Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign Essay

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Kia Motors Corporation is known for its new design and efficient, as well as innovative technology. The Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign has added to the popularity of the brand name by using modern techniques in advertising and product promotion.

One of the key solutions in the success of the campaign was the implementation process. A commercial for KIA’s Hamsters Campaign has a specific goal and it is directed at all audiences, being universal and accepted worldwide. The key features are the universality of the campaign, its appeal to all audiences and the use of both originality and humor (Kia’s Hip-Hop Hamsters Are a Branding Bargain” par. 1).

The most important quality of KIA is the demonstration of the quality and efficiency of vehicles. Visual appeal is another target area that campaign designers have used to better the response from the public. In implementing the campaign, it is critical to make sure that the advertisement does not use any negativity towards social aspects and does not predispose the campaign to any unwanted judgment.

This particular method of implementation was chosen because of the popularity of cars and international attention to the brand. It is a fact that the company is known in more than 100 countries worldwide, so the campaign must be culturally and socially acceptable. It is one of the most harmless and easiest ways to make the brand known to people, as a commercial can be played in many places. The modern day of technology has spread the influence of media, so people are often exposed to commercials in public places.

KIA’s slogan is “The Power to Surprise,” which is an inseparable part of the method of implementation (“About Kia” par. 7). Also, the circulation of the commercial on the internet, social networks, and other popular websites creates great awareness of the product. The ability to share the images and stylish illustrations of the vehicles unites people by commenting on the campaign and promotes the general reputation of the organization (“Social Networks”).

There are several factors that went into KIA making such a particular choice in the campaign. The company wants people to know that the organization is well aware of the needs of consumers and thus, presents new ideas that people will be impressed by. The general style of commercials and advertisements gives people new perspectives on everyday things. One of the key factors is to make the vehicle more than a transportation method.

It is to provide a specific style to the consumers, as it represents individuality, as well as the knowledge of the current market and the betterment of technology. The modern world strives to make a more environment friendly decision and KIA supports this sort of choice. Appeal to people’s wants and needs is united with a useful change to a more economical and healthy solution.

Also, partnerships with other leading organizations have shown the public that KIA is widely respected in the corporate world. Being the sponsor of Australian Open tennis tournament and FIFA World Cup, it has rightfully taken place among worldwide organizations and created an image that will be instilled in people’s minds (“About Kia” par. 7).

It is evident that KIA has made use of several marketing solutions that helped it gained success and popularity. The visual appeal is partnered with functioning and efficiency, which is what the present global market demands. Fair access and humane conditions add to the solutions of the campaign.

Works Cited

About Kia 2013. Web.

Kia’s Hip-Hop Hamsters Are a Branding Bargain 2013. Web.

Social Networks 2013. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 21). Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign.

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"Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign." IvyPanda, 21 Mar. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign'. 21 March.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign." March 21, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign." March 21, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Advertising of the Kia Soul: Hamsters Campaign." March 21, 2020.

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