Cultural Communication Practice Essay

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The importance of proper cultural connection practices is very high today. Knowledge of cultural communication patterns is a skill needed in a society where there are many different nationalities with their characteristics and habits. The study of communication practices and patterns can be carried out on the example of Korean culture, whose representatives are a relatively large part of American society. Thus, knowing how to communicate in this culture is essential to building a healthy society. One crucial pattern to study may be the ethics of Korean conversation. This aspect primarily concerns business negotiations. However, it manifests itself in regular formal transmission. The second cultural practice is communication through non-verbal channels. This aspect is of great importance to Koreans as they often use gestures or signs or actively express emotions on their faces. Such cultural connection patterns are essential and vital to communicating with the presented culture and require study and understanding.

The article by Gemeda & Lee (2020) explores the multiple facets of contacts in leadership and organizational management. An article by Brown & Winter (2019) discusses how important non-verbal communication is in Korean culture. Knowing how to use it can significantly help in interpersonal transmission. In the third article, Dal Yong (2018) discusses the general aspects of the influence of Korean culture and how Koreans interact with other nations.


Brown, L., & Winter, B. (2019). . Journal of Politeness Research, 15(1), 25-54. Web.

Dal Yong, J. (2018). . International Journal of Communication, 12, 404-422. Web.

Gemeda, H. K., & Lee, J. (2020). . Heliyon, 6(4), e03699. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, July 25). Cultural Communication Practice.

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"Cultural Communication Practice." IvyPanda, 25 July 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Cultural Communication Practice'. 25 July.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Cultural Communication Practice." July 25, 2024.

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