Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry Essay

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Advertising as is gambling calls for precision and sound judgment in order to pick the intended stake without fear or hesitation. Today unlike any other day in modern history, business rivalries have dominated the centre stage influencing even our tastes, styles, and trends in our individual walks of life. Competition to acquire the basic brand markets to mortgages, advertising has vehemently revolutionized the real concept of business in general and in particular the cosmetic industry.

Thus, looking at how various products are being advertised, one cannot fail to note the seriousness of the product owners in as far as convincing the consumers to fall for the given product. Thus, advertisements can be said to be a hook that is typically employed to fish the client from the larger pool of similar products. Basically, most advertisers tend to employ the use of sex as a tool for marketing diverse products. This is clearly evidenced in the way women’s products are market through massive advertisements.

For two decades now, I have realized women’s beauty products have undergone a significant metamorphosis due to the rapidly changing marketing landscape and consumer awareness’. Therefore, the advents of radio and TV advertisement have also equally played a significant role in the way women’s beauty is being handled. More so, the emergence of newspapers, gender magazines, and other types of literature have played an instrumental role in defining how diverse beauty products are being advertised and promoted across the female Diasporas. All in all, it should be noted that due to the way females define beauty so have firms dealing with beauty products have developed strategic marketing plans of creating sensational beauty products.

Research aims

Comparing diverse companies, one is in a position to be challenged by a number of similar products claiming to deliver the rare quality which cannot be offered by the competitors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to provide an informed insight into how the advertisement is employed by some of the leading firms in hewing market using sophisticated ethical or unethical procedures.

Literature review

Bobby Brown is one of the leading firms that have exceptionally managed to cut a substantial niche in the cosmetic industry. Considering the fact that, most of the firms merchandising beauty products through various media are strategically targeting women across all female spheres. But what is cosmetic advertising? Typically, cosmetic advertising is regarded as the promotion of beauty products by cosmetic firms such as Bobby Brown among others.

I have noted that these advertisements are employed to target the female populace that is intending to change its facial appearance from now and then. Commonly this habit by women to use cosmetics is curtailed to boost physical beauty as well as reduce aging. As I have noted, many cosmetic firms employ the use of dirty tactics in order to impact potential clients.

Hence, such scenarios have seen some of the major cosmetic firms on the firing line to the manner by which they employ the use pseudoscience as well as offering promotion of products with improbable goals. However, looking at how Bobby Brown undertakes their advertisements, it is imperative to state that, they have mastered the use of positive media to present their products. Thus, using well-articulated and balanced commercials, their products are ever arousing ripples among adoring customers who have developed an insatiable appetite for their products.

Nevertheless, delving deeper into the nature of their products as well as comparing them with complementing advertisements, it is possible to note that, they have avoided using the commonly used hype by other competitors who anchor their advertisements in sex. Despite the market challenges, Bobby Brown firm has managed to employ the use of appealing colors and well-selected slogans in their advertisement. According to a recent study, it was established that the manner by which Bobby Brown relates to its clientele through diverse advertisements, they are unchallenged. Thus, am of opinion that, it is their selective use of language, branding as well as packaging their product that exudes such a following in the female world.

The typical concept in Bobby Brown products is often subtle and balanced, even where the elements of sex have been employed; it is often hard for a layman to note. Thus, I beg to argue that, it is their concepts of advertising that are alluring women to run for their products. This is due to the fact that this firm has managed to propagate the art of creating products that are highly appealing to women hence closing the gap between providing for their beauty needs as well as relating with them.

For instance, consider the way this firm has packaged its holiday gifts, it is prevalent that, trust is the key element that is driving them to build a profound base among women. I am of opinion that, BB as a beauty firm has learned the art of presenting their outdoor and indoor advertisements with a clear message and honesty claim of their product (Belch 1981). Hence, this concept has helped them to dominate and impact positively on the concern of potential clients who may have not used their products before.

From various studies, I have noted that, since 1991 when BB, revolutionized the world of women’s beauty, she has been employing cool but natural advertisements whose glamour touched the very innate part of any given woman due to their sincerity. Thus, it is on the philosophy of beauty that I would like to state that, despite the glamour injected in the way BB products are advertised, it is crucial to note that quality is another element that is highly reflected in the promos. This phenomenon is typically reflected by the firm’s ever-standing philosophy of defining beauty to be simple, real and equally approachable. This opinion has made it possible for this firm commercial to reach out to women of all walks of life to the way they have presented their products in a manner that is accessible yet quality assured products (Andrews, et al, 1992).

All in all, I do aver that advertisements that are currently being run for BB portray a sign of quality which definitely impacts the way consumers value specific beauty products. Thus, it is instrumental to relate almost any fast-moving beauty product with BB. This, as I have noted, is more propelled by a concrete assurance from the manufacturer that the product is of the highest quality and equally safe to use without any after-use effects either on a short-term or long-term basis (Ahearne et al, 2000). Equally, it is important to note that, all beauty products which BB carries in their campaigns do carry very crucial information pertaining to their safety. Thus, comparing their advertising strategy with other cosmetic industry players. One cannot fail to realize they hold the secret of touching the clients hence securing the much-needed market strongholds across the world today.

Therefore, I have noted that BB products have become the preserve of both rich and the poor alike, and this has been made possible by their concentrated advertisements which are not discriminative but rather are all-inclusive (Green et al, 1994). Therefore, using Billboard advertisements are designed to catch a person’s awareness and create an unforgettable consciousness very quickly, leaving the client thinking about the advertisement after they have come across it (Belch, 2004). They have to be decipherable in a very petite period because they are frequently read whilst being passed at soaring speeds. Thus, there are habitually barely a small number of words, in big print, and an entertaining or arresting icon in sparkling color.

Research methodology

I have established the scope of this topic with an accompanying literature review. Generally, I have found that it is wise to consider the appropriate logical step that would of significance in establishing and supporting my claim that the aforementioned cosmetic firm has managed to positively influence and impact the market through the use of media and other diverse communication venues.

Basically, I have found that it is important to utilize more than one method in evaluating the key strategies as well as sampling the evidence I have gathered in relation to the advertisement impact on a client to Bobby Brown beauty products. This is instrumental in that, understanding the core concept being employed by Bobby Brown in influencing the women fraternity to embrace their products with such trust (Launert, et al, 1987). Thus, I opted to undertake a general case study of the diverse commercial by which the BB have a place either in radio, TV, newspapers as well as in billboards across different marketing zones (Berelson,1971).

Therefore, am of opinion that, combining diverse research strategies would offer varied results which could be evaluated to provide a clear picture of the research at hand.

Data collection method

After deciding on the research procedure to utilize, I found it crucial to collect the needed information. Consider the fact that, the data I collected was confined to a particular time frame due to dissimilar factors, meaning much of the data I used was secondary in nature, and this entailed, information retrieved from libraries (documentaries), regional news, coverage, and editorials (Multiple sources) (Launert, et al, 1987). And also, surveys which included data I gathered during continuous or regular surveys which were either internal or external. These types of secondary data I found to be available in books, journal articles, newspapers & magazines, conference papers, reports, archives, films, television, electronic database, internet among others (Green, 1998). The purpose of these sources is to have open access to diverse approaches and analysis of varied advertisements traits which over the years have assimilated other cultural traits.

Therefore, in this case, I present my case emphatically tilting towards secondary information.

Analysis of Data and Interpretation of Findings

The data I gathered or obtained via the diverse methods could either be classified as quantitative or qualitative. The nature of this study did not call for such huge statistical data analysis; this is due to the fact that the research is interpretive

Quantitative analysis

In this case, I presented the data gathered through a scale, meaning the data requires inferential differences to be determined due to frequency as well as dispersion (Bradley, 1991).

Qualitative analysis

The data is anticipated to be more regularly used within the research than its quantitative equivalent. Even though there might be an extent for a certain degree of quantifying some of the information, and the overall non-quantifying process is likely to be used during the data analysis and elucidation process. This would entail categorization, ‘unitizing’ data, identifying associations and developing categories to facilitate it, and developing and testing hypotheses to reach conclusion (Lefkowith, 1994).


Diverse cosmetic products call for a stringent approach, this is typically allied to the fact that relations build our identity; hence it is through individual attachment to his/her favorite product or specific commercial culture that we define who we are. From that note, I realized, it should be noted that all over the world, no marketing phenomenon is as diverse as advertising. Hence, through various advertising procedures, the social society is being exposed to dynamic advertising cultures which are influencing the entire populace due to the introduction of foreign trends and lifestyles (Walker, 1987). Thus, distinctive trade, as well as foreign policies, have provided a conducive atmosphere by which Bobby Brown has been overrun borders, hence building well-established and stable markets due to the values injected in their products (Sloan, 1989).

Due to the magnitude of client diversity in product tastes, I concluded that it is paramount to understand that some cultural elements can be misinterpreted in marketing prospects in relation to advertising. However, as I have indicated, BB intricately developed a serious campaign, whereby, they incorporated the use of promotional materials and giveaways in their adverts (Lefkowith, 1994). More so, they included trade discounts in their products, and this has greatly influenced even the distributors of cosmetic products to give them a top priority.

This is due to the fact that, separating influence and product is often difficult, hence when addressing consumer traits, it is important to evaluate the relevance of particular practices in comparison with other traits. Consider that, the female world paints anything American to be evil. In such a scenario, interpreting advertising practices becomes crucial in understanding why specific values are being held in high esteem, while others are viewed as unhealthy acts in advertising (Michalun, 1994).

Therefore, may I state that BB advertising campaigns can be said to be strategically designed to influence the potential consumer opinion of beauty products. This can be linked to the fact that the message, color, and eventual setup of their commercials are always attractive and engaging. Likewise, they have mastered the art of labeling their signature brands with such a creative mind that; it is easier to remember in comparison with other competing products.

Thus, using their vast knowledge of the cosmetics market, I have come to realize that, Bobby Brown products are advertised with a spectacular audience in mind. Hence, even when launching advertising campaigns, it is possible to note that each and every sphere of the public is presented. And this has greatly impacted the way consumers perceive BB products.

Therefore, may I add that, more than advertising beauty products, the cosmetic market is calling for positive corporate integration involving industry players and in relation to the cosmetic industry. This dimension has greatly benefited BB in that, it has established itself and more equally managed to create a commercial base that is growing daily in terms of clientele and production. Nevertheless, BB managed to capture the imagination of the female world with their well-researched commercials. This I have realized is done through teamwork, market surveys, and equally involving diverse market plays and other associates in order to make their dream come true.

So, the bottom line in their advertisements is not how much they will make but rather how many clients they will capture and how long will they retain the already growing market. Armed with such kind of a challenge, it is evident why they have concentrated on building their base using any tangible resource at their disposal and equally being involved in corporate social affairs in order to build an image that is easier to relate with at all times.

Am in a position to aver that, it is that concept of being involved with their clients that have helped in the way their commercials have impacted the intended clientele positively. More so, this phenomenon is reflected in the way their commercials are presented across diverse media houses including websites that host their pop-up cookies in order to capture and market their protection to overseas markets that are not yet fully exploited by foreign beauty products. In principle, it is the nature of their adverts that creates an environment of belonging that fuels them to where they are today. Call it a positive marketing campaign.


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IvyPanda. (2021, November 28). Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry.

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"Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry." IvyPanda, 28 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry'. 28 November. (Accessed: 19 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2021. "Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry." November 28, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry." November 28, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Advertisement Impact on Potential Buyers in the Cosmetic Industry." November 28, 2021.

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