Business Concept Description: Wang Tea
The paper targets an elaborate description of the Wang Tea business conception as well as explores the specifications of ready to drink (RTD) tea marketing in the USA. Specifically, the report puts a strong emphasis on the factors that influence human resource management within the new business enterprise.
The Wang Tea industry in the USA is established on the basis of the Asian tradition of drink marketing. Thus, the described company overtook the fundamental principles of tea appreciation and extended it into a new American marketing conception. Today, a successful functioning of such brands as Bed & Breakfast, Tea Room, and Catering in the US proves that the drink starts suppressing even traditional morning coffee since a number of experts claim that healthy lifestyle lovers prefer fresh tea and believe that it can be as energizing as coffee (Tea class, tea education, tea business, 2012).
Initially, the Wang Tea production was launched in Indonesia, in 1890, and represented a synthesis of Taiwanese tea sorts (Brief history of Wang Tea, 2014). It was believed that Wang herbal tea possessed unique treatment properties, and people started treating infectious diseases with its help (Zheng, 2009). There is also a different assumption, due to which the product stemmed from China and originated as a creation of Pedlar Wang in 1700 (Avery, 2003).
The new U.S. business enterprise is located in Washington. It adopted the Asian spirit of the Wang Tea it placed it into a new setting. Thus, it aims at selling its key product in the frames of healthy, cheap, fast, and chilled tea marketing. Therefore, the concept of production represents a healthy beverage that is used by clients of any age as a healthy alternative to caffeine and carbonated drinks.
The Planning of Human Resources Management
The business conception of the RTD tea evolves from the idea of founding multiple stores and tea shops throughout the city, which can enhance the availability of the product. Therefore, an elaborate human resource management planning is needed so that to coordinate the work.
The organizational hierarchy involves the positions of at office and distribution specialists since the production is based on offshore manufacturing and does not include the production phase. Therefore, the company follows the basic HRM model and includes the positions of manager and assistant managers and few subordinate structures (Mani, 2002). Specifically, one can differentiate the divisions of at office and at store staff as well as general technical support structure (Table 1).

The management team of the company embraces a strategic HRM standard. Following the regulations of this principle, it targets only the employees, who possess certain mental and physical qualities (Chen & Huang, 2009). Since the business strategy of Wang Tea marketing evolves from free trials and store selling, the workers of the enterprise have to be sociable, talkative, laborious, and interested in the advertising procedures.
The modern world of fast converging technology stimulates a high mobility of the employees (Horwitz, Heng, & Quazi, 2003). That is why, the tea enterprise adopted a friendly and careful attitude to workers and strives to retain talented professionals within the company. Specifically, the management overtook the China management system of financial bonuses that is claimed to be one of the most successful world recruitment practices (Chiu, Luk, & Tang, 2002). The system includes merit, pay, annual bonuses and leaves, overtime allowance, and loans. The number of advantages motivates the employees to work persistently and stay devoted to their occupation.
The policy of workers’ recruitment that was embraced by the Washington tea company is based on the system of “H” and “L” testing (Mathur & Stein, 2005). Thus, the management uses a practice of discriminative trials, which groups the potential employees according to their abilities. Typically, the “H” workers possess are highly intellectual while the “L” specialists tend to embrace the tasks that require physical work. The strategy assists the company in determining the suitable position for every employee.
The Wang Tea enterprise management supports the standards of non-discriminatory cooperation that are rooted in ethical decisions and human equality implications. According to Blanchard and Peale (2011), the moral standards of management refer to the concept of self-esteem. Therefore, the company supports and respects personal opinions of the employees, who work for it. Specifically, the enterprise adopts the work practices that do not interfere with the workers’ moral, cultural, or religious views. In this way, the management shows the employees that they are deeply revered within their workspace, which often inspires people for improving their productivity at work. Moreover, the company maintains a diversity-oriented human resources program. It underlines the opportunities of every U.S. citizen to receive a position in the Wang Tea enterprise, without any reference to his/her gender, race, ethnicity, and cultural conduct.
The general performances evaluation is based on the usage of conventional budget verifications as well as individual testing. Therefore, the management measures the marketing results as well as makes some complex compares with annual rates. Subsequently, on the basis of sale outcomes, the enterprise does further succession planning and conducts necessary human resources management. In case the management has some doubts about the achievements of separate employees, it sustains individual testing, which reveals the workers’ attitude to their job.
Finally, the company supports non-discriminatory environment at the workspace by showing its allegiance to diverse cultural practices. Thus, it adopts many international marketing strategies as well as maintains the Asian standards of tea appreciation. Moreover, the management initiates cultural evenings that stimulate mutual understanding between the workers of different backgrounds.
Avery, M. (2003). The tea road: China and Russia across the steppe. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press.
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