Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia Descriptive Essay

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When visiting Saudi Arabia, a person is exposed to various spending decisions depending with the reason for the visit. For a tourist, the country is blessed with natural recreational features that are well manned by government agencies where a person can spend his/her money.

Other than the recreational facilities, the country has a number of executive (four and five stars) hotels that offer pleasant environment where someone can enjoy his time. Depending with the amount of money that somebody want to spend, the country offers a number of recreational and accommodation facilities. The hospitality industry has a number of activities that a person can exploit; there are nightclubs, gyms, saunas and massage parlors that one can spend some money, as he/she gets entertained.

If somebody is interested in business, Saudi Arabia has a well-stocked market with a combination of domestic and foreign commodities. Shopping malls offers an existing experience where shoppers are exposed to a number of commodities that they can choose. The structure of the malls is appealing to the eyes and a number of fast food joints have been strategically being positioned in the malls where someone can take a sandwich or a bugger as he/she shops.

The most convenient mode of transport when in the country is to hire a taxi, with a driver who can double up as the tour guide or the one to assist explore the country. When going from one state to another, the country has, an effective, domestic air transports; it is more effective and less congested than rail transport.

If someone is willing to give his money to the less fortunate in the society, there are some non-governmental institutions taking care of the less fortunate in the society like orphans, the aged and people with terminal diseases. The institutions are always willing to receive grants and advances from people of good will.

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IvyPanda. (2018, September 7). Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ways-to-spend-money-in-saudi-arabia/

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"Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia." IvyPanda, 7 Sept. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/ways-to-spend-money-in-saudi-arabia/.


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia'. 7 September.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia." September 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ways-to-spend-money-in-saudi-arabia/.

1. IvyPanda. "Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia." September 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ways-to-spend-money-in-saudi-arabia/.


IvyPanda. "Ways to Spend Money in Saudi Arabia." September 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ways-to-spend-money-in-saudi-arabia/.

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