A Logical Position or Arguments in Research Essay

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A logical position or argument is an essential aspect of research. It plays a significant role in developing a solid foundation for discussing the proposal. A logical position indicates the basis for establishing the subject under study. A logical argument presents a series of propositions in which one is being used to support another. All points highlighted in a logical argument support the conclusion. A researcher’s well-described logical position or argument enables them to invent, demonstrate, analyze, and prove their ideas.

An argument in research can be described as the main idea or thesis statement. The claim is a general view upon which the paper will be written. Logic in research ensures one takes a position they best understand and can defend and argue for or against. Therefore, it protects individuals from refutation and helps them gather extensive data to support their study. Generally, a logical position and argument in research are of paramount salience as it reiterate the essence of the study and provide data for proof.

A logical position only shows where the researcher stands on the subject, while an argument defends the presented idea. The position, therefore, is a simple and obvious statement to express an opinion. Constructing a logical argument is more complicated than taking a logical position. This is because one needs more than basic statements to build a strong argument. Detailed research, reading, and analysis of scholarly materials are required. An individual must prove an understanding of the topic and not just regurgitate readings. Further, one must demonstrate that they can apply the knowledge gained from their study work to solve an identified gap. Therefore, a logical argument is necessary to defend the position taken.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 6). A Logical Position or Arguments in Research. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-logical-position-or-arguments-in-research/

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"A Logical Position or Arguments in Research." IvyPanda, 6 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/a-logical-position-or-arguments-in-research/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'A Logical Position or Arguments in Research'. 6 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "A Logical Position or Arguments in Research." May 6, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-logical-position-or-arguments-in-research/.

1. IvyPanda. "A Logical Position or Arguments in Research." May 6, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-logical-position-or-arguments-in-research/.


IvyPanda. "A Logical Position or Arguments in Research." May 6, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/a-logical-position-or-arguments-in-research/.

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