A History of Aircraft Essay (Book Review)

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The book is a true story of the reason behind the success of the Wright brothers in inventing an aircraft. Just as the title suggests, the book is a detailed history of the invention of the aircraft by the Orville and Wilbur Wright. The book also presents a step by step outlook on how the Wrights researched and strived in various ways in their bid to make an aircraft.

It is a story on how the patience and determination of Orville and Wilbur Wright on a road mount with risks and uncertainties finally saw them give something to the world that will always remember them for their invention.

Book Overview

The writer of this book review personally thinks that the author did well to write about the two people that ushered the aerial age into the world. The two authors of this book, Magoun and Hodgins, are prolific writers and researchers with vast experience in this sector.

They have written dozens of other books mostly relating to air travel. The credibility of these authors is therefore not to be doubted. The information presented in the book has a high level of accuracy and is free from any flaw.

Moreover, the facts presented alongside the story of Orville and Wilbur are scientifically proven and nothing is based on illusions or assumptions. Because of the above reason, the book attracts a huge audience especially from those in the scientific field. This is because some of the terms used in the book can only be understood if the reader has substantial knowledge of scientific jargon.

Book Analysis

The main issue discussed in the book is the use of creative and critical thinking as driving forces to innovation. This is seen where Orville and Wilbur Wright apply the above skills to eventually come up with something that would make air travel possible. Prior to the invention of the aircraft by the Wright brothers, it was unimaginable that air travel would ever be possible.

However, this was made possible by the application of creative and innovative skills to overcome the barriers and fears that had blinded the society. The case of Orville and Wilbur lends credence to the fact that almost anything is possible for anyone who dares to think creatively and critically.

Another significant item discussed in the book is the importance of research. The book attributes the success of the Wright brothers to their never-ending urge to research and know more. Before successful invention of the aircraft, Orville and Wilbur spent most of their time conducting research. This is because they realized the great impact that the research would have on their work.

According to the book, the two Wright brothers used the materials of Cayley, Langley and Otto Lilienthal among others in the course of their research. The two also used simple techniques such as observing large gliding birds. During the research, they come across problems that other aeronautics might have experienced in their time. This helps them prepare for what is coming by looking for solutions to these problems before they try their hand at flying.

The book has a lot to teach the writer of this review. First and foremost, the patience and persistent hard work of the Wright brothers have been emphasized over and over in the book. A major show of patience is witnessed when after successfully designing an aircraft, the two brothers do not immediately embark on producing the planes on large scale for the public.

Instead, they take their time to go over what they have achieved so far and make sure that their project will not cause any tragedies to people. The fact that their patience paid in the end gives the writer a challenge to be patient and persistent in hard work when doing anything.

Another important lesson that the book teaches is the benefit of being orderly and scheduling work. In the book, Wilbur and Orville stand out as two organized individuals who do everything in chronological order. For instance, the two do not start working immediately on their project until they are certain that they have everything they need and that they have got all the information necessary in the process.

Everything is done in order, from the research right at the beginning to the mass production of aircrafts at the very end. The significance of this orderliness is seen from the tremendous achievement of Wilbur and Orville at the end of their successful project. It is obvious that a failure would have been imminent had the two brothers failed to consider orderliness in their work.

The writer can also learn from the commitment and dedication that Wilbur and Orville gave to their work. This is evidenced by the amount of attention they pay to every detail they come across. They are aware of the point that nothing is unimportant if they are to get at what they want. This is why they consider small details such as studying the behavior of gliding birds. It is from this study that they come up with a solution to all the problems that the earlier flyers have encountered.

One impressive thing about the book is that it is clearly written. The two authors have used figures of speech and a coherent flow of language that would appeal to any serious reader. An appropriate choice of words that best explain the scientific terms has also been employed. At the end of the book, there is a glossary that gives the meaning of all scientific terms used in the book that could be unclear to the reader.

This facilitates easy comprehension by the reader. It also contributes to the clarity of the information in the book because the reader does not miss out on anything. This characteristic not only makes the book easy to understand but also much fun to go through it.

The writers’ goal in the book is to enlighten the reader about the history or the invention of the aircraft. Basing on the clear presentation of information and detailed description of facts in the book, it is certain that the authors achieved their goal.

After reading the book for the first time, the reader does not have to look for any other additional resource on the same subject. The book comprehensively covers all the events that led to the invention of the aircraft, prior and after the invention. If this wide coverage is anything to go by, then the goals and objectives of the two writers were achieved.

The writers reiterate their main points in the entire book. One point that rings quite deafeningly is the importance of innovative and creative thinking. The writers have managed to show this by starting the story from the point where the two Wright brothers are thinking about inventing the aircraft.

The writers then walk the reader through the whole text, noting every improvement made by the brothers towards the achievement of their goal. The second point is the power of persistence and perseverance in everything. Again the writers have managed to show this through vivid and illustrative description. Of all the books I have read on the same subject, this one is the only one that possesses all this combined features.

One thing I like about this book is the feeling it evokes in a reader. It stimulates one to achieve what he or she may be avoiding because of feeling inferior. After reading the much that Wilbur and Orville were able to achieve with limited resources and crude technology, one is left with the notion that anything is possible for a willing heart. This is exactly how I felt after reading this book, and I have been feeling the same way ever since.

However, the amount of importance that the authors put on Orville and Wilbur is not very impressive. A lot of praise has been heaped on the two to an extent that the reader thinks they had something special that is not found in anybody else. As much as this book may motivate a person to work harder, it may also demoralize them by making them think that only those with special strengths achieve great things.

Shortcomings Of The Book

A major weakness of the book is that it focuses centrally on Wilbur and Orville and forgets to mention the team of other workers that stood with them in their struggle. A keen reader would want to know more since it is unlikely that the two brothers worked alone all that time. It would have been more appropriate if the authors would have included the other workers’ names and professions. This would not have created the impression that the brothers worked alone.

Further, the writers failed to cover what became of the Wright brothers after they had achieved their dream of inventing the first aircraft. Although the book is written twenty three years later, it ends at the point where Wilbur and Orville start making airplanes for public air travel.

The reader is therefore left in suspense. This is the only thing that may prompt the reader to look for other literature on the same topic in order to find out what became of the Wright brothers. This shortcoming of the book renders it insufficient to satisfy the needs of every reader.


In conclusion, the book A History of Aircraft by Magoun and Hodgins tells the amazing story of how the Wright brothers invented the aircraft. The authors of this story incorporate a number of creative and innovative issues in the story in such a way that it provokes the readers to achieve great things.

The book also has a number of shortcomings, which are nothing compared to the advantages derived from it. Because of this, I would recommend it to anyone who desires to know the history of the aircraft or wants to be challenged to aim higher in life.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). A History of Aircraft. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-history-of-aircraft/

Work Cited

"A History of Aircraft." IvyPanda, 28 Mar. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/a-history-of-aircraft/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'A History of Aircraft'. 28 March.


IvyPanda. 2019. "A History of Aircraft." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-history-of-aircraft/.

1. IvyPanda. "A History of Aircraft." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-history-of-aircraft/.


IvyPanda. "A History of Aircraft." March 28, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-history-of-aircraft/.

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