Work Place Cultural Differences Essay

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Employees that work together in the workplace often come from varied backgrounds and cultural traditions. Based on factors such as race and geography, the cultures may develop their own distinct linguistic communities (Roberson 69). Language, cultural ideas, and workplace team and individual recognition are just a few of the cultural variables I plan to account for while developing a successful agency strategy and figuring out how to cope with this barrier.

As seen by the employee’s remark, “In my country, we do not capitalize “I” when referring to oneself,” cultural misunderstanding and differences exist in the workplace. Thus, as police chief, I will respect the opinions of my staff, but we will work together to develop a policy that minimizes the visibility of individual cultural backgrounds at official police functions. When formulating the agency’s strategy, I will take linguistic diversity into account. Due to its importance in conveying ideas and information within the organization and to its external constituencies, language is a crucial corporate strategy.

In my opinion, poor attention to language has negative consequences for the agency since it leads to miscommunication (Roberson 67). Linguistic barriers in the workplace might slow productivity and cause cultural differences’ emergence. Therefore, the agency is required to suggest a common language as a means of resolving this issue. I may need an interpreter in situations requiring the use of a culture-specific language if there are multiple such languages present.

As evidenced by this month’s Employee of the Month, the plan will motivate workers to share their insights and opinions. If the company’s leaders are thinking about how to expand and improve the industry, this is a good sign for the company’s future. To do this, I will establish an award system whose committee members represent a wide range of cultural backgrounds. As a result, officers from a wide range of cultural origins will be able to contribute their ideas and viewpoints, and the award will be seen as less culturally biased. As has been observed in the agency, this will lead to a decrease in the use of “I” and “we” because teamwork will be factored in.

There is a cultural variation in how teams and individuals are recognized in the workplace. Certain societies, like the Hispanic one, place a premium on modesty, while others, like the American culture, and place less value on it. As a result, some workers would put in extra effort, contributing to the company as much as they could without expecting anything in return. It is beneficial for employees to stay humble while waiting for an acknowledgment. Hence, everyone in the firm needs to put aside their cultural differences and work together to adopt a single culture. The effectiveness of the business and the efficiency of the workplace will both increase as a result of this.

As a chief of police, the company’s strategy of incorporating language, ideas, and workplace team and individual recognition are crucial components for managing differences in organizational culture. As a result, the new strategy will have a favorable effect on the organization’s structure, as it will help develop a conduit to bring individuals together so they may culturally integrate while putting aside their ethnic issues. It will help staff coexist amicably, be inspired, and live in harmony, thereby enhancing the company’s performance.

Work Cited

Roberson, Quinetta M. “.” Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, vol. 6, no. 1, 2019, pp. 69–88, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 23). Work Place Cultural Differences.

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"Work Place Cultural Differences." IvyPanda, 23 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Work Place Cultural Differences'. 23 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Work Place Cultural Differences." May 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Work Place Cultural Differences." May 23, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Work Place Cultural Differences." May 23, 2024.

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