Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace Essay (Critical Writing)

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Earlier, I considered the topic of yoga and wellness in the workplace mainly from the point of view of one general education lens – social science. Consequently, the issue focused on the importance of implementing measures to ensure well-being in the workplace since employees in various areas suffer from stress. Moreover, this perspective emphasizes that improvement in the wellness of many employees, for example, medical specialists, educators, social workers, and other professionals, is necessary since they affect other people (Reeves et al., 2022). Even though the social science lens reveals critical details of the topic under consideration, different lenses may make its study more comprehensive.

New Lens for Analysis

Yoga and wellness in the workplace can be considered in terms of humanities – the study of cultures, their similarities and differences, and their impact on human perception. Yoga practice and knowledge of its value originate in ancient India, and even in the modern world, they are an essential and influential part of their culture, manifested at various levels – from the public to politics (Annavarapu, 2018). Now, yoga is gaining popularity worldwide, but Dutt and Selstad (2022) note that instructors often make changes to practice to adapt it to the cultural preferences of their customers. Moreover, in some cases, yoga is positioned as a culturally neutral practice, which can harm it and its impact on wellness (Dutt & Selstad, 2022). Subsequently, the humanities lens would change the analysis concentrating on other perspectives for studying – the influence of cultural norms on adopting yoga in the workplace, adaptation to local culture and their consequences, and similar issues.

Impact on Interactions

The study of the wellness theme changes the framework of perception and affects interactions with people with different views and backgrounds. The study of the issue informs about the dimensions of wellness. Consequently, a holistic view of factors necessary for well-being helps people to understand others and be sensitive in communication. The wellness study’s impact on communication and care about surroundings is most significant. In particular, the topic draws attention to social support and its effects. Contact and support from friends and family are essential for well-being (Ta et al., 2020). This knowledge helps people navigate social situations and build relations with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, even in the new wellness programs that various employers introduce, an emphasis is offered on caring for others and the importance of communication, rather than self-care, for greater effectiveness (Barton et al., 2022). Therefore, studying wellness changes communication features between people, including more mutual support.

The analysis of wellness and related aspects has another effect on interaction with others in addition to communication content. People can understand themselves better by considering emotional and spiritual dimensions. Moreover, an awareness of how emotions are expressed and what beliefs prevail in other cultures is developing. As a result, people are more sensitive to others’ feelings and values, which contributes to respectful communication. Finally, by maintaining their wellness, individuals become more open and tolerant, which improves interaction.


Thus, studying wellness topics and applying various perspectives to them is necessary to deepen research. For example, using the humanities lens to the study of yoga and wellness in the workplace demonstrates the complexity of the theme and its interweaving with various phenomena. Moreover, wellness research influences personal interactions with people. Understanding well-being and related topics makes individuals more sensitive, supportive, and tolerant, significantly improving communication.


Annavarapu, S. (2018). . Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(3), 414-432. Web.

Barton, M. A., Kahn, B., Maitlis, S., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2022). . Harvard Business Review. Web.

Dutt, B., & Selstad, L. (2022). . International Journal of Spa and Wellness, 5(1), 33-49. Web.

Reeves, T. J., Dyer, N. L., Borden, S., Dusek, J. A., & Khalsa, S. B. S. (2022). . International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17(1), 1-12. Web.

Ta, V., Griffith, C., Boatfield, C., Wang, X., Civitello, M., Bader, H., DeCero, E., & Loggarakis, A. (2020). User experiences of social support from companion chatbots in everyday contexts: Thematic analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(3), 1-10. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 8). Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wellness-and-yoga-in-the-workplace/

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"Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace." IvyPanda, 8 June 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/wellness-and-yoga-in-the-workplace/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace'. 8 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace." June 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wellness-and-yoga-in-the-workplace/.

1. IvyPanda. "Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace." June 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wellness-and-yoga-in-the-workplace/.


IvyPanda. "Wellness and Yoga in the Workplace." June 8, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wellness-and-yoga-in-the-workplace/.

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