Watching Television: Genetic Influence Research Paper

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Diverse scientific studies have established that Watching Television has a Huge Genetic Influence. The argument posits that the manner individuals behave or carry themselves could be partly allied to watching television. Therefore, it becomes imperative to explore how TV watching can have such a phenomenon on individual genes. More so, it is essential to understand that genetics plays a fundamental role in shaping our individual personality.

The general area to be studied

Considering the multiple effects of TV watching on our life’s, it would be instrumental to explore and determine the manner watching TV influences our genes. The purpose of examining this quarter would help us in understanding how TV watching is linked to the genes. A number of scholarly studies have established that TV could be disastrous on our brains. However, no consistent studies have ever been conducted to establish the relationship between the effects of TV watching with the human genes (McAdams, 2006).

Why this area is important to the general area under study

The reason why this area is paramount to the study can be allied to the fact that genes play a crucial role in our bodies. Therefore, any element or factors influencing our genes ought to be taken seriously. For instance, established studies have demonstrated that TV watching has contributed to obesity in children as well as instances of ADHD. Therefore, exploring this aspect would be instrumental in understanding the connection between TV watching and the manner it influences genes.

Research problem

Why Watching Television has a Huge Genetic Influence. As a matter of fact in our contemporarily society TV watching has become the norm. The growth and progression of IT has made it possible for individuals to access TV from very tender age. Thus it becomes pertinent to examine the impact of watching TV on genetics. The purpose would involve establishing if any links exists between watching TV and our genetics.

The background to the research problem

From the physiological point of both normal and abnormal genetic traits are known to be highly inheritable. However, the emergence of pop-culture where TV watching has become a way of life to many investigating the impact TV on genetics becomes paramount. Therefore, this point to the fact that many individuals are exposing a number of genetic related features allied to TV watching. In this regard it becomes paramount to examine why watching TV has a huge genetic influence on individuals. According to the recent studies it was found that the longer an individual gets exposed to the TV the greater the chances are for one to be affected. Considering genetic aspects are more allied to biological and physiological perspective, it becomes essential to note their impacts (Funder, 2005).

State your research questions

why Watching Television has a Huge Genetic Influence, what causes this phenomenon. Does the genetic influence affect how the affected individual interact socially, does it also impinge on them emotionally. How does this happen.

Justifying the proposed study

In essence, animals as well as humans are born with innate instincts to carry out adaptive activities. These in-built instincts do include countless reflexes which are considerably straightforward activities such as looking for food. However, there are adaptive attributes which goes beyond the accepted human standard. And these are the elements we classify as animal instincts due to their genetic features.

Issues that emerge from the research problem

Some emerging issues from the research problem illustrates that due to biological interferences genes do develop diverse patterns pertaining to individual behavior. Too, genetic aspects or traits are environmentally influenced. Therefore, the scope of watching TV raises a number of questions on how this can influence our genes.

Rationale: Explain how these research questions are related to the larger issues raised in the introduction

Exploring the dynamics of genetics it becomes essential to understand that the research questions are related to the research question. This can be testified by the manner the research question correlates to the dynamics of examining why watching TV has such a huge influence on genetics. As the introduction had asserted earlier genetics have a considerable role in shaping our personality.

Describing what specific claim, hypothesis, and/or model of psycholinguistics used to evaluate with these questions

There are diverse theories that have over the time been flouted by both social scholars and behavior geneticist’s.using the scope of both qualitative approaches in regard to behavioral hypothesis it would be prudence to assert that influences on genetics can only be determined from a scientific perspective. By using the parameters defined within the scope of qualitative approach, the question of why watching TV has such huge influence on genetics is examined. Hence, in such a situation in this study we investigate the claim by combining both the scope of qualitative and quantitative approaches to investigate the claim.

Explain what it will show about the psychology of language if your hypothesis is confirmed

The premise that watching TV has huge influence on genetics presents a strong case in understanding the dynamics of behavioral activities. Considering the fact that TV watching is both a vocational or occupational aspect, thus the psychology of the language would reflect the evaluations posited under the premise of natural selection. Thus if the hypothesis is confirmed it would emerge that the claim is more of behavioral concern which is a product of external forces.

Explain what it will suggest about the psychology of language if your hypothesis is disconfirmed

Diverse premises have over the period been developed in regard to behavioral genetics. Considering our research question, if the premise is disconfirmed it would emerge that the premise of watching TV as having effect on genetics would be seen to be a farce. Therefore, it is in this respect that this question would suggest that the only viable premise would rest on the biological approach to the claim (Ornstein 2004).


The premise that watching TV has a huge influence on genetics has over been the time questioned by a number of both behavioral and biological scholars. The objectives of their constant questions can be attributed to the fact that TV watching is a modern phenomenon which is credited with social evolutions. Therefore from such an observations Burger (2006) noted that adaptive coefficients do not necessarily determine how a given factor will influence the genetics. However, in regard to evolution theory a number of correlated factors have been examined in regard to the premise of watching TV influencing the genetics. Hence, according to Ridley (2005) the premise could hold due to the fact that most TV addicts have been established to suffer from bipolar disorders which are highly linked to negative influences on genetics.


The scope of exploring the genetics offers a credible insight into the factors that influences genetics. Some of the core factors are associated with chemicals, radiation as well as environmental and biological factors. In such a candid examination watching TV has never been considered as core external factor that can influence genetics. Thought watching has a considerable impact on behavioral perspective, no solid record or examination has ever been established supporting the premise. However, in regard to the changing lifestyles as well as the premises of evolutionary perspectives the hypothesis could hold a considerable truth.

Method and Design

In the course of this study we anticipate to undertake the following procedures in regard to the group;

The teams Hypotheses, research design, and methodology. These features would be instrumentally tied to methods as well as procedures of determining if in reality watching TV has the claimed influence on genetics. This involved exploring detailed information including establishing the steps to be followed in our preferred methodology. In this regard we employed the concepts of experimental design which is an effective research design (Ornstein, 2004). This concept is commonly employed by sociologists. The importance of this approach is that it allows the researchers to determine the apposite experimental groups as well as the manner the team control the subject under research.

Hence, exploring the background of the study question, the issue of influence on genetics becomes crucial. This can be allied to the fact that environmental factors have been known to play a persistent role in increasing influences on genetics. Therefore, the question why watching TV has a huge genetic influence becomes a paramount. It should be noted that there are diverse elements which influences genetics. However, watching tv has become one of the modern elements that have been cited to influence genes considerably. Therefore, exploring the environmental as well as social aspects the subject of study becomes essential in shedding light on the manner individuals have been affected by diverse aspects connected to TV watching.


The methodology would entail exploiting the dynamics of experimental design. This methodology would involve gathering data from dissimilar sources. This approach entails gathering data or information from a controlled source. Therefore, to have a definite picture of what we are to investigate we had to establish the parameters of collecting the apposite data. This involved having a control group and experimental group. Each category is subject to be reviewed before and after the analysis.

The following diagram would be essential in collecting and controlling the information:

Experimental group
Control group

The exploitation of this approach mandates that all the involved subjects to be treated fairly and equally in all aspects except for one unique variable-race. Therefore, it would be essential to note that both controls with the experimental groups are to be placed in similar circumstances, except where the subjects were exposed different conditions despite watching TV. Hence, the probable variables in both groups would be anticipated to be the same, any alteration would be featured as a consequence of the sole variable-race. The data for this methodology would be gathered empirical information by using systematic observations. This would involve selection of the subjects through the procedure of randomization. That is, we place partakers into groups by likelihood, to a certain extent than by various techniques which may prejudice the results. In order to test the hypothesis experimental design was assumed to be the most apposite methodology. This procedure entailed employing the use of empirical information in order to determine the variables. Equally, this method is most apposite for the suggested study due to the manner it aids in providing identical results after the conducting both control and experimental tests.


The preferred participants would entail examine both young and old TV viewers who have been exposed to the TV for quite sometime. The group would also embrace other participants who are not exposed to watching TV but other form of media. This would help in establishing a viable experimental and control variances. Also the participants would be harvested from all walks of life as well as diverse social and economic backgrounds.

However, the sample test would include having the subjects who have been identified to have genetic effects presumed to be caused by watching TV. Also this would also comprises subjects chosen by chance from all age groups, sex, as well as socio-economic backgrounds. The objective of this procedure would be to establish if their exists any constancy in the premise investigated. Therefore, the majority of the participants must be avid TV addicts this is essential in establishing the right approach to the study. However, the blind and the underage participants would be excluded. But those subjects who are addicted to computer games, and videos would be included.


In essence there are typically three major procedures of research processes; descriptive, correlational and experimental. However, experimental method would be the only procedure that would employ to determine the aspects of cause and effect correlation. This is linked to the fact while the fundamentals of methodology exploited rests on the premises of quantitative and qualitative approaches. These features allowed the team to utilize both the available and secondary data apposite for the research. It ought to be noted that the methodology involved employing such diverse tools as interviews, case studies as well as the use of questionnaires in order to collect sufficient data without being biased (Phares, 2007). This is well illustrated by the team’s hypothesis which explored the premise watching TV has huge influence on genetics (Burger,2006). Therefore, using both subjective and qualitative information the team managed to explore the weaknesses and the strongholds of the hypothesis.


The approach would entail employing the use of data collecting tools to evaluate the involved subjects. Therefore, this thus would entail identifying the experimental group as well as the control subjects. Though the process may prove to be quite tricky but it will entail collecting the required information from sociologist and behavioral experts. more so, this would be evaluated through the scope of using both aspects of positive and negative correlations. This would help in evaluating the apposite variables. This is due to the fact that genes play a pertinent role in our lives as individuals. Their alterations also cause a number of physical and emotional effects (Funder,2005). Thus drawing a line between the effects of watching TV and factors that influence our genes would be essential. It ought to be noted that the effects on genes are highly shown physically. Therefore, identifying how the TV influences our genes would be instrumental. On the other hand understanding the process by which these influences impacts on the genes would also be of great significance in our study. Thus we should be in a position to pinpoint the physical signs allied to effects of TV watching. Though, most scholars have provided diverse opinions on the consequences of watching TV the scope of genetic influence has never been examined as such. Therefore, by attempting to examine the influence watching could have on our genes is essential. Thus the most important aspect would be to identify how watching TV influences our genes and how this process can be seen to be effective. The subjects are thus expected to exposes the effects of watching tv either on bodily context or emotional. This would involve examining the subjects physique as well as mental functionality.

Data Analysis

In essence, the significance of this study can not be ignored. Considering that fact that a number of individuals are exposed to watching tv in one way or the other it becomes crucial to examine the impact this has on their genetics. More so, another factor would entail establishing if the genetic manipulation caused by TV watching leads to criminal mentality or not. Therefore, there are being examined thus is essential. It should be noted that among the e have been growing. The discussions have been revolving around the premise of whether genetic influence and how they impact on and shape individual mind. Unlike physiological aspects which are inheritable, the effect coming from watching TV would in this case be explored to gauge if they can be inheritable and the consequences they may have on the individual as well as the society. Therefore, the data analysis would involve examine statistical, empirical as well as the quantitative and qualintitative data gathered. The procedure would entail employing the dynamics of experimental design as well as the procedures of correlation in order to ascertain the variables effectively.

The positive variation which would not alter the variances would be considered as the apposite results for confirming the hypothesis. However, if one of the other variance causes any alterations this would be considered a negative result. Therefore, exploring the concepts examined it becomes instrumental to realize that the research questions bonds compactly with the issues reflected in the introduction. Therefore, the effect of watching TV could thus be said to be defined as either vocational or occupational.

In this regard, it is imperative to realize concerning complex animal as a human become the issue of genetics being influenced by external factors becomes very paramount. Thus, looking at the core of the research question in regard to the aspects provided in the introduction, it emerges that any influence on genetics determines or affects individual perspective in regard to either shared environment or accumulative society. In this regard the research question in regard to the greater issues explored in the introduction do hold together.

Significance and conclusion

The results of the proposed research reflect the need to undertake further research in the given premise. The reason behind such understanding can be linked to the fact that previous studies were inadequate (McAdams, 2006). Equally, by reflecting on the current results there is a dire need to establish and confirm that that premise holds true. Consider the fact that no scientific studies have ever established the existence of genes correlated to TV watching. Therefore to refute or sustain such allegations it would be essential to develop profound parameters of furthering the research. As per the image presented by the results it can be argued that external factors such as shared environment as well as additive social procedures have played a role in influencing the genetic procedures. However, regarding the concern of watching TV much has to be explored in terms of biological, sociological as well as behavioral perspective. Therefore, lack of adequate information in regard to influence of tv watching on genetics ought to be addressed from either behavioral or biological perspective. This can be linked to the fact that genetics plays a prominent role in shaping our personalities. More so, the manner we establish ourselves as individuals is in a way determined by our inherited genes which forms our innate instincts as human beings (Ridley, 2005).

Therefore, the results illustrates that the significance of any influence on genetics can be attributed to such variances as radiation, chemical or biological factors.

Budget outline

  • The team requires an estimated total of $ 18,000 to carry out the research described above. The considerable ratio of the funds is anticipated to go toward the interviews which are in nature time consuming.
  • This will involve the team’s personnel conducting as well as analyzing over 100 interviews.
  • Therefore, this would thus include considerable compensations for sub-contractors who are anticipated to be involved in conducting oversee interviews, support for the team members undertaking primary investigations as well as the a course release for the leading researcher.
  • The lead researcher is expected to be responsible and accountable for a successful completion of the study. The primary investigators will be funded to conduct local interviews, along with other team members. This will also involve analyze the information gathered in the course of the interviews or case studies.
Sample budget
Sample budget


Burger, J. M. (2006). Personality (3rd Ed.) Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Funder, D. C. (2005). The personality puzzle. New York: W. W. Norton.

McAdams, D. P. (2006). The person. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.

Ornstein, R. (2004). The Roots of the Self. New York: Harper.

Phares, J.E. (2007). Introduction to Personality. New York: Harper Collins.

Ridley, M. (2005). Genome: The autobiography of a species. London: Fourth Estate.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 1). Watching Television: Genetic Influence.

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"Watching Television: Genetic Influence." IvyPanda, 1 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Watching Television: Genetic Influence'. 1 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Watching Television: Genetic Influence." April 1, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Watching Television: Genetic Influence." April 1, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Watching Television: Genetic Influence." April 1, 2022.

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