White-Collar Crimes: Prevention and Fight Annotated Bibliography

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Articlesbase. (2008). White collar and its effect on consumers. Articlesbase. Web.

This article discusses the effects of white collar crime. It shows that white collar crimes have far-reaching effects to consumers. For instance, when crimes are committed by political and state officials, consumers are denied access to variety of quality goods. The article gives the effects of white collar crimes in different areas of the economy. For example, the article gives data of cost of white collar crime in health and overall cost of living. Finally, this article explains in detail challenges of political and government officials to adopt new strategies to fight white collar crimes.

Brenner, C. (2009). What exactly is a white collar crime and how are they defended? HG.org. Web.

This article discusses white collar crimes in the perspective of the court. The article starts by defining white collar crime in legal terms. The article further explains how white collar crime can be identified and how it can be represented in court. It also identifies white collar crime as crime committed by professions and individuals in influential positions. This article explains in depth the conspiracy of politicians and state officials in these crimes.

Hochstetler, A. & Shover, N. (2006). Choosing white-collar crime. New York: Cambridge University Press.

This book explains why white collar crime is on the growth while blue collar crimes are decreasing. The books make use of rational- choice theory to explain the growth in white collar crimes. It postulate that people choose to commit white collar crimes due to the low risk of being caught and high returns from this crime. The author proposes more severe punishment for those who commit white collar crimes.

Israel, J. (2003). White collar crime: law and practice. New York: Thomson.

The author relates white collar crimes to legal issues. The book expounds on the long procedure needed in order to prove white collar crime in a court of law. From the book one is able to see the importance of mitigation rather than proving occurrence of the crimes in court.

Johnston, R. (2002). The battle against white-collar crime. BNET. Web.

The author addresses the fight against white collar crimes in the country. From the article, one is able to see the struggle to control white collar crimes in the country. The article give conspiracy between white collar criminals with politicians and some state officials as one of hindrance to success in fighting white collar crimes.

Reid, S. (2003). Crime Criminology. New York: McGraw.

This book gives the nature and trend of crimes in our society. The author addresses the nature of crimes in the past and compares it to nature of crimes in the society today. The author emphasize on the need for change in strategies for fighting crimes as crime change from blue collar crimes to white collar crimes.

Sunderland, R. (1961). White-collar crime. New York: Rinehart and Winston.

The author in this book explains whit collar crime as it was understood in 1950. The book gives a good background to white collar crimes. From this book, the definition of white collar crime according to Sunderland is given.

Weisburd, D. & Schlegel, K. (1994). White-collar crime Reconsidered. Lebanon: UPNE.

The book is in four major parts that address the nature of white collar crimes. The first part deals with definition and explanation of white collar crimes. The author then addresses the nature of white collar crimes in the society; conspiracy, victimization and legal issues that result from these crimes.

Wickman, P. & Dailey, T. (1982). White-collar and economic crime: multidisciplinary and cross-national perspectives. New York: Lexington Books.

The authors view white collar crimes and other economic crimes in a social perspective. The author addresses white collar crimes in various parts of the country and compares the nature of the crimes across different areas. The book also addresses the social effects of white collar crimes in the society.

Meier, R. (1884). Major forms of crime. New York: Sage Publications.

The author addresses the different forms of crime in the society including organized crime, economic crimes, government crime and white collar crime. The difference between these forms of crimes in clearly stated. Crimes have taken different forms over different period of time.

Reference List

Articlesbase. (2008). White collar and its effect on consumers. Articlesbase. Web.

Brenner, C. (2009). What Exactly is a white collar crime and how are they defended? HG.org. Web.

Hochstetler, A. & Shover, N. (2006). Choosing white-collar crime. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Israel, J. (2003). White collar crime: law and practice. New York: Thomson.

Johnston, R. (2002). The battle against white-collar crime. BNET. Web.

Meier, R. (1884). major forms of crime. New York: Sage Publications.

Reid, S. (2003). Crime Criminology. New York: McGraw.

Sunderland, R. (1961). White-collar crime. New York: Rinehart and Winston.

Weisburd, D. & Schlegel, K. (1994). White-collar crime Reconsidered. Lebanon: UPNE.

Wickman, P. & Dailey, T. (1982). White-collar and economic crime: multidisciplinary and cross-national perspectives. New York: Lexington Books.

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"White-Collar Crimes: Prevention and Fight." IvyPanda, 11 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/white-collar-crimes-prevention-and-fight/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'White-Collar Crimes: Prevention and Fight'. 11 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "White-Collar Crimes: Prevention and Fight." March 11, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/white-collar-crimes-prevention-and-fight/.

1. IvyPanda. "White-Collar Crimes: Prevention and Fight." March 11, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/white-collar-crimes-prevention-and-fight/.


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