George W Bush, the 43rd American president is one of the significant education system reformists in the history of American Education. The development and establishment of the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA), is an attribute of Bush’s education reforms from his initiative to provide every child with the right to education in his bipartisan act of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002. From the NCLB act, Bush advocated for an increase in federal involvement in the education sector by providing funds and scholarships to cater to needy students ensuring every child gets an education. Apart from funding, Bush was also a promoter of high standards in academics to ensure excellence and great achievements in all schools through a standard testing procedure. In the act, parents have a say in choosing their children’s schools.
The involvement of the federal government has ensured adequate funding, competency, and accountability in students’ academic standards which has given rise to many reforms strengthening the act since 2002. One of the reforms is the ESSA act in 2015 which promotes the devolution of the education sector from the central government to communities and states which ensures more state and community participation, competency between states, better teaching, and schools’ accountability academically and financially.