Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic Essay

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Walmart Empire, having penetrated once into the American society and economy seems to always stay at the position it is now. Wal-Mart stores have been supplying people with commodities for more than forty years. So, it would be accurate to assume that the philosophy of the company is quite good if it managed to expend to such a size. Nonetheless, I guess the strong recession is in store for the Incorporation and my strong belief is that it is the Walmart history, which is oxymoronic with its future as the authorities and community will deny it.

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Firstly, in my opinion, the employees, tired of being treated inappropriately are to give up their jobs and are to look for better fortune, than to work in a Wal-Mart store. As the philosophy of Walmart does not include the benefits for its employees, or they are slim to nothing, they manage to gain astronomic profits, shoving money. One of the commentaries to the film was that depriving the employees from the live and benefits WM is showing nothing, but a” corporate greed” (Walmart – high cost of Low Prices, Webpage) It is a known fact that the turnover of the shop is 50 % as, while they spend a lot on some techniques, they try to economizer on the work labor.

Secondly, the local authorities are to stop supporting this mega business as it prevents the local stores to develop and moreover exist. It is not concealed that the “Grand open” of WM in any small town is a big event. It is expected to employ thousands of people, it is to give a bigger buying opportunity to those, whose income is not so big, but it is to destroy the local system of stores and simply to put them out of business. 20 % decrease of the local economy (1000 Friends of Iowa, Webpage) is the result of the abovementioned benefits. So, not to destroy the inner market infrastructure they are to be cautious and deny WM someday. It would be really interesting to observe the WM development in 10 years.

Thirdly, the government is to restrict the freedoms they take as the overall result of the existence of WM does not support the state anyhow taking overseas-buying- in-orientation (namely Chinese one), thus selling chip commodities, which cost a high price at the end. WM has become a monopoly, the aim of which is to gain huge profits to its shareholders only. So, in the time of crisis and recession all over the country it is unacceptable. The inner economy is to be supported at the first place so the priorities would be again arranged in a right way, as the proud of America has always been a strong middle class, which now is shrinking and shrinking while the rich people are becoming richer and the poor ones even poorer.


Inferring, I can not fail to mention my strong belief that the future of the chain of mega discount department stores Walmart is to put the big mark of question on the existence of it. Of course the closure can not be achieved sharply, but gradually. Starting from the lower class and ending with the government the denial of these stores is to be achieved. The employees achieving no perspective from working on WM will try to find a better fortune, than the local authorities will support the infrastructure of the local market and finally the government will limit the freedoms, taken by WM to stabilize the inner economy of the country. I am sure that there should be a good alternative to WM, created in the near future not to pay such a high cost of low prices.


  1. Google, Tm, 2008. Walmart – high cost of Low Prices.
  2. “Citizens United for Responsible Land Use.” 1000 Friends of Iowa. 2005. Iowa Department of Economic Development.
  3. Los Angeles, CA. Walmart and the future of Urban America.
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IvyPanda. (2021, October 14). Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic.

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"Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic." IvyPanda, 14 Oct. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic'. 14 October.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic." October 14, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic." October 14, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Walmart Empire: History and the Future-Oxymoronic." October 14, 2021.

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