Water scarcity is a significant threat that can negatively affect people’s health. It is especially noticeable in hot, dry regions such as Las Vegas. Due to the Colorado River’s decreased water supply, the local population experienced difficulties and inadequate access to clean water. Thus, the authorities in the region should implement a solution to the problem as soon as possible before it reaches a more threatening level.
Hayibo, K. S. et al.: Water Conservation Potential of Self-Funded Foam-Based Flexible Surface-Mounted Floatovoltaics. Web.
Hayibo et al. (2020) consider the current problem and propose a practical solution based on the existing options. Thus, the authors offer to utilize the existing floating photovoltaics or floatovoltaics (FPV).
However, Hayibo et al. (2020) suggest replacing the pontoon base with foam, making the design more efficient. The authors (2020) indicate that if 10% of the lake is covered with foam-backed FPV foam, it would be possible to generate electricity for Las Vegas and Reno.
Studies have been done, and the results prove the effectiveness of this model. Moreover, the authors utilized relevant sources, confirming the work’s credibility. The analysis was based on an evaporation calculation adapted from the Penman-Monteith model, which is pertinent to my essay topic. In addition, the work analyzes a possible option for solving the problem, which is also relevant to my research.
Joshi, N. et al.: Future Changes in Water Supply and Demand for Las Vegas Valley: A System Dynamic Approach based on CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate Projections. Web.
Joshi et al. (2020) explore the impact of climate change and population growth on water consumption. For this, authors used the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phases 3 and 5 (CMIP3 and CMIP5, respectively) using the simulation period expanding from 1989 to 2049. As a result, the height value of Lake Mead as the primary source is likely to be lower, and therefore, traditional preservation methods should be adopted.
The work is relevant to my essay topic as it reveals new details of the current problem and its solution. Namely, one was able to visualize the influence of external factors on water consumption. In addition, I considered the problems from a different angle, namely in the aspect of predicting the depletion of water resources and possible interventions to solve the current issue.
Las Vegas Valley Water District: Drought and Conservation Measures. Web.
Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) (n. d.) examines the water management problem in terms of water scarcity in the southern Nevada region. Thus, the bulk of water consumers receives it from the basins of the Colorado River and Lake Mead, the level of which has fallen record-breaking. As a result, unprecedented water conservation policies are being introduced in the district.
The article is relevant to my study as it analyzes water conservation policies in detail. These include water management for irrigation, golf courses, and industrial facilities. In addition, governments have provided people with some recommendations for saving water and using eco-friendly options. For example, maintenance of pipes and faucets to ensure that water does not leak and the correct setting of sprinkler systems.
Maliva, R. G.: Anthropogenic Aquifer Recharge: WSP Methods in Water Resources Evaluation Series.
Maliva R. G. (2019) analyzes a variety of anthropogenic aquifer recharge (APR) methods that use aquifers to store and treat water. The focus is on processes and the hydrogeological and geochemical factors that affect their effectiveness. Moreover, the author offers a point of view on the applied aspect of using the global historical experience for the potential future implementation of the research results.
This paper is relevant to my essay topic since AAR, which includes managed aquifer recharge (MAR), is a critical area of water management. The author analyzes opportunities for improved implementation and presents some recent and potential future innovations. Moreover, AAR methods are currently mature technologies, as they have been used for some time, and their scientific basis is well understood.
Harrison, C. S.: All the Water the Law Allows: Las Vegas and Colorado River Politics.
Harrison C. S. (2021) states that the threat of water scarcity does not arise from local conditions but from the American legal system, particularly the River Act, which regulates water distribution from the Colorado River. The author focuses on the creation and actions of the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) to tell a story with profound implications and essential lessons for water policy.
This paper is relevant to my essay topic as it outlines the circumstances surrounding the evolution of SNWA and shows how the convergence of local, county, and state interests allowed the treaty to decide regional water policy. It is worth noting that conservation plans have been mapped to drastically reduce local water consumption. From an interstate perspective, the treaty has been at the center of groundbreaking water-sharing agreements.