
A High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe: Development and Application Research Paper

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This paper provided comments on the development and application of a high-resolution thin-film probe. There are several application revealed with development of thin-film probe, and the applications of thin-film probe revealed that it has several importance over conventional method. An experimentation method conduct revealed that thin probe could produce trace width ranging from 100 μm to 5 μm.

Experimental method with measurement of thin film magnetic sector will be conducted with scanning process, and this will enhance techniques of measuring magnetic field.

However, future research is needed on greater measurement techniques.

Index: Thin-film probe, High resolution, magnetic field, micro wave devices.


Development and application of High-resolution thin-film magnetic field probe has been in the centre of research in the past few decades because of the major significant, that high-resolution thin field magnetic can contribute for debugging of electromagnetic compatibility problems. While, its application has also been useful for distribution of high frequency integrated circuit (IC), studies have revealed that development and standards of magnetic films materials and devices have been widely applicable for data storage, and application of magneto-electronics. Its components for the application in magnetic microwave devices have been due to magnetic solid-state memory.

Despite its wide application, studies have revealed that there are still challenges in the application and development of magnetic field probes. For example, there are challenges of obtaining accurate measurements of magnetic field, and there can be influence of the electric field in the reduction of shielding structure. Typically, previous researches have revealed the complications in the development of magnetic thin films for example, development of multi layer system within 4 to 10 elements has been a major challenge, where efficient systematic development of magnetic for advanced thin-film systems.

The objective of the research proposal is to examine comments on Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe. Studies have revealed that improved spatial resolution can enhance application of thin-film probe compared to a conventional loop probe.

However, there is need review related literatures to establish the comments on the application of Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe.

Literatures review

Limited literatures have examined the development and application of a high-resolution thin-film probe. Research conducted by Sato, Ogiwara, and Suzuki reveal that to realise high-resolution resistance measurement, there is need to develop four points with pitch of 0.1nm. Technique of development of four-point probe needs measurement with spatial resolution where this has been described as powerful tool for the sheet resistance.

On the other hand Kanda, Jurosawa, and Higuchi argue that making high resolution with more than 0.5mm with low contact force under 500 nN has advantageous for measuring nanostructure or micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). Typically, research has revealed that longitudinally vibrating probe can enlarges the amplitude at the contact point. However, resolution can depend on sensitivity and the noise level where reduction of noise in the circuit can have impact on operational amplifier, and possibility of obtaining higher resolution of 02 nm.

Meanwhile, with cobalt nanowire probe, there is high possibility of producing high-resolution images, and this has been revealed to improve the standard of tapping mode. However, experimental research conducted by Lie et al reveal that thin-film probe has application of measuring magnetic field distributions of an automotive microcontroller. Typically, with development of electrical resistivity in the probe, it has been revealed that these set pf probes are able to detect thin layers, and accurately resolve thin layer soil, and probe has been revealed of capable of giving very precise measurement to natural state of soil especially soil moisture. This has shown its advantage over the traditional method of measuring soil layers that is time consuming, may not provide precise measurement. However, the most common application is the scanning of atomic force microscopy (AFM), which is designed to detect mapping and tipping forces. Thus, high-resolution measurements are effective in detecting lever instantaneously. Measurement of AFM has been revealed 10-50nm with low-level frequencies range from 10 kHz to 500 kHz, and force of miconewtons can be applied to new probes.

Research conducted by Smith et al show that high-resolution electron microscopy can represent one of the effective method of characterising microstructure of thin films.

With adequate instrumentation, the applications of high-resolution electron microscope (HREM), there will be understanding of correct microscopic procedure of thin films, and this will reveal the potential performances of the HREM. The correct instrumentation can enhance understanding of specimens that are centre of interest.

However, Ando et al argue that absolute value of high frequency can be realisable with development of thin film magnetic field probe with a high spatial resolution, and spatial resolution can enhance the shielded loop coil, and this configuration can make probe to achieve absolute value of a high-frequency power. Typically, it is revealed that the with development of probe, it can be used in thermal mapping and application of microcalorimetry, and it should be noted that with development of thermal thin probe, there can be achievement of highest spatial resolution by depositing thin films with the temperature of approximately 25°C.

Meanwhile, upon fabrication, probe can have ability to separate the magnetic from electric field the micro strip trace achieved is 900 MHz standing wave. Basically, application of thin-film probe has been viewed to measure the magnetic field distribution over the pins of an automotive microcontroller.

However, development of thin films probe can have some challenges, where there is difficulty of obtaining reproductive characteristics. It should be noted that development of thin films depends on the chemical composition, and the thickness. Thus evaluating parameters needs performing chemical analysis. While the development of materials for thin films can be applicable to an explosion for electronic devices, nevertheless, there can be major problem in the applications of thin films, for example, it is difficult to obtain reproducible through thin film application.

This is because thin film generally depend on the chemical composition, and the thickness.

Evaluation of development application of Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe require experimental analysis to be carried out as discussed in the next section.

The experimental method

Experimental method constructed to design thin probe is by using series of thin film photolithography processes. Carrying out the experiment involves depositing thin film layer of silver, where this is deposited in the silicon base to form traces and loop which consist of major part of probe. While it is essential to cover the trace with insulating materials, the SU-8 is typically used in photolithography processes. It should be noted that chemical bath to separate the silver and SU-8 makes SU-8 act as an insulator between the two metal layers. Removing probe from silicon, the experimental result reveals that there will be result where a probe that will be form will be temporarily deform while in contact with the devices in the test.

Despite the deformity, probe will still maintain it structural integrity. This procedure will produce probes with trace width ranging from 100 μm to 5 μm, and having line spacing that range from 60 μm to 5 μm. Illustration from Fig 1 reveals overall characteristics of probe, which consist of length, probe trace, and shielding while Fig 2 reveals cross section of bounded loop that reveal probe traces, conductive epoxy, and ground plane.

The determination of chemical composition and thickness of thin film can be carried out by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS-X) in a Scanning Electron Microscope. While this can be carried out by changing the energy of incident electron. With calculation of architecture of nominal layer, and an iteration process, there can be predicted relative intensity for each chemical element.

Lay out of thin-film probe
Figure 1: Lay out of thin-film probe.

Typically, experimental method to increase the spatial resolution of thin film probe reveals that the additional temperature changes can successfully change probe configuration.

It should be noted that the highest spatial resolution can be achieved by depositing thin films on the same head at approximately 25°. However, experimental method conducted by Kim, Heo, Cho, and Moon shows that method of obtaining thin film can be from the analysis of scanning Auger microprobe system. This reveals that a thin film of hafnium dioxide (HfO2) can form on the surface of Si(100) through atomic layer deposition (ALD).

Despite the experimental methods shown, there are comments on Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe. The overall proposed research examined these comments.

Research proposal

This section provides research proposal for this paper. Research proposal considers what topic a research intends to cover. Basically, the overall research proposal will consist of research aims, and it is through research aims that a researcher will investigate his research. In addition, research proposal will also centre on research questions, which a proposed research will attempts to answer.

Research proposal requires this paper to examine research questions.

Research questions

Solving the problems of proposed research requires answering the research questions. By answering research questions, a researcher will achieve the overall research aims. Thus, research questions are as follows:

  1. What are the comments of Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe?
  2. How are the development and application of a thin-film probe with a small loop size and improved spatial resolution can be compared to a conventional loop probe?

Research questions lead to solving the problems in the proposed research, and it is by answering research questions that problems in this proposed research will be solved. The proposed research aim is as follows:

Research aim

  • To investigate the Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe.
  • To investigate good understanding on the thin film deposition process in the fabrication of devices for emerging technology.
  • To investigate drawback in the application and development of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe.

Research Method

The research method for carrying out this proposed research will consists of experimental method, quantitative, and qualitative methods.

Experimental Method

In the proposed research, laboratory experiment will be carried out to examine the application and development of a high-resolution thin-film probe. Part of the experimentation will involve analysis of the past experiments conducted on thin-thin probe. For example, the methods of measurement of thin film magnetic sector will be based on scanning process of thin-film magnetic. Typically, scanned sample will be rotated horizontally to obtain different angles and positions. Using of experimental methods to verify these techniques to measure the capability of measuring a magnetic field, and thin-film magnetic sensor. Standard methods of investigation of by measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films where measurement of thermal conductivity will be able to interpret models of surface scattering.

Additionally, during the experimentation, it is essential to determine the conformity of temperature requirement in the experimentation of thin film probes. For example, temperatures can be fabricated with plastic strip with exact measure of 1 cm × 3 cm and approximately 1 mm thick.

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

In addition, the proposed research will be use quantitative method to solve the mathematical operations and figures in the proposed research. For example, in the previous research, there was measurement centre frequency of the network analyzer. Typically, the magnitude of magnetic field is measured of over the 100 pins.

However, qualitative methods will be used interpret figures during the experiments, so that there can interpretation of the figures with the application and development of Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe. Analysis of the figures through the quantitative procedures will allow researcher to implement the qualitative method to see the underlying messages of the experimental results. Finally, the combination of these methods with the study will allow the proposed research to offer the avenues for future research.

Based on the importance of this proposed research, it is essential to provide research timing, which indicates the period of research delivering.

Cross section of bounded loop
Figure 2: Cross section of bounded loop.

Research timing with deliverables

Previous researches have revealed that Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe has much practical important usefulness in the field of science. Thus, to ensure that the researcher properly carry out the proposed research, research timing with deliverables will be schedule as follows:

Start date: Proposed research will start a month after researcher receives funding.

Stage 1: Researcher will collect information and be familiar with software that will be used for stimulation, and this stage will complete after 3 months of start date.

Deliverable: Research will get used to all materials that will be used for experiments, and understand the working environment.

Stage 2: Researcher will start on the experimentations on the Development and Application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe, and this process will take approximately 6 months.

Deliverable: By carrying out all the experimentation and the stimulation will be carried out with required specification and this will end this process.

Stage 3: Testing the performances of the Thin-Film Probe, and its effectiveness on the application. This process will complete after the start date.

Deliverable: There will be a detailed report on the experiment carried out.

Research Team

John Paul will lead research team, he has B.Eng degree in Material engineering, and he is currently studying Master in material engineering at Oxford University. Additional team member will be Dr Allen Frend; he has lot of research experiences in magnetic application in different research fields. His contribution in this research will optimise research aims.


In the proposed research, researcher will consult two professors if there is any problem when research is being carried out. Each consultation will cost $30 per hour. Moreover, consultation with team leader, who is currently doing Master in material engineering, will charge $10 per hour. Additionally, several experiments will be carried out, and researcher will buy chemicals to carry out the experiment. For example, silver and silicon will be part of materials that will be bought. Moreover, there will be students labour, and the cost of materials is not certain. However, estimation will be 8000 dollars. Table 1 provides summary of project budget.

Table 1: Summary of budget for proposed project.

Materials for the projectAmount
Student’s labour520 hrs $5200
Academic staff time50 hrs $1500
Chemical Materials for the project$800
Software and miscellaneous$500

Expected research outcomes

Using necessary mechanisms in the experimentation in the proposed project, there will be research outcomes on the development and application of a High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe. The research outcome will reveal data presentation, technical data, equations, and terminology to support the outcome of the proposed project. Fig 1 and fig 2 provides the example of the outcomes of proposed research, where both figures reveal how thin probe has advantages over the conventional probe. The measurements reveal that there will be separation between electric and magnetic field coupling.


The proposed research on comment on a thin-film probe with high spatial resolution will be developed, and this has more application compared to conventional type. Typically, there is evidence that there is high resolution with thin-film probe, where measurement that will be carried out in the proposed research will reveal a good separation between electric and magnetic field coupling. The probe demonstrates repose of up to 2 GHz. However, there is need for further research on greater range that has greater measurement techniques characteristics compared to a conventional method. Moreover, future research is essential for obtaining accurate measurements of magnetic field.


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"A High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe: Development and Application." IvyPanda, 10 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/a-high-resolution-thin-film-probe-development-and-application/.


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IvyPanda. 2022. "A High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe: Development and Application." March 10, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-high-resolution-thin-film-probe-development-and-application/.

1. IvyPanda. "A High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe: Development and Application." March 10, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-high-resolution-thin-film-probe-development-and-application/.


IvyPanda. "A High-Resolution Thin-Film Probe: Development and Application." March 10, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-high-resolution-thin-film-probe-development-and-application/.

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