Specific Symptoms and Their Intensity That Would Indicate a Consultation May Be Appropriate
It is important to note that psychotropic medications can be effective tools for treating major psychiatric conditions if a medical professional deems them necessary. The given discussion and assessment will primarily focus on antianxiety medications, which become necessary when specific symptoms and intensity manifest. One should be aware that anxiety disorders are distinct from regular anxiety and fears experienced as a part of a normal emotional range of experiences.
In order to properly discuss anxiety disorder, it is critical to define it first. It is stated that “the term anxiety encompasses feelings of worry, fear, and unease” (Leonard & Ames, 2022, para. 2). In accordance with DSM-5, “anxiety disorders differ from developmentally normative fear or anxiety by being excessive or persisting beyond developmentally appropriate periods. They differ from transient fear or anxiety, often stress-induced, by being persistent” (APA, 2013, p. 189). In other words, if a person is experiencing an intense level of anxiety for longer durations than normal. For example, in the case of social anxiety disorder or social phobia 300.23(F40.10), an individual experiences persistent anxiety for over six months (APA, 2013). In addition, the intensity is heightened to the extent that social situations are avoided, and these settings are perceived with a disproportionate amount of fear (APA, 2013). In other words, if a person is experiencing persistent and intense levels of fear, anxiety, and unease, then the consultation and use of medications are appropriate.
Side Effects That May Interfere with Taking Medications as Directed
However, an individual considering taking antianxiety medications needs to be aware that that may interfere with taking the drugs as directed. It is stated that “drugs for anxiety have the potential to cause side effects in some people. These often resolve after a few weeks, but it is crucial to see a doctor if they are intolerable or do not subside” (Leonard & Ames, 2022, para. 12). The common side effects might include sleep issues, nausea, dizziness, headaches, constipation or diarrhea, drowsiness, and blood pressure fluctuations (APA, 2013). Whenever these side effects become strong enough to disrupt one’s wellbeing, they can severely interfere with taking the drugs as directed. Therefore, it is of paramount criticality for an individual experiencing these severe and disruptive symptoms to consult a medical professional to determine a better treatment plan.
Potential Benefits a Partner or Family Member May Notice
Anxiety disorders are major problems that not only affect the person having them but additionally those around them, such as family members, partners, or friends. A study shows that “both family functioning and quality of life among children with AD were negatively affected” (Ozturk et al., 2018, p. 346). It is not difficult to suspect that the problem might manifest in an even more challenging manner for adults with these problems and their close social circles. Therefore, managing and controlling the symptoms of anxiety issues successfully can have a profound beneficial effect on a partner or family member, which can be noticeable. According to DSM-5, suicide risk is among the biggest concerns when it comes to people suffering from anxiety disorders (APA, 2013). A more specific example would be separation anxiety disorder, where it is stated that “children may be associated with an increased risk for suicide” (APA, 2013, p. 193). Therefore, using medications can reduce the risk of suicide and directly improve the well-being of not only an affected individual but a partner or family member.
APA. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Association.
Leonard, J., & Ames, H. (2022). Everything you need to know about anxiety medications.Medical News Today. Web.
Ozturk, Y., Ozyurt, G., & Akay, A. (2018). Family functioning and quality of life among children with anxiety disorder and healthy controls. A cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 136(4), 346-353. Web.