Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows Essay (Article)

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The article Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows provides a scope of issues on the development of tablet technological devices in the computer market. The gist of the article corresponds to the question that by 2015 the tablet market will possibly have a share of 25% in the PC market (Edwards and Burrows 1). In this respect, the authors provide a line of the major rivals to Apple and iPad, in particular. The competition seems to grow with each day, for the “trophy” is too valuable to just leave it out. Struggling for second place is at stake.

Reviewing the main companies, researching and inventing new kinds of tablets along with the implementation of specific applications is significant in the article. Such computer giants as Samsung, Asus, HP, Dell are coping with the real need of having new technologies up. Cutting prices for cutting-edge technologies is, particularly, the main approach of Apple’s rivals. However, the authors claim for a particular obstacle to overcome iPad in its main characteristics: “Apple’s (AAPL) rivals may have trouble coming up with an iPad-beater” (Edwards and Burrows 1). This is why for such a device the company created a longlife type of battery along with custom-made stuffing.

Thus, the main hope of the authors is that the rest of the computer giants are likely to adjust their (each by its own) efforts to fulfill a niche in the market nearby Apple’s unchangeable advantage. To say more, it stated in the article that now it is all about the number of applications possible to be included in tablets.

Critiquing the overall value of the article, one should take notice of how it is constructed. The desires of the main players in the computer market are high. However, there are three factors needful to compete on the highest range, namely: current stage of research, funding, time. Arranging these three factors makes the picture as it looks today. The predictions of the experts highlighted in the article are hypothetically correct if taking into account that the level of current research in high technologies is constantly growing.

Thus, one should take a glimpse at trendy innovations not solely of Apple, but also the rest of the players. In this respect, the set of innovations proposed by Samsung and HP predicts further development of tablets among other computer technological devices. Checking out a business trip of each product, iPad is beyond disagreement as compared to its rivals. However, the current situation states a particular struggle for the most intensive markets.

Due to the quantitative approach iPad can lose its position while there is no telling concerning the qualitative innovative outlook of the device. Samsung and Dell, in particular, can increase expenditures for researching and then launching some devices against iPad. Again, it is solely probable if concerning tablets along with their technological and technical filling, applications, OS, and microprocessors fitting a particular device.

Hence, the survey by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows gives grounds to claim for the increase of tablet’s influence within the computer market. In addition, the technological approaches used and launched by contemporary computer giants need a deeper evaluation with further implications. At present, the position of experts by predicting a tablet’s 25% share in the PC market is quite reliable as the statistical data show.

Works Cited

Edwards, Cliff and Peter Burrows. “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second.” 2010. Bloomberg Businessweek. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 23). Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows.

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"Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows." IvyPanda, 23 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows'. 23 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows." December 23, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows." December 23, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Analysis of “Tablets: The Scramble to Be Second” by Cliff Edwards and Peter Burrows." December 23, 2021.

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