Technological progress has made available numerous devices and mechanisms that a century ago were considered a luxury and could not be accessed by the majority of people. Cameras are definitely one the example of such devices since today, billions of photos are made on a daily basis by individuals all around the world. This spread of technology-enabled many people to document the environment around them and allowed millions of people to relate to stories of others told through photographs. “A Starving Boy and a Missionary” is one of the most powerful pictures of the 20th century and the one which makes people reflect on the issues of humanity, equality, and fairness.

The photograph in question was taken by Mike Wells in 1980 in Uganda. During that period, he was traveling as a freelance photographer together with the Save the Children Fund. At the end of the 1970s, the region Karamoja in Uganda experienced severe droughts, which led to food shortages and starvation (“A Starving Boy”). Wells accompanied the Verona Fathers, a group of missionaries who were responsible for distributing food to the local population. The boy in the picture is a member of the tribe which inhabited the area. Wells received the World Press Photo Award of 1981 for the photo, but he was ashamed of it since he believed that taking pictures of famished people was morally wrong.
Despite the fact that the picture’s author did not like it, it is possible to assume his motivation to take it. It is probable that Wells wanted to show people in the developed world the individuals who share the same planet with them but struggle to receive basic necessities. The contrast, which is constructed through the hand of an impoverished child and the palm of the missionary, demonstrates the inequality between the advanced nations and those which were not fortunate to become leaders of the global economy. Perhaps, Wells was disappointed with the state of the people he met in Uganda and felt that all he could do was document their predicament. Publishing of this photograph has allowed people who only heard about famine in Africa to see for themselves its effects on the local population. It raised awareness among members of wealthy societies about the fact that the ills such as starvation and disease, which largely had been eradicated in their homes, still remained relevant problems for other countries.
Yet, apart from the theme of inequality, the photograph also conveys the ideas of humanity and kindness and instills hope into the audience. It shows that people possess the ability to empathize with others, even those who live far away and have a different culture. The photograph assures that despite all the differences, compassion prevails among individuals and societies, and when trying times come, this quality becomes especially prominent. The power of this image lies in the capacity to make people reflect on their life and think of ways that can help them become more conscious of the problems of others.
“Starving Boy and Missionary” by Mike Wells is an example of the art of photography’s ability to enable people to think of social and philosophical issues. The photograph depicts the hands of a starving boy and a missionary. Wells wanted to raise awareness among people about the problems faced by poor and struggling nations and make them reflect on them. The image demonstrates the lack of equality in the world which harms human beings and puts their lives in danger. Yet, it also shows the significance of kindness and compassion, especially in difficult situations.
Works Cited
“A Starving Boy and a Missionary in Uganda, 1980.” Rare Historical Photos, 2018, Web.
Mike Wells. Word Press Photo, n.d. Web.