The primary problem at Acme is a lack of effective employee performance, which is caused by the failure of management and leadership to ensure an appropriate working environment. The employees who have complaints that are disregarded by the company are likely to be dissatisfied with their working conditions. It is confirmed by the increasing rate of turnover and problems while recruiting new personnel. Another key problem is that Acme lacks a workplace culture that values employees’ needs and tries to meet them to increase their job satisfaction which directly impacts employee performance.
The negative effects of these problems lead to customer complaints about product quality, timeliness, and communication. In their turn, employees are unable to provide quality customer service since they lack resources, motivation, and guidance from management. The recruiting difficulties are another problem that is associated with weak training priorities and paying little attention to employees’ needs and complaints. Therefore, Acme should reconsider its organizational approach to the internal environment, without which the company is likely to encounter further complications with sales and quality.
Speaking about what matters most, it should be emphasized that poor employee performance should be addressed to improve sales, customer satisfaction, and recruiting. There is a correlation between employee job satisfaction and their performance since satisfied people have a greater interest in completing their tasks with a higher quality (Priarso, Diatmono, and Mariam, 2019). Transformational leadership can be applied by the company to inspire employees, identify the company culture and values, as well as increase work motivation (Priarso, Diatmono, and Mariam, 2019). In this way, it would be possible to address the reasons for the mentioned problems and make Acme effective again.
Reference List
Priarso, M. T., Diatmono, P. and Mariam, S. (2019) ‘The effect of transformational leadership style, work motivation, and work environment on employee performance that in mediation by job satisfaction variables in Pt. Gynura Consulindo’, Business and Entrepreneurial Review, 18(2), 165-176.