For a country to harness its industrial growth in the 21st century, availability of resources and technology is critical. An in depth-analysis on countries that have progressed reveals that availability of natural resources and new technology contributed to their current status. However, the potential capacity to use natural resources for wealth creation and industrialization is a challenge to any country. In the process of developing a country or sustaining a country’s development, challenges threatening humanity emerge. The current problem with global climate is an example of a threat to humanity. A discussion on such challenges in poor countries would give an insight on the general problems, as well as recommend policies on the same.
Challenges facing humanity
A leading global challenge threatening humanity is the recent climate. In this regard, the rise in global temperatures as a result of the greenhouse effect is affecting every country. However, the impact of global warming seems to affect poor countries more than developed countries. The cost of reducing high global temperatures is a burden to people living in poor countries. It is important to note that poor countries cannot afford technologies that limit the emission of carbon dioxide. In this context, human activities that seek to improve industrialization in poor countries endanger peoples’ lives. Poor countries lack the capacity to influence decisions made in global forums in relation climatic change. This means that poor countries will continue to suffer from disastrous activities caused by developed countries.
New technological advancement such as geoengineering is expected to address climatic change problems. However, geoengineering may necessarily not be helpful in poor countries. Geo-engineering seeks to limit the rise of temperature by 2 degrees Celsius. This technological advancement is a technocratic ideology achievable only by developed countries. Nonetheless, while the technology offers a solution for global warming, there are concerns that it is unethical and unachievable in short-term.
Poor countries depend on climate patterns for agricultural reasons. In fact, conventional agricultural practices depend on climatic patterns, and a disruption of the same reduces food production in poor countries. From this perspective, geo-engineering is a technology with the capacity to change climatic patterns in any country.
Scarcity of resources is a threat existence of humanity in poor countries. From this perspective, scarcity of resources or hiking prices of commodity in poor countries is dangerous. In most cases, a change in prices of the natural resources triggers economic recessions. For example, a change in price of the natural oil results to an energy crisis. Climatic change alters productivity in food production, as well as change in food prices. Therefore, economic implications cannot be ruled out as a threat to poor citizens. Negative economical implications have a tendency to causes loss of jobs and economic instability.
An uncontrolled desire to expand economically and conform to technological advancements is in itself dangerous. Such efforts oversee over-usage of natural energy resources and adoption of redundant technologies. Poor countries use fossil fuels as the only energy source since they are unlikely to adapt clean technologies. From this perceptive, cases of environmental degradation, pollution and food scarcity develop as poor countries strive for industrialization.
Policy recommendations
Inclusion of all governments in establishing effective policies on climate and technology is essential. An all inclusive dialogue among governments should precede any initiative directed to alleviating challenges facing humanity.
A need to have alternative energy sources is crucial in preventing depletion of natural fossil fuels. In this context, adoption of clean energy alternatives like solar and wind energy is necessary. Rich countries should have an initiative that helps poor country in setting up clean energy technologies. An emphasis on products with low energy intensity would be significant in reducing the cost of energy. Moreover, this practice is significant in harnessing economic practices, in both rich and poor countries. A global initiative to plant trees is a major boost in conserving the environment and reversing harsh climatic conditions.
A policy to improve on current technologies is essential in improving the economy and environmental conservation. The current development of solar and electric automobiles is encouraging compared to the use of gasoline. Such technologies can be introduced in both rich and poor countries as a way of minimizing the cost of energy.
Development of climatic change models better than geo-engineering requires immediate progress. This means that new climatic change models should not be harmful to mankind. Moreover, models that limit the emission of greenhouse gases would be significant in the new climatic change policies.
A policy to compel rich countries against uncontrolled industrial pollution and emission of greenhouse gases should be enacted. In this regard, rich countries collective responsibility in conserving the environment is enshrined into law.
Effective economic models are significant in projecting both favorable and unfavorable economic periods. Adopting economic models and practices that encourage development of a country without causing scarcity of resources is essential for a poor country. Providing development loans and grants to poor countries by the rich governments should be promoted across the world.