Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources Research Paper

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Child Development Web ()

This website presents a lot of important information for those who are expecting a baby or have certain questions about the practices that are necessary to be used in order to make their daughters and sons happy, recognize and develop their talents. The information on the discussed website is devoted to the most common problems, and it is organized in a way that allows the users to find everything they need faster. What is more, the information presented touches upon the topics that are the most significant for parents: the stages of development of a child and signs that may indicate various problems related to the mental and physical health of the child. To continue, the website provides the users with information on a range of health services available in different parts of the United States.

I suppose that this information can be important both for future specialists studying developmental psychology and for common people who would like to extend their knowledge in order to become more responsible when it comes to taking care of their children. As for students who are interested in developmental psychology, they can retrieve a lot of significant information on the stages of development of a child and disorders that may cause difficulties for children. Although there are no visual materials on the website, the information presented is still sensitive.

As for strengths and limitations related to the discussed website, I suppose that the former is much more significant. To begin with, I suppose that the information is organized in a way that makes it easier to search for something specific. What is more, if we speak about the sections with information for parents, the actions that are to be taken in case of various disorders are described in detail. As for weaknesses, I believe that it would be better if different pictures and schemes were used. At the same time, I cannot consider it as a real weakness because this website fulfills its main function even without such materials.

ThinkersBox ()

There is a lot of important information presented on this website. In general, the website is devoted to special programs for children that are implemented in Singapore. Although this source focuses more on describing the services proposed by the specialists from this development center, there is also a lot of theoretical information in their blog. For instance, there are many posts about methods of education that were used in the past and the reasons why they cannot be regarded as effective. What is more, there are many materials devoted to problems of children with arrested development. The latter can be very helpful for the parents of such children who would like to understand the differences between their child and his or her peers. The website is also helpful for those parents who want to know whether they make certain mistakes while helping their children to develop essential skills. Also, it is necessary to notice that there are different types of content such as articles, videos, and images.

I believe that this website can be useful for students who are interested in particular measures that can be taken in order to make the education process more interesting for children. I guess that this information can help future pediatric psychologists because it allows them to understand the nature and the reasons for the mistakes that parents make.

Personally, I consider this website to be very good because the information presented is quite detailed, and almost all the articles contain a few images that help to understand the material better. At the same time, it can be said that the articles presented are not always easy to read because some of them just list separate facts, and it does not help to see the aggregate picture of the problem.

Parents Action ()

The given website is devoted to the activity of this organization and its contribution to the development of newer methods helping children to learn new information and develop both physically and mentally. Besides the posts devoted to the findings of the researchers working for the organization, there are some booklets and other resources that can be downloaded from the site. According to the information presented, there are many opportunities for both companies and individuals to collaborate with the discussed organization. There are various services for different types of clients; for instance, the organization helps different companies to create campaigns in order to attract people’s attention to the problem of early development and proper measures that are to be taken by parents.

I suppose that this information can be important for those studying developmental psychology because there are many sources located on the website that can help to extend the knowledge related to developmental problems. Furthermore, the information is presented in different languages, and this is why more people can use it. What is more important, the information can be used by parents who would like to know how to treat their newborn baby to prevent possible problems in the future. Users who visit this site in order to help their children are provided with helpful manuals for parents.

As for the strengths and weaknesses of the website, I suppose that the latter is manifested in the fact that there are not too many publications and books. Although it is so because the organization was not established a long time ago, it may be quite a strong reason for some users to search for another website that presents more sources. At the same time, the website is clearly organized, and it makes it more convenient for users.

Works Cited

Web, 2016.

, 2013, Web.

, 2016, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 14). Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources.

Work Cited

"Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources." IvyPanda, 14 May 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources'. 14 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources." May 14, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources." May 14, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Child Development Web, ThinkersBox, and Parents Action Resources." May 14, 2021.

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