Automated Catering Management System Dissertation

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Automation is one of the integral components of modern society. The fast evolution of technologies and the shift towards innovativeness as the way to generate competitive advantage preconditioned the radical reconsideration of multiple processes in all spheres of human activity. For this reason, today, the level of automation increases every year with the emergence of new approaches to performing traditional tasks. Furthermore, the pandemic and the need to minimize contacts also promoted the development of mediate means of communication and cooperation. For this reason, highly digitalized and creative management systems have become more spread and popular in different spheres. The catering market is one of the segments that can benefit from the implementation of technologies and their integration into the work of various units.

Currently, most restaurants have their networks and websites providing clients with a chance to order dishes. They also simplify the task of managing such units, especially during the busiest ours or events. For hotels, the existence of the inner network is a must in the modern environment as it improves cooperation between various departments and helps to meet clients’ demands more effectively. At the same time, available technologies help to align a completely automated catering management system minimizing workers’ involvement and guaranteeing the maximum output and increased effectiveness. For this reason, for big companies or units focused on innovativeness or unusual methods, it might become an advantageous solution and option.

In general, the functioning of such systems can be presented in a simple scheme consisting of six stages:

six stages

In such a way, the automated system has a simple though effective structure. It provides a client with an opportunity to place an order and wait till it is prepared, not leaving his/her place or cooperating with other workers. It becomes especially valuable in terms of the pandemic or the need to avoid contacts. The given scheme can be expanded if clients’ demands are more complex or there is a need for the participation of other suppliers. However, following this pattern, it is possible to create an automated and effective catering system vital for the work of restaurants or hotels.

Each order starts with the client who has specific demands or desires that should be fulfilled. He/she uses devices with the keypad to enter the unique code for an item or select from the list of available options offered by a unit. These devices might include smartphones with the application or linked to the local network. Moreover, clients can use the website with all possible orders, items, and products. Furthermore, there is a chance to make an order using a device placed on the table with the list of all codes stating for dishes or services. This input device should be linked to the network to transmit information and ensure it would be used by staff.

The next stage presupposes the wireless transmission of all details to specialists responsible for completing the order and fulfilling the client’s needs. Most modern establishments such as restaurants or hotels are equipped with Wi-Fi networks allowing fast data transmission and exchange. For this reason, the input device can share information about clients’ orders with different departments and staff in several seconds, reducing the time needed for employees to process the details of a new request and share it with team members responsible for the preparation or delivery of the service. Networks should also be protected to avoid loss of personal data or cyberattacks that might precondition reputational damage to a company.

The next stage presupposes order preparation by employees regarding the outlined demands. The chef responsible for preparing dishes or other specialists needed for the delivery of an appropriate service will be informed by a message on the screen of their device linked to the same network. The loud signal will help to notice a new order and devote attention to it. The conveyor belt can be used to transport the request and reduce contact with a real person and the time need for delivery. The chef or other staff member can press the appropriate button to ensure people get their order and enjoy it.

The proposed catering system will also have information about the distance to different tables or areas that demand delivery. The workers should press a specific table number, and all products will be delivered to people who wait for them. The system will ensure the on-time and effective delivery of products with minimum involvement of other specialists, saved time, increased effectiveness, and better cost distribution. Additionally, the system responsible for the delivery of orders can be controlled by devices available for staff members to add some alterations and ensure there are no mistakes. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the system will result in increased clients’ satisfaction and a better image of the organization.

The ending phase presupposes payment and clients’ feedback, which is a vital part of the organization’s work. Clients can pay using cards or other cashless methods available through the terminal offered to a client. The system should consider all ordered services and dishes and provide a bill regarding this information. The customers should also be able to leave feedback about the quality of provided food, time, delivery, or services’ nature. It is a key part of future improvement as this information can be stored in the system and processed to promote positive change.

The described automated catering system can be considered one of the basic models for improving the work of the service market today. It can be enhanced by introducing new stages or steps to meet the diversified clients’ demands. Additionally, innovative technologies or devices can be added to the chain to improve its flexibility and ability to respond to emerging threats. The proposed model can be used as the basis for future enhancements as they can be integrated regarding the unit’s focus and the scope of services provided to clients. Thus, such systems can be a preferable choice for multiple organizations focusing on automating their processes and improving effectiveness.

Altogether, automated catering systems can be a potent tool in improving the work of the service market. They combine high effectiveness, reduced cost, minimum cooperation between a client and a worker, and enhanced output due to the exclusion of the human factor and minimization of the mistake rate. Using conveyor belts or robots, or remote-piloted vehicles, the staff can ensure an appropriate and on-time delivery of goods and items to clients who wait for them. For this reason, it is possible to recommend the further improvement of such systems and their extensive use to increase clients’ satisfaction levels and consider their attitudes are as the basis for future growth.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 30). Automated Catering Management System.

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"Automated Catering Management System." IvyPanda, 30 July 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Automated Catering Management System'. 30 July.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Automated Catering Management System." July 30, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Automated Catering Management System." July 30, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Automated Catering Management System." July 30, 2022.

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