Analysis and Interpretation of Text and Image Essay (Critical Writing)

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This essay will focus on providing an analysis of multimodal text and image documents through discourse analysis. The purpose is to draw out the theoretical framework supporting compression of meaning by the document text and imager developer. Using a clean shot taken using a Nokia mobile phone, we will examine the meaning of messages being sent by the Nokia Company through the picture and text on this document. The multimodal approach by the document developer is crucial for us to decipher the diverse message he is sending through this advertisement.

The document, from the discourse context and perspective, is an advertisement. As such, we have embarked on a discourse analysis wherein we focus on the structure of the language used on this document and found in this discourse as a text. The text presented as a conversation and figurative speech aims at providing insight into the unique products Nokia mobile handsets have. Text analysis in this discourse will focus on critically examining and analyzing the language structure in the document to identify the communication function of the discourse.

At the same level, we will embark on another discourse analysis. This will critically examine visual image semiotic modes. We will analyze images incorporated in the document to provide an insight into the Nokia phone applications. Typically, it’s agreeable to summate a picture that tells more than a thousand words, a reason why the amount of text on the document is less whilst the size of the picture is actually, what compromises the document. Suffice it to say, this picture provides insight.

The image and text were selected for a variety of reasons. Literally, we will focus on the text and image discourse rather than stray into contentious paradigms of the science of advertising. The current boom in mobile phone services has shifted from merely providing users with an interactive handset rather dynamic and supportive application. Nokia has worked hard to make its brand a leader in providing executives with smart business phones. Nokia described as the ideal business handset maker manufactures some series that provide unique office support tools, instant messaging, document readers including PDF and Word, smart calendars, WLAN capability, schedulers, among other important applications useful for an executive.

In this document, Nokia embarked on a task to educate the potential consumer about unique applications that users could benefit from. At the time more handset makers had begun establishing themselves as competitive and that, they could provide applications. Nokia, which had a strong foothold in the market needed to change paradigms about handsets. The shift in paradigms required executives to focus on business applications including profiles that could provide him/her with privacy either when taking some time off the busy schedule or when having private time with board members and even intimate moments.

We will commence our analysis by examining the principal image by using the theoretical framework proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (1999). Our analysis of the image will then shift to the text found on the document. Our analysis of the text will discuss the genre of

the text, how the three metafunctions of systemic functional linguistics, textual interpersonal and ideational meanings have applied to align the reader viewpoint. Initially, we will discuss the genre and then analyze interpersonal or attitude graduation engagement and subsequently examine how the document creator conceived ideation and the meaning of text in the document.

Image analysis

Since this document is created largely using the image, the picture speaks volumes and the creator’s intention was to inspire and elicit meaning. The mountainous background provides the reader with a view of an ideal getaway. The message is taking some time off your schedule and relaxing. As such, we coerce the mind into holidaying, but taking a relaxing moment away from work and spending some quality time on our own. The man with the fishing line seems to be enjoying and thinking. It seems, for a second, he is thinking instinctively about his moments out there in the river.

On the front layer of the picture, the screen of a handset shows a Nokia phone recharging. By critically conceptualizing the context of the man inside the water fishing and the charging phone, we realize the two images are interrelated. The function of the two is to explain that recharging is regaining the energy required to become functional at work. The Nokia phone provides you with an opportunity to connect with your work even as you regain the energy you have lost while working. Conclusively, the idea of the image is to catapult our imagination of recharging our energies away from work yet still keeping in touch with the workplace effectively.

The ideation is observed from image placement/positioning. The large caption is the reality, as such, we idealize the context of taking time off to relax and recharge as real life and essential. On the same level is the charging phone image, placed on the left central area of the document. Concisely, this fishing man is recharging himself as portends the small image. Coupled, the man in the image is the consumer, mainly an executive who has been busy and needed some time away from work to free his mind and get some new synergies. The charging phone image is a message depicting the need for an effective communication platform that will help this person who is certainly away from the office (he is near the mountains, in the wild, fishing).

Using the theoretical framework provided, the charging phone image is placed somewhere atop while the live image (fishing man) is placed down. According to Ledema et al (1994) ideation and reality are contextualized by image placement. Based on this projection, we identify ideation as conveyed by image showing the charging phone while the “real,’ is the man who is inside the river fishing. The man and this charging object are apart yet the meaning of the arrangement provides insight about getting synergies that can make you productive, but the need to communicate is superior since you are gathering these energies solely to become productive at work.

According to Kress and Leeuwen, we can understand the meanings of discourse by examining the gaze of the picture [participants. Here we identify the man who is fishing as truly gazing at the something just ahead, but partly elevated. He seems to be looking at the photographer or the camera. However, we can deduce more if the individual/participant was not wearing those dark sunglasses. Also, Kress and Leeuwen propose that, the direction of the gaze can help in deducing the meaning of the attitudes involved. Here this man seems surprised at an interruption, a reason why he seems to be staring at something in a way suggesting disruption. His hands seem to be pulling the rod out of the water and responding to the disruption.

The context of disruption is wide ad Nokia expands the view by providing a wide view of the natural background of the picture. The man is a lone, somewhere afar and engrossed in a process of recharging himself. What Nokia is suggesting is one remaining connected to his active lifestyle even when relaxing to get back some energy. Two, recharging has a broader meaning as per Nokia, it is arguably a message denoting the need for health and peace of mind. We can suggest, disturbance as a problem that affects peace of mind. The attitude of the man shows reaction to disturbance, hence, we can assume his secretary had to come all the way to inform him of crucial development in the office. If this man had a Nokia phone, he could have been reached by his secretary. He could not be disturbed as he seems.

Based on the text slightly above the centre of this picture, we can argue credibly, that this person was enjoying his moments. These moments are what we are defining as recharging. In other words, this participant is indicative of our time off from the busy schedule. He provides an insight about how we spend our time when relaxing and trying to regain lost energies. It is paramount to note that, when one is spending tie away from the office, and rather relaxing, he doesn’t need to be interrupted by his superiors and juniors at work. Instead, he should be only updated and advised about progress and constraints faced in the office. Recharging is defined as a moment of regaining health and capacity. Interrupting such a process can only lead to poor recovery.

The size of the frame provides an insight about a broader meaning of the documents context as explained by Kress and Leeuwen (1999). The frame size allows us to feel a visual contact with the man in the picture. Intuitively, we are causing him the disruption which actually does not go down well with him. The surprised gaze explains the disruption in recharging. If you are spending some quality time out, you don’t need to be interrupted, rather should enjoy the moment optimally.

Nokia is proposing uninterrupted recharging through making use of its mobile phone handsets. By using the phone, as explained by the text below, you will enjoy the wonders of life, enjoy your quiet moments and achieve optimum happiness by the time you finish making use of your spare time. Nokia phones provide long battery life hence you may not require to recharge your phone battery if you have a Nokia handset with you during the time out.

Critical discourse, as in our case, assumes discourses can establish relations among people and provide the people with a range of communication variables. This means, the document in question is a type of discourse which provides the reader with a set of alternative meanings wherein, relations between Nokia and the consumers (the people) are established. The consumers are being provided with a wide range of options in terms of possibilities during recharging. Each statement in the discourse is a derivate of history and purpose on insight. They can only make sense if the document creator wants them to. Here, we can conclude the product, which is a Nokia handset is the product of the discourse. And in continuum, we have sufficient evidence to declare that discourse has history, and it’s a product of a community. Whereas a community has borders, (characterized by the document margins), it’s the attitude created by the picture that provides the consumer community with what has to be thought of or alternatively, be said by the document.

Nokia exemplifies social relations as epistemic variables that provide rationality of discourse. The dialogue here revolves around an exchange order. It is a relationship revolving between buyer and seller. The context is Nokia and Consumers.

Text Analysis

The genre of the text on the initial page is indicative of a contextual advert. However, we take a literally approach to decipher the propensity it projects. There are two texts on the document, the one inscribed in the phone screen on the top of the center of the image, and the summative text on the bottom of this page. The term ‘Recharging’ screams like a headline. According to Ledema et al (1994) the text that provides insight descriptively forms the nucleus of the document. Recharging is what the man fishing is doing. He is regaining energy and gathering new ideas about his work. This is clarified by the summative text below the picture. The text explains why Nokia handsets help you stay in touch even when you are away from the workstation. Nokia is advertising using descriptive communication. The document creator compressed meaning through image and descriptive text. He succeeded to deliver the message to the consumer.


We have identified semiotic systems in this document hence, we have sufficing evidence that the document was created using metafunctions. Martin (2001) explains that select language is used to communicate the message the company is conveying. In the picture, we see a man fishing and thinking about something. He is somewhere, a river in an expansive long-grassy wild, almost like a prairie, fishing. The picture depicts this man as well built, healthy, and well dressed. This draws out his socio-economic background. He can afford to go for a holiday; hence, he is a working class person. The conclusion is, this person is an executive.

According to Hood (2007) when language is used to communicate with others, it means something is being discussed or told away. The discussion or message is about something that is going on (man fishing, phone charging), something be though of or how a particular thing took place as projected by White (2005). As such, ideation means we are making meanings about something going in the world just as we see it, conceptualize it, and understand it. Ideation as such means construction of a sense of reality as Nokia reckons.

Let us discuss the context of ideation by critically examining the picture using key factors like camera angle, position of the image and background among other key factors. The background of the picture is a vast mountainous region with expansive grassy and plain land. There is a river, which is safe to wade through and resourceful when fishing. These natural nature profiles are meant to bring nature propensity and great role in providing us with energy to become consistently functional. The mountains represent a commonplace ideology when taking holidays is concerned. More people believe one takes a holiday either in the mountains where there is a forest and wildlife or in coastal areas where there is a beach and sun.

Martin and Rose (2007) argue that the simplicity of this context provides insight about Nokia’s focus on simplifying life through technology. The context of recharging is simply a direct proposal to consumers to provide Nokia with avenues of sales by taking Nokia handsets as ideal handsets. Ideation is observed through a simplified yet intricate web of events. The image is conveying dissenting messages about recharging whereas holidaying and great nature is seen as a vital part of increasing personal capacity. Recharging is, as such, an idea created to help the consumer conceptualize two things. First, the consumer should look at Nokia as a source of inspiration for providing reliable infrastructure to keep you connected with your workplace while enjoying your holiday. Two, Nokia helps you realize the need to remain undisturbed when you are on holiday or when recreating.

Interpersonal Meaning

Nokia is communicating with consumers through conveying some meanings about what various contexts of life including how we understand in relation to issues affecting our lives and others. Interpersonal meaning is the dogma of principally establishing value of roles in relationship with our jobs and people we relate as Leech (1999) proposes. Nokia wants to establish a relationship between you and its applications as a means of you relating efficiently with your work place, others who you relate with, and our attitudes to these life situations, work and our partners in life.

Nokia suggests we can be in touch with others through the Nokia concept of communication. Life is a process and we need energy to keep undertaking our tasks. By prioritizing communication, Nokia wants us to remain focused on making use of opportunities to recharge ourselves and using the energy to increase productivity while identifying with its handset as a platform for keeping in touch.

By critically examining the context, we find the structure of the theory of appraisal as a construct in the discourse. The theory of appraisal proposes three-dimensional approaches. These dimensions guide analysis of interpersonal meaning created in the text and image. The three dimensions used are engagement, graduation and attitude. We commence by reviewing the context of attitude as the picture portends. The attitude of the document is provided by the person pictured. He is looking at the viewer. His gaze is intuitively suggesting questions regarding a surprise visit or disruption. Attitudes are meat to provide an insight about what values are in continuum here. How are these values expressed in the document, especially in the picture? The recharging picture is permeated with deep codes that suggest reaction to disruption. The disruption portends anger and interruption which was not allowable in the current pictured situation.

The attitude invokes negative reactions from the reader. Obviously, a disturbed person will react angrily to disruption from unwanted persons. Earlier, we contextualized advertising briefly and provided a solid overview about the nature of the document, describing it as a contextual advert. The aim is to provide the reader with insight, attitude and relevant resolve to interruptions during a great moment. We can define this as two way principals, wherein, we subject taking days off from work is one and when having a conversation on your phone is another.

When you take a day off, you don’t need to be interrupted; rather you should enjoy your leave. On the other hand, when you are talking on the phone you should not be cut off or interrupted by a low battery. Nokia is ideating interruption and suggesting a resolve. As such, the document author scattered the meanings of his intended meanings so that we could use various approaches to understand either properly. Nokia on its part provides handsets which guarantee maximum battery capacity and performance and on the same level, provides handsets with features which support business capability, enough to keep you in touch with your office efficiently and effectively.

Textual Meaning

During communication, we convey meaning of what we are constructing by packaging ideational meanings and interpersonal ideals through text construct; the objective it to make our core objective in the message salient than others. Nokia objectively makes the context of recharging more salient than fishing since, fishing is a pastime that can facilitate recharging, but a Nokia phone is a vital application that keeps you connected with your office staff, businesses, family, and friends.

As Martin (2001) proposes in his assertion, this textual value reflects modes of communication used to convey the intended message. Nokia has provided insight about life and its goodness. ‘We can help you feel like a new person” Nokia makes its handsets sounds like what you need when you are reviving yourself. When you take time off, Nokia smart phones is your ideal mate. The text discusses major constraints of our busy lives and proposes how we can avoid overindulging in them be taking time off to regain energy. The text ‘recharging’ is Nokia’s headline and core of their unique document.

We have established reasonably that the text ‘recharge’ is dotted with attitudes which disseminate varying detail and meaning regarding the situation depicted by the document. What is the source of the attitude observed in the reaction of the man? We have suggested interruption as core factor; however, we will embark in an analysis to quantify our supposition. The context of heteroglossia can be strongly supported since the picture background provides a very solid background that only can be provided by a gloss paper.

The different voices are intertwined in the document through the picture and attitudes elicited by the document. This is application of multimodal concession in the context to deliver variant contexts. Attitude, text, reaction and strategic location support this multimodal concession. We have fewer participants in the discourse hence we are able to identify the various meanings presented differently by the author.

Recharging is the principal theme of the document and its contents. Suffice to say, the context is segmented into sizeable chunks all which are aimed at providing insight and overview about Nokia as a company and as a partner in simplifying life. Distance is not core in making the schedule confusing by using the right applications when away, and Nokia provides a solution. Nokia is careful not to monopolize this advert with its products profile, rather depends entirely on the simple watermark logo in the document background. Nokia believes it is primary in the market and that a little effort suffices to make its push successful. Nokia is relying on the recharging perspective to provide the consumer with a viewpoint about product quality, need for efficiency, and importance of remaining replenished with energy.

Reference List

  1. Hood, S. (2007). Discourse analysis. Learning Guide, University of Technology Sydney. Units 7-12
  2. Kress, G & Van Leeuwen, T. (1999). Representations and Interaction. Designing the Position of the Viewer, In A, Jaworski and N, Coupland (Eds) The discourse reader, Routledge, London, pp 377-404
  3. Ledema, R,.Feez, S & White, P. (1994). Media Literacy. Sydney Disadvantaged Schools Program. NSW. Department of School Education
  4. Leech, J. (1999). Cloning, controversy and communication. In E. Scanlon, R. Hill & K. Junker(Eds), Communicating Science. London: Routledge. p. 225)
  5. Martin, J.R. (2001).Language, Register and Genre. In A. Burns and C. Coffin (eds)Analyzing English in a global context: A reader. pp149-166. London: Open University Press.
  6. Martin, J.R. and D. Rose (2007) Working with Discourse: meaning beyond the clause (2nd edition). (Chapter 1). London: Continuum
  7. White, P.R. (2005). Ways of speaking: Exploring language variability, in Book 2 English grammar units 8-11. In context – getting inside English – interpreting texts, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, pp. 8 – 31.
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