Have you ever heard that your health insurance may cover Art and Music Therapy? (make a pause for potential response) In the present day, this option cannot be regarded as common, and creative sessions will be covered only if they are proved to be medically necessary. Moreover, while health care providers study the ability of art to impact a patient’s condition, a considerable number of people believe that this therapy is not necessary as art and music are for entertainment, and they cannot heal. However, (higher tone) I do believe that creative sessions should be available for all patients, and I am going to prove to you that music and art are highly beneficial for human health. (pause)
First of all, creative arts may be used in the treatment provided for patients with mental health disorders. I am sure that almost everyone may confirm that listening to particular songs or drawing helped them to recover from a breakup or distract from disturbing thoughts. In the same way, arts and music may help people who face emotional distress, anxiety, or depression improve their mood, trigger positive associations, and contribute to the healing of psychological trauma. (pause)
While music helps reduce loneliness and emotional pain, arts may substantially contribute to the efficiency of treatment and determine its outcomes. For instance, through drawing, people may frequently show feelings and emotions that they cannot express through words. In this case, when health care providers organize art sessions, they may better understand the unspoken needs of patients and adapt treatment practices in accordance with them. (pause)
Finally, it is generally known that our emotions impact our physical health. In other words, when we feel inspired and motivated, we recover faster. Thus, when patients, regardless of their diseases, are provided with an opportunity to have creative sessions, they will be fulfilled with positive emotions that will lead to positive outcomes in relation to their physical well-being. To conclude, I hope that I was able to describe the benefits of the coverage of Art and Music Therapy by health insurance in the most appropriate way to address your concerns related to its expediency. Thank you for your attention!