British and French Colonialism in Cameroon Proposal

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Introduction to the Study

Regardless of multiple attempts to create new independent states free from the remnants of the past, the colonial history of various nations still causes significant influences on their policies and domestic affairs. Cameroon is one of the new nations previously the colony of Germany, and then divided between France and the United Kingdom until independence in 1960 (Ashu, 2020). This period became a serious factor shaping the development of a new state and its most important spheres. For this reason, the topic of the study is the colonial legacy on education and employment in Cameroon. The choice of the issue is justified by the fact that the problem remains topical for the state, but little attention is devoted to finding possible ways of its resolution. A better understanding of the effects of Cameroon’s past will help to find the methods how to mitigate them and improve the quality of life of people representing different groups or vulnerable minorities.

Chapter sets the ground for the research and consists of the following sections:

  • Background of the Study – describes the problem and the gap in knowledge linked to it.
  • Problem statement – states the research problem.
  • Purpose of the Study – outlines the pivotal aim of the research.
  • Research Questions – introduces research questions directing the study.
  • Theoretical Foundation – offers the theory used as the basis for the project.
  • Conceptual Framework – establishes a framework for the investigation.
  • Nature of the Study – describes the nature and character of the research.
  • Definitions – provides a list of central definitions.
  • Scope and Delimitations – explain the scope of the research.
  • Limitations – clarifies current barriers of the research.
  • Significance of the Study – outlines the importance of the study for the analyzed problem.
  • Summary – summarizes the information presented in Chapter.

Background of the Study

The existing research literature acknowledges the fact that colonialism has a strong impact on Cameroon and the work of its major institutions. Diang (2013) is sure that colonialism has not left the country and remains a factor influencing cooperation between different groups. Moreover, it shifted its focus toward neocolonialist and neoliberalist ideas (Diang, 2013). The state still critically depends on European countries economically, meaning that its ability to perform an independent policy is doubted. The current forms of political and financial power linked to education and employment are controlled not by the government of Cameroon but by other states, which creates the basis for the emergence of multiple problems.

Another problem coming from the colonial past is the loss of indigenous languages and, as a result, numerous issues in the education and employment spheres. Echitchi (2019) is sure that the differences between Anglophones and Francophones, along with the need to preserve good relations with European countries, created the basis for the decline of existing languages, culture, and education. The dominance of Western communication forms in higher educational establishments transforms them into privileged languages, meaning that Cameroonians who do not know these languages are limited in their opportunities to find a well-paid or respected job (Echitchi, 2019). This situation results from the state’s colonial past and its inability to find its own way to exist in the modern world.

The sociolinguistic survey among the Cameroonians living abroad also shows a significant influence of the colonial legacy. Hodieb (2020) emphasizes the fact that the gap in learning which comes from one generation to another and contributes to the extinction of the indigenous language, customs, and traditions (Hodieb, 2020). It means that colonialism becomes a substantial threat to local cultures as they are viewed as unnecessary or remain understudied (Hodieb, 2020). Moreover, people who try to save the heritage of their ancestors can experience difficulties in finding a job or becoming educated because of the dominance of French and English languages in the country (Hodieb, 2020). That is why it is vital to continue investigating the given issue to undertint the effects better and acquire tools on how to struggle with them.

Investigation of the educational policy of Cameroon also proves the idea that colonial history remains a serious factor influencing the state. The bilingual nature of tertiary education is one of the remnants of the past and is explained by the French and British control over two parts of the state (Dupraz, 2019). However, instead of promoting diversity and improving the language skills of local populations, these policies introduced exclusivism and created the basis for the division inside the country (Hyasinth, 2018). The existing two-language system of Cameroon contributes to the growing confusion among citizens, their inability to find a good job without knowing one of these languages, and the growing gap in education (Hyasinth, 2018). Under these conditions, the existence of several languages in the state serves as the barrier for its further evolution and elimination of the colonial past. Cameroon remains dependent on European policies, meaning that languages are important for its functioning and influence all aspects of a nation’s life.

Finally, the colonial past and the Europhone divide in Cameroon can be barriers to the states’ evolution into a democratic state. Investigating the existing framework in the country, Mbihbiih (2016) states that at the moment, the possibility of establishing a democratic state is reduced because of the absence of unity in the nation and the lack of culture and single mentality that can serve as the factor helping to attain certain goals (Mbihbiih, 2016). Under these conditions, the current body of research proves that there are still strong influences of the colonial past in the state. However, there is also a gap in knowledge related to how exactly biculturalism, bilingualism, and the former divide between three countries, such as Germany, Britain, and France, affect Cameroon, its education, and employment patterns (Hamann, 2020). Multiple authors are sure that the influences of these factors are strong; however, the current body of research lacks information about how the outlined spheres cope with the legacy of colonialism and what problems might arise.

Altogether, Cameroon is one of the developing nations trying to create a democratic and powerful state. However, the country still experiences multiple problems in different spheres arising from the divide because of the language and colonial past. Bilingualism does not cultivate diversity; instead, it creates exclusiveness and issues with employment. For this reason, the given study is justified by the need to outline more effects of the past history and find the causes for the current problems in the evolution of the state. Furthermore, the gap in knowledge linked to the given sphere also justifies the relevance of the selected topic. For this reason, the paper focuses on analyzing the work of the education sphere and employment patterns in Cameroon to understand the influences of colonialism and how they can be mitigated using modern tools.

Problem Statement

The problem under research is the current divide between the Anglophone and Francophone populations in education and employment. Although there is a significant body of research devoted to this problem, the connection between employment and education influenced by the colonial history of Cameroon is not explored. While authors look at the influences of the bilingual divide and European impact on education, there exists a lack of studies linking the problems in employment and the variety of professions studied by Cameroonians and their colonial past. For this reason, there is a need to conduct additional research analyzing the effects linked to this process and possible outcomes for the state, along with the solutions that can be utilized to attain the improvement of the situation and minimize the adverse effects of this divide.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the link between British and French colonialism in Cameroon and the country’s current educational system, with particular attention to graduates’ future employment opportunities. The given aim comes from the current divide between populations in the state and the history characterized by the presence of multiple powers. Under these conditions, it is vital to investigate the current trends and peculiarities in Cameroon to acquire an enhanced vision of how the country functions in terms of the strong effects of its colonial past. The given purpose also comes from the research gap identified above, as there is still little information on how the educational system and employment opportunities are correlated in terms of the language division of the nation and the emergence of some privileged groups.

Research Questions

The purpose of the study impacts the formation of the following research questions:

  1. How has British-French colonialism in Cameroon affected the formation of the country?
  2. What is the role of bilingualism in education in Cameroon?
  3. What are the effects of colonialism on the country’s employment?
  4. What is the connection between postcolonial education and the choice of professions in Cameroon?

The given questions help to guide the research and data collection procedures. The project should be organized to gather information and credible evidence to discuss the issues mentioned above and provide clear answers. For this reason, both the purpose of the study and research questions form the framework of the research. They also impact the selection of the research method and philosophy of the study. The research’s results are related to these questions and improve the understanding of the problem under investigation.

Theoretical Foundation

As stated above, the central purpose of the paper is the exploration of the influence British and French colonialism has on Cameroon today. For this reason, the theoretical framework of the study relates to the necessity to discuss the idea of colonialism, newly independent nations, and their nation-building attempts. All these aspects are also studied by the postcolonial theory, which becomes applicable for the study and serves as the basis for the following assumptions and conclusions. Postcolonialism is a field focused on analyzing and exploring the legacy of colonial past and imperialism, with the emphasis on lands that were previously under European power and state building-attempts there (Echitchi, 2019). The theory also focuses on analyzing the history, culture, literature, and language of local communities, how they altered under the influence of other states, their current state, and the future. For this reason, the postcolonial theory can be viewed as the foundation of the study as it follows similar goals and focuses on such aspects as culture, language, and power.

The framework of the paper is also formed by the ideas of postcolony formulated in some research works. For instance, Mbembe (1992), in his research “Provisional notes on the postcolony,” also cogitates about the notion of postcolony and the banality of power in such states. Using the example of Cameroon, the author speaks about the most notable influences that are linked to the past rule of European states and the way nations evolve. The idea of postcolony states for a state with a distinctive style of political power, pluralism, and specific historical trajectory still affecting the country and resulting in the emergence of multiple issues and problems (Mbembe, 1991). Under these conditions, the state suffers from past and ineffective patterns, binary categories, and the inability to find its own way.

Under these conditions, the postcolonial theory becomes the basis for the research. Its choice is justified by the fact that most events happening in Cameroon nowadays, its state-building attempts, and power patterns can be explained using the basic assumptions of the given theory. Moreover, the selected paradigm focuses on such aspects as culture, language, and legacy, which are vital for the study and the attempts to determine the correlation between colonialism, modern education, and employment patterns. For this reason, the focus of the selected theory and its ability to create the basis for the most assumptions made in the paper. Referring to major ideas formulated by Mbembe and other postcolonial scientists, it is possible to analyze the chosen area of interest.

Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework formulated above introduces several concepts that can also be related to the study because of their applicability to discussed issues. The fact explaining connections between the frameworks and the nature of the research is that the influence of colonialism and the following decolonization leads to people developing a postcolonial identity. Moreover, postcolonial history highlights the idea that colonization is a factor that informs policy after countries gain independence. For this reason, the conceptual and theoretical frameworks are connected and help to understand the problem better. One of the central elements of this paradigm is the notion of postcolony, which can be used regarding Cameroon and discussion of the leading issues that can occur in the state today. At the same time, the term is linked to the theories of postcolonialism and their major assumptions.

As stated previously, the term postcolony is introduced to describe states with a specific history. The researchers assume that the past division between European states, their interference in domestic affairs, and specific attitudes to the local population created the basis for the emergence of severe problems in the future (Lekane, 2017). Today, multiple state-building attempts fail because of the set of characteristics peculiar to postcolonies, such as dependence on former domains, weak power, problems with culture, language, and education. At the same time, Mbembe (1992) assumes that postcolony is characterized by a specific way in which identities are multiplied and transformed. It means that instead of creating a unique nation possessing characteristics of local people and having a unique culture, newly independent nations try to follow patterns brought by colonizers. It results in the emergence of the divide and emergence of privileged and discriminated groups, along with the evolution of new problems in different spheres.

Thus, the conceptual framework of the proposed study comes from the postcolonial theory and its major ideas. Speaking about countries with a history of colonialism, researchers focus on elements that are common for such nations and are traditionally problematic. These are national identity, culture, language, and divide within a country. These features are applicable for a postcolony or a state passing through the state building period and experiencing multiple hardships. The study views Cameroon as one of such entities as it demonstrates similar issues. Focusing on the education and employment spheres and applying the notions of postcolonialism, the research investigates the impacts of the state’s past on its current existence and options for further evolution. The alignment of the conceptual and theoretical paradigms creates the framework for the study and increases the relevance of conclusions.

Nature of the Study

The nature of the research and the research questions presuppose the using the qualitative research design and a case study method. The choice of the given paradigm comes from several factors. First of all, the project focuses on investigating the concept of colonialism in the Cameroonian environment with multiple factors associated with it. Moreover, the objectives include the determination of the connection between education, choice of profession, and employment in the state. Answering these questions demands collecting personal experiences to enhance the understanding of how the state functions and what problems people face in their everyday life (Creswell & Poth, 2017). Moreover, analysis of bilingualism and its effects in education also demands cooperating with individuals belonging to this environment to evaluate their experiences and views. For this reason, qualitative research is selected as the most potent data collection and analysis tool. This paradigm presupposes a better analysis of personal data, attitudes, and perspectives, their processing, and structuring to provide reliable conclusions.

A qualitative case study is also an effective tool to research a specific phenomenon and discuss its major peculiarities. It presupposes the examination of concepts, meanings, interpretations, and importance in a scientific context of inquiry (Gammelgaard. 2017). This tool helps to investigate real-world dilemmas by discussing certain experiences and analyzing them (Gammelgaard. 2017). The case study also helps to ensure that results have high validity and reliability levels, along with the credibility of findings (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). Under these conditions, the investigation of the effects of colonialism is conducted using Cameroon’s educational and employment spheres as the basis for analysis. This approach collects relevant information linked to the issue of interest and processes it to answer all questions formulated above.

In such a way, this qualitative study adheres to the case study design. The data is collected from educational establishments and the employment sphere of Cameroon, with the involvement of a certain number of participants to create the basis for the research and guarantee the absence of bias or corrupted facts. The data is collected in the form of surveys from 10-12 Cameroonians. Secondary data sources will include books, journal articles, theses, and other documents about Cameroon’s education and employment. Following the qualitative paradigm, the thematic analysis will be employed to outline correlations between colonialism, binary aspects, bilingualism, and employment patterns in Cameroon. Results of this analysis will help to answer the research questions and discuss the effects of the colonial past on the modern state-building attempts, the quality of people’s lives, culture, language, and customs. Altogether, the choice of the study’s nature, data collection, and processing methods is justified by the purpose, goals, and types of information that should be used.


  • Anglophones: English-speaking people. Regarding the context of the study, representatives of a particular population group influencing the education and employment spheres of Cameroon (Echitchi, 2019).
  • Bilingualism: the ability to use two languages (Echitchi, 2019). A person may become bilingual by learning a second language or under the impact of the surrounding environment. Speaking of Cameroon, the ability to use English and French languages is presupposed.
  • Binary aspects: elements presupposing two options or perspectives on them. For Cameroon, these might include attitudes to education, employment, and culture (Mbembe, 1992).
  • Colonialism: the practice and policy of partially of fully controlling a certain country, occupying it, and using it economically to fulfill specific needs (Echitchi, 2019). One of the popular approaches resulting in the emergence of giant states, such as the British Empire and their control over vast territories.
  • Divide: the gap in the Cameroon society which emerged due to the existence of groups speaking different languages and belonging to various cultures (Mbihbiih, 2016).
  • Francophones: French-speaking people (Echitchi, 2019). Regarding the study, a cohort of Cameroon’s citizens, using the French language as their first one and affecting various spheres, including education and employment.
  • Indigenous culture: native culture of Cameroon experiencing decline because of the influence of English and French traditions and languages (Echitchi, 2019).
  • Neoliberalism: a policy oriented on reform policies to revitalize the market, such as economic liberalization, privatization, deregulation, free trade, globalization, austerity, and stimulation of the private sector (Diang, 2013). It can be viewed as the new life of the ideas of the 19the century proposed to make society more liberal and democratic.
  • Postcolonial theory (postcolonialism): a study of the legacy of colonialism and imperialism with the focus on consequences they had on people and lands. It analyzes the history, culture, literature, and imperial power patterns (Mbembe, 2001). Postcolonialism also focuses on investigating the current state of former colonies through the prism of their colonial past to determine how colonial policies still affect the country.
  • Postcolony: a former colony of one of the European states possessing some features typical for such nations, such as pluralism, divide, problems with local culture, inability to establish a clear development course, and difficulties with state-building attempts because of the lack of experience in the given sphere (Mbembe, 1992). The term was discussed by Mbembe (1992) regarding Cameroon and its multiple problems.
  • Socioeconomic status: is a social condition of a particular class, individual, or group. It is usually represented as a combination of education, income, and profession. It helps to determine the demographical peculiarities and their influence on the state.


In general, it is assumed that one of Cameroon’s central problems today is the inability to find its own way for evolution and the lack of experience of being an independent state. The nation has acquired the independence and the chance to become a strong country with multiple resources for future evolution and is becoming one of the potent players regionally and globally (Ndille & Litt, 2018). However, the colonial policies integrated by the British and French rules contributed to the formation of weak leaders with the inability to avoid copying previous patterns and find a new way. Under these conditions, today, Cameroon remains dependent on European states and experiences multiple problems typical for postcolonial countries.

Another assumption is related to the language sphere of Cameroon. Bilingualism is one of the aspects traditionally associated with diversity and multiculturalism (Echitchi, 2019). However, regarding the colonial past of the state, today, it becomes one of the barriers to finding its own unique way for evolution and uniting the nation. The divide between Anglophones and Francophones and the rest of the population creates the privileged class and preconditions the aggravation of problems in the education and employment spheres (Echitchi, 2019). For this reason, it is vital to cultivate the local language and culture as they can be used as tools to avoid discriminative patterns and create the basis for future successes.

In the context of the study, these assumptions are vital as they help to understand the reasons for formulating specific research questions and the major ideas of the planned research. As stated previously, language is viewed as a critical element of any nation, and focusing on its current state, it is possible to find answers to multiple questions linked to culture and the state’s ability to evolve.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope and delimitations of the study relate to the issue under investigation, the formulated purpose, and research questions. As far as it is vital to collect up-to-date and relevant information about the current situation in Cameroon, it is necessary to include local populations in the research. They can provide primary data linked to the problem in the educational and employment spheres and share their visions on how this situation can be managed. The scope of the study also comes from the significance of the problem for the nation, as Cameroon still experiences multiple negative effects linked to its colonial past, and their investigation and improved understanding can help to create better solutions or offer recommendations for improving people’s lives and avoiding discriminative patterns.

The study focuses on colonialism as the central concept and policies linked to it. It means that spheres such as education and work are expected to experience the most severe impacts due to the government’s inability to establish a clear and specific course and follow it. For this reason, the choice of the topic of the research comes from the critical importance of these fields. They serve as indicators of the state’s well-being and the ability to overcome hardships associated with the colonial past. Results of the given study can be transferred to real-life settings, which evidences its high practical value and scope. At the same time, the feasibility and scope of findings indicate the topicality of the problem that is selected for discussion. Altogether, the ability to investigate the current state of Cameroonian education and employment spheres is vital for a better understanding of how postcolonial states evolve in the current conditions.


The study also has several limitations that should be mentioned because of their potential impact on results. First of all, the selected methodology presupposes using both primary and secondary data to address the chosen problem and discuss it. However, access to information sources and participants can be complicated. First, the pandemic introduces the need for isolation and distancing measures, meaning that working with individuals, it is vital to follow specific rules and minimize the risk of being infected. It might demand additional time and effort, which can be viewed as potential limitations. Second, the study depends on the information provided by people during communication or in their surveys, meaning that their subjectivity or purposive provision of corrupted data might deteriorate outcomes of the research and relevance of findings. For this reason, it is vital to control the data collection process and ensure maximum objectivity.

Another possible limit can be associated with the access to credible sources of information about the current state of the education sphere in Cameroon. The lack of knowledge in this field means the necessity to perform additional research to find sources that can help to fill in the gap and create the theoretical basks for the investigation. Finally, the transferability of the project might be limited because of its focus on a certain state and its unique problems. However, numerous postcolonies experience similar issues, meaning that the results of this research can be applied to other cases with little modifications. Under these conditions, the study has several limits that might influence results; however, their consideration will help to acquire more relevant and up-to-date data applicable to different areas.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study comes from the nature of the project and its focus. Today, numerous states still experience problems linked to their history and the inability to create new independent forms. The research will contribute to the ever-expanding scholarship on colonial influence in Africa and present a view of the underlying issues that prevail in Cameroon’s education and employment. The study will also help to fill in the identified gap in knowledge linked to the effects colonial past promote on independent nations regarding language division, formation of privileged classes, and chances for finding a good job. The project’s significance to theory, practice, and social change comes from the importance of acquiring results and their applicability to the current setting in Cameroon.

Significance to Practice

The study’s contribution to practice comes from several important factors. First of all, Cameroon has a bilingual society consisting of representatives of different groups and cultures. However, it does not lead to the increased diversity; on the contrary, this divide creates the basis for discrimination and slows down the states’ growth. The comprehensive investigation of the problem will help to outline its roots and conclude about the ineffective character of current policies and their inability to resolve the existing conflicts and eliminate remnants of the colonial past. The results of the study can be used to modify existing policies and help the government of Cameroon to improve the quality of people’s lives and find a new course for the state’s growth. Additionally, findings can help to attract attention to the most vulnerable groups and help them to improve the quality of their lives by outlining new employment opportunities or eliminating factors limiting them.

Furthermore, the significance to practice comes from the fact that the study’s results can be used by other researchers or authorities to address similar problems that might occur in other states with the colonial past. Most researches show the existence of the same patterns in different regions recovering from divide or complex history (Ndille & Litt, 2018). Under these conditions, the research becomes vital for helping to elaborate policies leading to a better quality of life and improved problem-resolution patterns in various areas. These factors explain the relevance and scope of research, along with the applicability of results and their high practical value.

Significance to Theory

The study also possesses a high significance for theory and contributes to its expansion. As stated previously, the problem of colonialism and its influence on various states gains momentum today. There is a tendency to analyze problems some African states face through the prism of their past. Furthermore, the postcolonial theory becomes one of the applicable frameworks for investigating the effects of past colonial rule and determining problems linked to it. However, along with the existence of numerous research papers devoted to this area, there are still underresearched fields such as education, language, and employment. A limited number of authors discuss problems peculiar to Cameroon at the moment in terms of its bilingualism, decline of the local language, culture, and customs. For this reason, the given study becomes an important step ensuring the transition from viewing states regarding their past to analyzing the concept of postcolony applied to existing environments.

In such a way, the study helps to fill the current gap in knowledge and generate additional theory. Its result can help to understand the correlation between the education sphere and employment opportunities regarding the language divide, the existence of Anglophone and Francophone groups, and the privileged status of some communities. This information is vital for future discussion of Cameroon from the perspective of postcolonial theory and focusing on culture, power patterns, state-building attempts, and the need to create a new and unique course. Altogether, the study’s significance to theory is justified by its focus on new ideas and factors acquired in the course of research. The obtained findings are valuable for both postcolonial and colonial theories, along with the new ideas of neoliberalism.

Significance to Social Change

Finally, the paper’s significance to social change comes from its focus and the nature of the research. The problems in the education and employment spheres might result in the critical deterioration in the quality of people’s lives and deprive them of the chance to engage in both personal and professional development. The effective work of educational establishments and their ability to prepare specialists to meet the state’s demands is one of the indicators of the nation’s health and its ability to evolve. For Cameroon, specific issues in this sphere linked to the colonial past are typical. The country cannot eliminate the existence of privileged groups because of the language factor and their belonging to an educated class. For this reason, the investigation focusing on outlining and analyzing the roots of the problem is vital for promoting positive social change.

An improved understanding of the current problem will promote an enhanced situation. Today, many people face problems with finding a good job because of their inability to become educated. The resolution of this problem via the creation of policies addressing the divide existing in Cameroon can result in a better quality of people’s lives and their contribution to the nation’s evolution. Currently, a significant number of individuals are excluded from the discourse within the country because of factors discussed in the study. Their inclusion can help to revitalize numerous processes in Cameroon and create the basis for its further evolution. Under these conditions, the proposed research has a high significance for promoting social change in the state and helping people to eliminate remnants of the past and engage in new state-building processes.


Altogether, the given chapter serves as the introductory part of the research promoting its better understanding. It introduces the study, its purpose, research questions and outlines its nature, justifying the choice of data collection methods and analysis tools. The given qualitative investigation focuses on exploring the link between British and French colonialism in Cameroon and the country’s current educational system, with particular attention to graduates’ future employment opportunities. The research questions are:

  1. How has British-French colonialism in Cameroon affected the formation of the country?
  2. What is the role of bilingualism in education in Cameroon?
  3. What are the effects of colonialism on the country’s employment?
  4. What is the connection between postcolonial education and the choice of professions in Cameroon?

Answers help to discuss the issue of interest and create the basis for formulating conclusions of the research. The section also outlines the significance of the proposed project, which comes from its ability to fill in the knowledge gap and promote positive social change by improving the quality of people’s lives.


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IvyPanda. (2023, October 16). British and French Colonialism in Cameroon.

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