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How would Iago gain from Roderigo’s death? Cassio’s?

One of the distinguishing features of Iago is the desire to achieve high status. He is eager to receive the rank of lieutenant. It is the desire to get the next post that prompts Iago...

What does Iago say about the Venetian women?

Iago speaks ill of Venetian women. He highlights their frequent adultery and the ability to be deceptive. He specifies that the Venetian husbands are often unaware of their wives’ love...

What Does “for She Had Eyes and Chose Me” Mean?

These are Othello's words to Iago in Act 3, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's Othello. The meaning of this phrase is that Othello is stronger than his jealousy of Desdemona. These words refer...

Which words best describe Gertrude in act 4 of Hamlet?

Hamlet features many characters, among which Gertrude is the crucial heroine. She is presented as a multifaceted character, plus her portrait changes throughout the play. However, Act...

What is the Climax of Hamlet?

Hamlet is distinguished by the presence of not one but two climaxes. The first peak is the death of Polonius in act 3, which breaks the tension that had built up. The final climax is...

What does Hamlet mean by “shuffled off this mortal coil”?

Contemplating suicide in his soliloquy “To be or not to be,” Hamlet talks about “shuffling off this mortal coil.” As an idiom, the phrase means “to die and free oneself from the...

Which word best describes Laertes in Act IV of Hamlet?

The word that best describes Laertes is “passionate.” In act IV, he is informed of his father's death and decides to return to Denmark. He gathers a mob and, taking the castle, opposes...

What best describes Hamlet’s view of death?

Death is one of the most poignant themes in Hamlet. The central character’s views on death change throughout the play. He contemplates the link between mortality and religion, fearing...

When and Why Did Gatsby Change His Name?

Jay Gatsby was born James Gatz and changed his name when he was seventeen. He did it to tailor it to his new lifestyle and reflect his wish to obtain wealth and status. Detailed...

Why Did Daisy Marry Tom in The Great Gatsby?

In The Great Gatsby, there are several love stories that are intertwined. Gatsby loves Daisy, she loves both Gatsby and her husband, her husband Tom loves Myrtle, but she is married to...

What Was Gatsby’s Reaction to Daisy’s Child?

Gatsby was surprised by the fact that Daisy has a child as he saw her as a daydream rather than a woman. The main character was deeply in love with a dream girl who barely had flesh....

What Does Gatsby Want from Daisy in Chapter 6?

In chapter 6, Gatsby reveals that he wants to reunite with Daisy. He wishes to forget the fact that she was with Tom for the last five years. He is willing to pretend that these years...

Is Nick from The Great Gatsby a Trustworthy Narrator?

In general, it can be stated that Nick is not a quite reliable narrator due to several reasons. For instance, he may not be present during a significant event. It means he can't...

In Which Point of View is the Great Gatsby Written?

The Great Gatsby is written from the first-person perspective. Nick Carraway narrates the events of the novel in first-person, but he is not a reliable narrator. Detailed answer: ...

Who Attended Gatsby’s Funeral?

"Life and death were much different for Gatsby, only a few genuinely cared for him." There were only a few people who attended Gatsby's funeral. Nick was there along with Gatsby's...

Where Is Nick Carraway From?

The novel's narrator, Nick Carraway, is a young man born in Minnesota. Yale-educated and World War I ex-military, Nick comes to New York City to learn about the bond business. ...

What Does “Owl Eyes” Reveal about Gatsby’s Books?

Fitzgerald's books are rich in symbolism that fills the characters with deep symbolic meanings. Owl Eyes shows wisdom, which makes him different from the rest of Gatsby's guests....

How does Nick describe Gatsby’s car?

Nick is a first-person narrator in the novel. He describes Gatsby's car to have a creamy color, bright and extravagant with multiple windshields. It appears to be as pompous as its...

What Role Does Dan Cody’s Yacht Play in Great Gatsby?

Jay Gatsby first encountered Dan Cody on Lake Superior, where he was working. The character noticed that the storm was coming. So, he decided to warn the sailor about the bad weather....

In Chapter 7, Why Does Gatsby Stop Giving Parties?

The reason Gatsby stops giving parties is that he wants to spend more time with Daisy. The initial goal of Gatsby's social gatherings was to attract his love interest's attention....

What Were the Rumors about Gatsby?

Jay Gatsby has made a name for himself among wealthy socialites. In the book, he throws lavish parties every other weekend. However, Gatsby remains mysterious to his party guests. They...

What Does Nick Mean by the Last Line of The Great Gatsby?

The last line of The Great Gatsby is often referred to as the main character's constant desire to reclaim the past. It is shown in Gatsby's desire to win Daisy's love back and his...

How Does the Narrator Describe Gatsby?

In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby appears as a man with a newly found fortune. He is extravagant, like his parties, but he is also incredibly lonely. Many people around refer to him as a...

What Does The Great Gatsby’s Ending Mean?

By leaving his readers with an empty feeling, Fitzgerald communicates several messages. First of all, he shows Gatsby's disappointment with the American dream. Second, it shows...

What Role Do the First Lines of The Great Gatsby Play?

The first lines of the book introduce the reader to the narrator, as well as explain his perspective on the events. Nick Carraway, a bond salesman from a wealthy family, reflects on...

Who Killed Gatsby and How Did That Happen?

George Wilson killed Gatsby with a gun in Gatsby's house and then shot himself dead. Wilson was devastated by his wife's death, who died in a car accident. Assuming that the driver was...

What Does Gatsby Tell Nick about Himself and His Past?

Gatsby provides Nick and the readers with the story of his extraordinary life. The man's past is filled with a luxurious experience and incredible feats, many of which seem improbable....

What Was Jay Gatsby’s Real Name & Background?

Jay Gatsby's real name is James Gatz. He was the son of a poor farmer from North Dakota. Gatsby (or Gatz, to be exact) did not come from San Francisco, as he claimed. He attended St...

How Did Gatsby Get Rich?

Though Gatsby is a fictional character, it's hard to believe someone in the '20s could afford such a lavish life. Some people speculate that he was a drug dealer, and some say that he...