge deciding how to determine the main customer segment. This challenge was solved by the whole squad because we came together and generated ideas. Therefore, teamwork helped in solving another challenge that our group experienced. The final decision was to use IKEA as the partner and interior designers as the main customer segment.

Conclusion on Key lessons

From the experience, I learned one can focus on the behaviors of the consumers. Previously, I thought that customer segmentation focused on all the customers. Since I plan on being an entrepreneur, I plan on using this information to identify the customers to cater to. Analyzing the behaviors of different consumers can provide an entrepreneur with a unique idea. It is difficult to cater to all consumers because of the unique needs possessed by most customers (Shavitt, and Barnes, 2020). Also, I learned that problem solving requires a person to be willing to listen to other people’s ideas. Listening to the ideas proposed by different people in the group enabled the challenge to be solved successfully. Working together and sticking to individual roles is important in any group work. I would apply the use of research from the onset when determining the segmentation. Understanding the market and the needs of the client are useful in providing the right pitch and idea.

Action plan

In the future, I plan on using data to make conclusions regarding the segmentation. With data, it is easy to understand consumer behaviors in a particular sector. After using data, we found out that interior designers would use the VR space better than IKEA. This was crucial as it solved one of the biggest challenges I experienced. Also, I would use teamwork to solve any similar challenge in the future. From experience, teamwork is helpful in tasks that are challenging because of the ability to divide the issue into segments. Each person researches one segment and presents the information after finishing the research. This helps the group have diverse ideas which can be incorporated together. Ensuring that the team handles is capable of handling difficult problems is another aspect that I will be keen on in the future. It is essential to have a team that will not give up when things get tough.

Understanding the “pains” for the Customer segment

Description of the experience

Understanding the pains experienced by the consumers is important when identifying the value proposition of the product. These are the challenges that the target customer faces when carrying out their job. After wide research and deliberations, we concluded that the pains experienced by interior designers were having to change plans midway and customer complaints. These two issues wasted a lot of crucial time for the interior designers. Therefore, our objective was to provide a solution that alleviates the identified pain. The VR space solves this challenge because it provides the designers a platform where they can save their work and edit the work as they wish. Editing the designs does not come with the added cost of having to develop a 3D model of the design. This would save time and cost for the interior designers who may need to edit the plan to suit the customers’ requirements.

Feelings and thoughts about the experience

The experience of identifying the problems encountered by the interior designers was tough because of the nature of the Qatar market. There is inadequate information on the interior design industry which hindered our progress. Part of a good pitch is providing information on the reasons why the team settled on the identified product. It is impossible to come up with an appropriate value proposition without considering the pains encountered by the target market (Trafimow, Hyman, and Kostyk, 2020). This is because solving the identified pains provides the business with a unique niche that is untapped. Even though identifying the pains was tough, the team made it easy because of their willingness to come together. Teamwork contributed to being able to solve the challenges that came up. Therefore, sticking together and trusting the ability of team members can aid the success of the group.

Evaluation of the experience

Arguments on what to decide were one of the challenges that arose when identifying the pains. Different ideas were floated around which complicated the process. It took time for people to agree on the final two issues and the delay had threatened the completion of the project. Disagreements are common in groups and can jeopardize all the attempts to complete the work (Lykourentzou, et al., 2021). The squad had established a protocol to use when arguments arose. All the differing sides were to be given equal opportunities to explain their viewpoints without any interruption. This helped create an order which created a positive working environment. Teamwork enabled the completion of the task on pains experienced by interior designers. Carrying out the objective successfully improved my understanding of customers and their needs. It is essential to consider the pains of the customer and develop strategies for how to relieve the pains.


Identifying the customer’s pains is an important step in being able to address their needs. The pains are the challenges that are experienced by clients when accessing a particular service or when doing a certain task. The pains can be identified by conducting market surveys on the target market for your product (Nivetha, and Kowshalya, 2021). As a group, we decided to research from internet sources and determine what were the pains interior designs experienced. The task was challenging because of the specificity of the objective. Also, there is little literature on the interior design market in Qatar. Therefore, the team relied on research and data from the internet to come up with the pains. This experience changed the way I view the development of products by businesses. The importance of knowing what the consumer is experiencing can not be understated. The entrepreneur also has to come up with potential solutions to relieve the pains.

Conclusion on Key lessons

The key lesson from this experience is the importance of first understanding the customer’s challenges then proving solutions to eradicate the challenges. Developing the pitch required that we come up with a product for a business of choice. The product we identified is VR space for interior designers. The objective of the VR space is to eradicate the need for repetitions and provide the designers with the ability to save their work. Another key lesson is the importance of data in coming up with correct inferences. Without the right information, we would have presented the wrong ideas on the pitch. As a team, we communicated with the interior design companies in Qatar to understand what challenges they undergo. This was important because the information we got was more reliable and would be useful for the project. There was a challenge accessing information but the team came up with solutions that worked.

Action plan

When faced with a similar situation I would adopt a similar approach as we used in the present situation. However, on the point of communication with interior designers, I would have sent a list of questions to them first. The list of questions would prepare them for our conversation as most of the companies have busy schedules. Also, this move would ensure that the person answering the questions understands the context of the information we are seeking. The person can provide additional helpful sources of information which can be helpful. Also, this plan would alleviate the challenge of accessing the information on the interior design field in Qatar. Effective communication is important as it can provide better organization and planning (Nivetha, and Kowshalya, 2021). I also plan to embrace teamwork due to my experience with the team. We were able to complete all tasks on time and in the process learned more about the market and consumers.


In summary, the reflection focused on the three challenges experienced by the team. Of the challenge was providing leadership to the team and making sure the project was completed on time. The second challenge was identifying the customer segment for the product and differentiating between partners and customers. The third challenge was understanding the “pains” for the customer segment. The experiences from the three challenges enhanced my belief in teamwork and effective leadership in times of crisis.

Reference List

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Gerpott, F.H., Fasbender, U. and Burmeister, A., 2020. Respectful leadership and followers’ knowledge sharing: A social mindfulness lens. Human Relations, 73(6), pp.789-810.

Lykourentzou, I., Vinella, F.L., Ahmed, F., Papastathis, C., Papangelis, K., Khan, V.J. and Masthoff, J., 2021. Self-Organizing Teams in Online Work Settings. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07421.

Mohanty, A. and Mohanty, S., 2018. The impact of communication and group dynamics on teamwork effectiveness: The case of service sector organizations. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17(4), pp.1-14.

Nivetha, M. and Kowshalya, A.M., 2021. Customer Segmentation for Enhancing Customer-Centric Business. E-Commerce for Future & Trends, 8(1), pp.17-31.

Shavitt, S. and Barnes, A.J., 2020. Culture and the consumer journey. Journal of Retailing, 96(1), pp.40-54.

Trafimow, D., Hyman, M.R. and Kostyk, A., 2020. The (im) precision of scholarly consumer behavior research. Journal of Business Research, 114, pp.93-101.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 9). Virtual Reality Space Product Project Challenges.

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