Wetland Management and Business Research Paper

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Wet land is a situation on land where the dominant factor is water and this leads to endowment of the area with unique flora and fauna (Dennison & Berry, 1993). Several factors affect the occurrence of wet lands; topography, vegetation, hydrological cycles and type of soil are some of the factors responsible for the establishment of wetlands (Kentula & Hairston, 1992).

Wet land s have statutes that guides their exploitation and activities that are intended to take place within them as far as environmental issues are concerned. Swamps, bogs and marshes constitutes what is referred to as wet land.

For Disney World in Florida that wants to exploit the wet land on the pretext that is has reserved another area to make up for the wet land, it might not be transferred directly that because it has an alternative land to offer, it can be warranted the ticket to operate in the wet land.

It is known that wetlands serves very important roles in the societies, ranging from ecological matters to educational, there would be an assessment of the contribution of the wetland and that of the land it wants to preserve upon warranted using the wetland. When the viability of the wetland surpasses that of the alternative land, the deal will not be given consent.

In an event that the two pieces of land in question have different endangered species, they would be compared in the sense of their environmental and economic importance. This will determine the area with the endangered species not productive ecologically and economically. The other comparison would also be if the endangered species were found in other areas apart from the two areas of concern.

Again, the worth of the species would be based on the criteria of the usefulness of the species. In an event, that hurricane destroys the forest, a number of factors should be considered that are in logics with the best environmental statutes. It is a common knowledge that in a forest, not all trees are of the same height and age meaning the whole forest cannot be destroyed.

This is because of the succession nature of the forest that brings about a systematic transitional level of trees starting from the non-photosynthetic to angiosperms (Dennison & Berry, 1993). With regard to the stated fact, the destroyed trees should be left to decompose in the forest for the natural cycling of the nutrients and flow of energy in ecosystem.

The decision should be reached because in a forest situation, there are other young plants that are growing and with the fall of the big trees, it exposes the young ones to basic photosynthetic requirement like sunlight that will enable quick growth given the fact that the decomposing trees will also provide extra nutrient for growth (Kentula & Hairston, 1992).

This decision to let the fallen trees to decompose without linking them to other commercial activities is indeed entrenched in the environmental law governing forests and other vegetative grounds. The action would help not create the precedent of commercializing timber in the event of natural catastrophe as the case in this scenario.

The fact that the timber company wants to not only exploit the fallen trees but also continue cutting the ones they will plant even defies basic environmental laws. It transforms it to a business at the expense of environmental conservation that is the main concern pursued.

Reference List

Dennison, M. S., & Berry, J. F. (1993). Wetlands: Guide to Science,Llaw, and Technology. Cambridge University Press. Print.

Kentula, M. E., & Hairston, A. J. (1992). Wetlands: An Approach to Improving Decision Making in Wetland Restoration and Creation. Island Press. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). Wetland Management and Business. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wet-land-management/

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"Wetland Management and Business." IvyPanda, 28 Mar. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/wet-land-management/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Wetland Management and Business'. 28 March.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Wetland Management and Business." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wet-land-management/.

1. IvyPanda. "Wetland Management and Business." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wet-land-management/.


IvyPanda. "Wetland Management and Business." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/wet-land-management/.

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