Audi AG Versus Kia Motors Essay

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The key feature of the automobile industry is globalization, and the critical necessity to act locally. Every company is trying to invent a marketing strategy suitable for the entire globe, however, strategies of each company differ depending on the marketing region. The aim of the paper is to focus on the marketing strategies applied by KIA and Audi, and define the differences in their marketing strategies, as well as define the key differences of the product positioning.

Audi Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy of Audi AG involves the strong positioning of the brand. Audi is associated with the reliability, endurance, and prestige. Therefore, the key accent is made on the history of the brand, as well as the benefits that an owner will get by giving preference to Audi. As it is emphasized by Koehler (2010), Audi AG is one of the companies that compete with rival models by launching low-priced models. This is achieve by low-cost manufacturing process. However, the key profits are raised from various marketing initiatives, like exploring new growing markets and marketing regions for promoting the brand name.

The marketing strategy involves coping with economic threats, and improvement of the marketing positions that may be weakened by these threats. Considering the fact that most automobile markets are saturated with numerous manufacturers, the only competence solution is to offer products of higher quality, and for lower prices. Hence, these discounts decrease the profit margins of most manufacturers.

The company is making a strong emphasis on management, and is deeply involved into the training process. Talented and experienced managers are regarded as the engine of future prosperity of the company, and grantors of its continued growth.

Kia Motors

The key strategic solutions that are offered by KIA motors involve direct strategic planning, extended public relations which helps to improve marketing communications, as well as system of reports. As for the marketing actions, implemented by KIA, it should be emphasized that the company is aimed at offering high quality production for the wide audience. Hence, as Ramrattan (2009, p. 33) states:

KIA Motors launched five major products over a 15 month period – Soul, Forte, Forte Koup, Sorento and Sportage and a new in-vehicle communications technology, “UVO powered by Microsoft”; oversaw communications for Kia’s first manufacturing facility in West Point, Georgia.

As for the media marketing, KIA motors is involved into promoting the brand name in various social media platforms, games, cell phone applications, and web video services. This helps to approach the target audience closer, and show that KIA is one of the most popular and widely spread vehicles.

The entire marketing plan is long-term, and it is divided into several short-term plans that are intended for achieving the short-term goals, and further achievement of larger goals.


On the one hand, the companies offer similar products to similar target audiences. However, these are various vehicles, with different history, technical parameters and design. Therefore, the marketing strategies differ in accordance with the target audience’s requirements. Audi is mainly intended for those who value prestige, endurance, and long history of the brand. (Boyer and Charron, 2010) KIA is mainly targeted at youth, as media applications will not catch Audi’s audience, for example. Anyway, the companies cope with the possible difficulties effectively, and they are able to promote their brand names globally, making emphasis on particular benefits and advantages of their products.

Reference List

Boyer, R., Charron, E. (2010). Between Imitation and Innovation: The Transfer and Hybridization of Productive Models in the International Automobile Industry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Koehler, I. (2010). Overcoming Stagnation: Product Policy and Marketing in the German Automobile Industry. Business Review, 84(1), 53.

Ramrattan, L. B. (2009). Dealership Competition in the U.S. Automobile Industry. American Economist, 45(1), 33.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 8). Audi AG Versus Kia Motors.

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"Audi AG Versus Kia Motors." IvyPanda, 8 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Audi AG Versus Kia Motors'. 8 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Audi AG Versus Kia Motors." January 8, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Audi AG Versus Kia Motors." January 8, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Audi AG Versus Kia Motors." January 8, 2022.

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