The well-known truth “time is money”, seems to begin to change its meaning. That is, if equipment can be bought, raw materials are also not a rare commodity that needs to be searched for a long time, then the lost time cannot be returned, it is impossible to replace the opportunities missed at that time, it is useless to resolve cases if the conditions in which they are decided have changed. Moreover, the specificity of time also lies in the fact that the given skill is teachable to adults by applying andragogic approaches.
Current Relevance
The working hours of most modern managers of modern managers are tightened to the limit, the working day is not standardized. It is often not possible to complete all the scheduled tasks by the specified deadline (McCauley, Hammer, & Hinojosa, 2017). At the same time, there is a growing feeling of helplessness in front of an avalanche of problems urgently requiring the intervention and the belief that lack of time like lack of air leads to the fact that issues slow a person down. All this leads to a stressful state, further exacerbating the situation.
Andragogic Application
This situation in modern society is widespread and not only among leaders. Therefore, it is critical to teach the given skill to the adult population by applying modern andragogic methodological frameworks (Knowles, 1995). Undoubtedly each person can recall many cases when in one day he or she had to solve a lot of problems, visit many places, while he or she couldn’t decide in what order it was better, workability and reduces the likelihood that everything conceived for the day will be realized. In such a situation, the only solution can only be the use of special techniques and methods that have the common name of time management. Indeed, each person has a strictly defined amount of time, and it is the same for all people. It is impossible to somehow influence its quantity or its flow rate. Time management is just a big name for what in essence is the control of oneself, an organization, people in order to accelerate the solution of problems, the implementation of activities, the execution of work, actions (Wajcman, 2019). This is the management of the most rational use of time.
This problem is of great practical importance, both for managers and for any person. A large number of different factors can be highlighted, which are leading to loss of time. Some of these factors are the result of illiterate actions by the leader, some occur independently of him or her, and some are directly related to the personality of the leader. However, most of them can influence or at least reduce the time losses that occur due to the impact of these factors (Adams & Blair, 2019). Consider these groups of elements.
Organizational Learning
Organization-wide time management is a movement from the lower layers of the hierarchy. Indeed, it is impossible to force workers to save their own time and thus increase their labor productivity. Organizational management has several opportunities for optimizing a temporary resource, but this is connected with concepts such as project management, production technologies, it does not apply to time management (McCune, 2015). Time management, on the other hand, must begin its movement across the organization from below.
In conclusion, time management is a body of knowledge that is of great economic importance as well as personal. The economic significance lies in the fact that due to the rational use of time, a significant increase in labor productivity of both a person and the entire team as a whole is possible. Personal value is that it allows a person to gain a significant amount of free time, which will enable him or her to feel free, pay more attention to his or her rest, health and personal life.
- Adams, R. V., & Blair, E. (2019). Impact of time management behaviors on undergraduate engineering students’ performance. SAGE Open, 1(2), 1-6.
- Knowles, M. S. (1995). Designs for adult learning. New York, NY: Amer Society for Training.
- McCauley, K. D., Hammer, E., & Hinojosa, A. S. (2017). An andragogical approach to teaching leadership. Management Teaching Review, 2(4), 312-324.
- McCune, M. (2015). Life 101: Time management: These two time management strategies are easy for college students to use and can generate big payoffs. Educational Horizons, 93(3), 29-29.
- Wajcman, J. (2019). The digital architecture of time management. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(2), 315-337.