I have gained so much academically from studying this writing course, and I believe that the skills and knowledge gained from Clouse and Grevstad’s The Student Writer: Editor and Critic will go a long way in increasing my level of understanding texts and data in other courses unrelated to writing and comprehension.
At the beginning of the course, I had only fundamental and unpolished skills in various writing areas that the course has gone a long way to improve. As a student, I would find it very hard to come up with competent and coherent essays, and this course has revealed my area of weakness. Through learning how to organize and draft my essays, I have developed skills, and many of my writings – in both this course and others – show considerable improvement.
Conversely, there are still areas of weakness that I feel I need to improve on. One of these areas is writing descriptive essays, as I have always felt that description is part of all other writing and does not exist on its own. Therefore, writing a descriptive essay has proved a little challenging for me.
I intend to improve my critical thinking and writing skills. One of the measures that I have resolved to take is to get myself a copy of Clouse and Grevstad’s The Student Writer: Editor and Critic for my home library. I feel that the book contains critical thinking and writing information that will be of great value even beyond this course and even beyond formal schooling. I intend to make it my reference book on the subjects explored therein. I will also continue practicing my writing, especially on the subject topics I have described as my weaknesses.