Executive Summary
The report entails an analysis of the various factors which should be considered with regard to business communication. The report is aimed at equipping graduates with various concepts relating to the job market with regard to job searching. Some of the factors considered include dining etiquette, business attire, job preparation, interview questions, and organizational culture. Maintenance of acceptable dining etiquette can contribute towards an individual’s success in his or her career.
Dining etiquette entails observance of table manners. On the other hand, the dress codes can depict an individual’s ability to do the job and the level of professionalism. Preparing for the job is also important since it equips the individual with vital information regarding the firm. Job preparation entails researching, updating the resume, and conducting a self-assessment.
Familiarizing oneself with interview questions is paramount in developing confidence when answering the interview questions. This entails identification of both expected and unexpected interview questions. Consideration of organizational culture is also paramount considering the cultural diversity among organizations. Finally, a conclusion and a set of recommendations are given.
Considering the competitive nature of the job market, it is paramount for individuals to develop their competitiveness. This will increase the probability of being hired by organization. Currently, organizations are searching for individuals who will fit in the firm in an effort to ensure the firm’s success.
One of the issues being considered is the information portrayed by the job seekers via communication. This report was authorized by the Ministry of Labor in an effort to determine how job seekers can succeed in securing a job. Literature review was the main method used in obtaining the information.
The aim of the report is to analyze the factors which job seekers should put into consideration in an effort to secure a job.
The report analyzes the various factors which should be considered with regard to business communication. Some of the factors evaluated include dining etiquette, business attire, job preparation, interview questions and organizational culture. Finally, a conclusion and a set of recommendations are given.
Dining Etiquette
Dining etiquette is a critical element in an individual’s job search and the success of an individual in a particular career. In most cases, employers consider it important to observe how employers conduct themselves in social situations. This is mostly applicable if the job demands maintenance of certain standards amongst the clients and superiors.
Some interviews may extend through mealtimes. As a result, tome employers may find it appropriate to host the interviewees for the meals. The meal time is considered to be an important time to interact. Therefore, it is important for an individual to realize that his or her conduct and table manners are subject to scrutiny by the management. It is therefore important to consider the following issues.
Sitting Down
The interviewee should not place objects such as sunglasses, cell phones, bags, briefcases or purses on the dining table.In addition, the utensils should retain their position which means that they should not be rearranged in any way. It is also important to wait for all the expected parties to be settled at the dinning table so as to begin eating. This depicts an element of patience.
In case of any doubts, it is important for the interviewee to consult the host. Employers prefer hiring individuals who portray a certain degree of refinement and those who will interact well with other executives. This depicts good interpersonal relationships. When placing an order, it is important for the interviewee to peruse the menu so as to order a meal that is easy to eat. In addition, the meal ordered should be moderately priced.
Place Setting
“It is important to ensure that all the solids such as forks, butter plates, and napkins are placed to your left”. On the other hand, “liquids, glasses, spoons, and knives should be on your left”. The outside-in model should be adopted when using all the utensils. Figure 1 gives a classic example of the table setting during business meals.

Business Attire
Attires are of critical importance within the business world. What an individual wears portrays much about him or her. Therefore, one can increase or decrease the probability of success in his or her career in business as a result of the dress code.
There is a general perception amongst those in executive positions that the quality of an individual’s work is directly related to his or her appearance. Various factors should be put into consideration with regard to business dining etiquette.
Revealing Factor
Business attire for both genders should not reveal their body parts. This means that individuals in the business world should consider the length of their attires. ‘Wearing offensive clothes within the work environment is offensive.’ On the other hand, wearing revealing clothes in work environment also depicts lack of professionalism in the individual. In addition, revealing clothes can lower an individual’s reputation amongst the coworkers. The resultant effect is that the individual’s image and quality of work are tarnished (Guffey & Loewy 26). On the other hand, wearing clothes that do not reveal the body parts is a sign of respect which is an important element in the success of an individual’s career. “Dressing inappropriately such as wearing revealing clothes in some organizations are considered as violation of the business attire policy which can result into termination of an individual’s services”
No Comic Pictures or Language
Apart from revealing an individual’s body parts, the revealing factor should also be put into consideration with regard to language. Attires that reveal an offensive language should be avoided in the workplace. It is vital for individuals to realize that in business, an individual does not get second opportunity to make up for the first impression. This means that the first impression is paramount.
Cleanliness is an important factor to consider with regard to business attire. “The attire selected for business purposes should be neat and in line with the organization’s dress code”. In addition, the attire should be well-ironed and pressed. “Cleanliness is a core element in businesses’ effort to deliver high-quality products and services to its customers.”
Job Preparation
Job preparation increases an individual’s confidence. “Preparing for interviews makes an individual to be ready to answer various questions”.
Self Assessment
It is important for an individual to conduct a self-assessment prior to a job interview (Wallace 45). This should entail evaluation of accomplishments, reassessing current skills and achievements which are in line with the job”.
Gaining information regarding the firm is important. “An individual should make use of all the available time to learn about the firm and the position”. “Various sources of information such as the internet, journals, newspapers, and the public library should be utilized”. “Information such as the firm’s competitors and its market position should be considered”.
Updating the Resume
Updating the resume is important in an individual’s success in his or her career. ‘More emphasis should be paid to accomplishments’. “Updating the resume increases the chances of one being called for the interview”. Action verbs should be put into consideration when updating.
Interview Questions
There are a number of questions that the individual may be asked at the interview. It is important for the interviewee to practice possible interview questions.
Expected Questions
The interviewee should identify the most expected questions. ‘He or she may be asked, questions which are aimed at gauging his or her accomplishments and future expectations’ (Guffey 523). ‘Other questions may relate to his or her interest in the company, the field, and the particular position applied for’.
Unexpected Questions
There is a high probability that the interviewee will be asked expected questions. Some of these questions relate to the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the individual may be asked to account for his or her job record. This is aimed at identifying the interviewees’ trends with regard to job hopping.
Scrutinizing Your Clarity
The interviewer should ensure that he or she is audible and clear when answering questions. Therefore, practicing with a friend is important. Practicing helps in eliminating nervousness and fear. Chaturvedi is of the opinion that practicing helps by increasing the level of energy and enthusiasm. In addition, it also increases an individual’s level of alertness.
Organizational Culture
Currently, intercultural communication has become a key component in the success of business. It is therefore important for an individual to respect the cultural diversity existing within the organization.
Use of Gestures
Gestures are a common method of communication. During a job interview, it is important for the individual to research on the generally accepted gestures. Some gestures may result into misunderstanding. This will improve his or her communication effectiveness.
Body Language
As one of the non-verbal communications, body language should be considered during interviews. Various organizations have different understandings of different body languages. Some of the key considerations relate to the posture, eye contact smiling, and nodding the head. It is important for the interviewee to understand that he or she should be relaxed when conducting the interview.
Conversational Guidelines
It is important for the interviewee to adhere to various conversational guidelines when communicating with business executives. Some of these relate to greetings and making introductions. This is important in drawing the individual’s attention.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The success of an individual in his or her career is dependent on his effectiveness in communication. This entails both verbal and non-verbal communication. When searching a job, it is paramount for individual’s to consider the various aspects with regard to communication.
This arises from the fact that communication creates an impression regarding the individual. When searching for a job, it is important for individuals to consider various aspects of communication. Most of these aspects relate to an individual’s behavior. In addition, effective preparation for the interview is paramount.
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